Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 24 This is the Dwarf: Axe Throwing and War Spear

In the end, the human envoys found a reliable official in Erice, the daughter of the old Johnny, and a dwarf girl of 80 (in terms of age, it is indeed a girl within the shelf life. Speaking of looks, can we not mention the aunt? Is this the word?) Anwana Ironspear, the clerk of Erice's Town Hall.

Returning to normal diplomatic channels for exchanges, even the soldier-style Biglass also breathed a sigh of relief. With the help of Anwana, the delegation finally handed over the documents to Eagle's Nest Mountain. The dwarf leaders who are qualified to fight for the position of high lord heard that human envoys wanted to come to Eagle's Nest for a diplomatic note. The first reaction was that they were no good. Only the high lord was qualified to receive diplomatic envoys. Then my mind turned around and found that it seemed that it was not impossible. I was talking in front of the human envoys. Didn't I seem to be like a great lord? Maybe I became a great lord just like that.

So the first dwarf agreed.

Is this guy's brain shit? When the other dwarves were in doubt, they probably thought of something good for them.

As a result, more dwarves agreed.

I go, there is a conspiracy, no, I have to agree.

So all the dwarves agreed to meet the foreign envoys as members of the Provisional Lords Council.

"Um, Uncle Biglas, dwarves are used to talking about business at the wine table?" Carlos, as a human noble who is not short of money, has been in and out of banquets on various occasions since he was a child. figure. But Carlos, the wine tycoon, couldn't stand the three-day banquet anymore.

"Master, I understand that the dwarves of the Hinterlands have always had a slight surplus of food. Drinks are not like we humans can buy. These little lords can't drink when they get the chance. "As a mage, Fang Zhuan, naturally, no one will deliberately drink wine. After three consecutive days of banquet, he looks like usual.

"Carlos, there is no way. The dwarf is the biggest lord. You can pee on his head before he is elected. After the election, whether you are acting or distorting your will, you must listen to the orders of the lord. These uncles, we are one of us. I can't afford to offend it. Let's drink with it. Hiccup!" Biglas has fulfilled the duty of a good uncle. These days, he has blocked a lot of wine for Carlos. The veteran of Stromgarde has vomited many times in private.

Knowing all this, Carlos couldn't help being close to Biglas.

"Then their tavern is still full of Tenten?" Carlos was still sober in his head, and couldn't help asking with some doubts.

"The tavern in Erice City is a tavern where the elves of Quel'Thalas have invested in it, you know." Fang Zhuan took a sigh of relief. Neither Carlos nor Biglas are professional diplomatic talents. These basic intelligence collections are actually You have to do it yourself with a great mage. Brick couldn't help but even complained about Odren and Glenn.

"The supreme leader is a general who only knows how to kill and set fires, and the noble leader who knows how to do it is an old dog who kneels and licks. Didn't anyone think that there are no special diplomatic talents in the envoy? The old man took the money from the magic consultant, I have to do the work of the intelligence chief, it's really a big loss." Brick muttered quietly.

The tribal parliamentary politics of the Hinterland Wildhammer dwarves is still at the stage where I see you pleasing to your eyes. I vote for you and you vote for me. What benefits do I give you? What's even more exaggerated is that they unscrupulously said these words in front of other participants in their memories. The most exaggerated is that Biglas, Carlos, and the three human beings participated in the meeting inexplicably. After receiving 6 barrels of Alterac beer, these dwarves actually gave the delegation a vote.

Although the votes of the delegation are added, there are still 23 votes in total. But your election of the Grand Lord is of the same nature as the election of the Grand United States of America. What the hell is it to give a vote to Bumpman from the M78 Nebula. Especially Biglas said that humans have been friendly neighbors of dwarves since ancient times, how can they interfere in the internal affairs of dwarves. So a bunch of drunks patted the table and jumped up and grabbed Biglas's collar (Biglas was sitting) and asked, "You look down on me?" Don't you treat me as a brother?

At this time, Carlos missed the great lord Fustad Wildhammer in the wetland city Grim Batol. Come and take care of your people in the Hinterlands. Without your leadership, the Wildhammer dwarves are just a group. Funny.

"Uncle Brick, is there any news about Kurdran?" Carlos tilted his head and whispered into Uncle Brick's ear.

"Well, a very famous dwarf boy, but he has an old man on his head, the guy on the right hand side of Metz who is picking his nostrils. So Kurdran is not eligible to participate in the Lords Conference. The news that Kurdran is an excellent The griffon rider, he owns a legendary griffon Xuen. I heard that there are two pure white griffins the size of your Alterant giant mountain lion on the ground." Some of the bricks can’t stand Carlos’s stomach. The fermented wine gas suffocated and said what he had inquired.

The dwarves are not really stupid. They found that there is no overlord to handle government affairs. Eagle's Nest Mountain has accumulated a lot of things to deal with, and finally held the final vote. As a result, in addition to the two little lords who voted for themselves, the number of votes was concentrated on two people, Metz Delacroix and Syldor Tempered Iron Felt, each with ten votes. By the way, Biglas and Carlos were forced to be helpless and could not abstain, so they voted for Kurdran's father.

Because it is the final decision, the battle for the lord of Metz Delacrepe and Syldor Tempered Iron Felt will no longer proceed to the second round of voting. All the tunes that Luos couldn't understand stood up.

Although not knowing what happened, the three human envoys also stood up.

At the end of the incident, Metz Delacrepp and Syldor Tempered Iron Felt stood opposite each other, shook their hands, and spoke the ancient language of the dwarf, and brought their respective supporters. Leave.

The human envoys who were hanging aside only learned afterwards that Mez Delacropp and Syldor Tempered Iron Felt would conduct a sacred duel in accordance with ancient traditions to determine who is all the Wildhammer dwarves in the Hinterlands. The high lord.

(Masters of the audience can make up for it yourself: who has the final say in Tsim Sha Tsui, who has the final say in Causeway Bay, who has the final say in Kowloon Slope, the Hinterland has only one Hao Nan and I am Metz Hao Nan. feel.)

As the Wildhammer clan, it is naturally impossible for the contest to take place on the ground. Mez Delacroix and Syldor Tempered Iron Felt will ride their griffon friends in a big duel in the sky. The two parties agreed that when the tree shadows were the shortest in two days, at the top of Eagle's Nest Mountain, the winner was king, and there would be no separation.

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