Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 25 Hee Hee Hey Hey Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee H

(The innocent author -kun only realized that the A in CC is a sensitive word after it was released.)

Eagle's Nest Mountain can also be called the Eagle's Nest Fortress, or simply the Eagle's Nest.

The Wildhammer dwarves have migrated here in just over two hundred years. They have hollowed out two-thirds of the huge mountain and built magnificent internal buildings in the huge cavity.

"Looking up close, it is indeed a bit like an eagle head. When I was in Erice, I looked far away and it was a awl mountain." Carlos's words were agreed with Biglas and Brick.

The real Azeroth is not the size in the game. The people need houses and food, all of which have to be provided by the land. Without enough living space, species simply cannot thrive. So the real Eagle's Nest Mountain is terribly tall. Standing on the big square outside the Eagle's Nest, you need to be able to see the top of the mountain to the extent of performing sword-swallowing juggling.

"Uncle Brick, have you finished the layout?" Due to insufficient manpower, Carlos and Biglas also put down the noble racks and placed magic equipment with the soldiers.

"It's almost done, you can start debugging." The brick tried to trigger the crystal ball in his hand, and found that there was a magical reaction, and called Carlos and Biglas back to their residence.

The Griffin Rider flies so high and looks like two mosquitoes fighting from the ground. Putting the ready-made archmage without it is the brain disease.

Dwarves are natural miners. The tiles that are allowed to enter the Eagle's Nest Mountain are like being in heaven. All kinds of precious magic gems that are priceless in the human world can be bought at Eagle's Nest Mountain. Credit Carlos. After 100 gold coins, the square bricks got a lot of good goods, and now it is possible to broadcast live.

Biglas didn't understand magic at all, so he picked an apple-flavored fruit that tasted similar to peaches and sat aside, peeling and eating meat.

"Uncle Brick, opal can be used to cast spells like Detecting Eye. I heard my mother talk about it. What's the use of adding green crystal?" Carlos asked.

"Do you think the old man would let the three of us huddle together to watch the crystal ball? Please don't insult the old man's professional skills. Humph, the guys in the Kirin Tor have become more and more watery in their assessments recently. The guys can also rate the great mage. The mage’s secret is to create miracles! Or is the research of Master Kel'Thuzad closer to life.” Fang Zhuan even babbled with contempt and complained, and explained it to Carlos, “I The crystal ball will be placed in the water that has been blended with the magic potion to cast the water curtain, but the blended magic potion will have a pink color difference when the water curtain is cast. I have tried many ways to improve the blending Magic potion, tried to eliminate the chromatic aberration, but failed. Later, Master Kel'Thuzad suggested that I start with the water curtain technique, which may be more effective. So I found that the green medium can neutralize the pink color, and this spell was completely completed. As a result, the gang The magic evaluation team actually said that my invention is the most boring spell of the year, and it also awarded me a Golden Lemon Award certificate.

Ignoring Brick's anger, Carlos's attention was completely attracted by the name Kel'Thuzad.

Kel'Thuzad was born in Alterac's family of an ordinary shepherd with two older brothers. Because of poverty, the young Kel'Thuzad had no chance to study at all. But Kel'Thuzad was found to have a strong magical talent when he was six years old. Once in the wild, he was attacked by a mountain lion. The terrified Kel'Thuzad understood the mystery of ice magic without a teacher. , Frozen mountain lions into ice sculptures. When the adults who heard the news went to check the incident the next day, there was only a pool of blood on the grass mixed with white powder - the bones were all frozen into dross. Later, the masters of Dalaran learned about the matter, and Kel'Thuzad was specially invited to study at the Dalaran Master's School. Hungry for knowledge, he was learning the basic magic knowledge that ordinary people seemed to be boring. He spent four years completing the homework that others took eight or even ten years to complete, from an apprentice to a junior mage. At the same time, Kel'Thuzad was promoted to a middle-level mage. The speed of a high-level mage is also an unbreakable record in Dalaran over the years. Although he became an archmage three years later than Brick, Kel'Thuzad is already Ken Rui at this point in time. Trust the highest authority-a member of the six-member council, the deputy of the archmage Anton Danis, the ruler of Dalaran, and the vice president of the Mage Association.

Is it true that the person who has something to do with the post of Speaker will ultimately be either Blacken or a dead body. This is the decision of the will of the universe, unchangeable and unstoppable? With a spit in his heart, Carlos refocused his attention on the side of the brick.

Because Kel'Thuzad's Blacken started by studying the sorcerer-like shadow magic left by Gul'dan after the end of the second orc war. At this point in time, Kel'Thuzad is simply the protagonist of the adventure novels of the wizard, and the positive image of Gao Daquan can no longer be positive. At the same time, Kel'Thuzad in the official novel also made a great contribution to the Alliance to win the second orc war. Unlike Anton Danis, who is good at defensive magic, Kel'Thuzad is a generalist. Al'dan conducted a super long-range magic confrontation, successfully defeating Gul'dan's plot to destroy the main force of the Alliance by magic. Will the man who can be confronted with Wu Yanzu be a bad person? (Some people may not know Daniel Wu’s stalk. The author -kun will explain to you: In Blizzard’s Warcraft movie, Gul'dan is starred by Chinese movie star Daniel Wu. Audiences have complained, Daniel Wu, you walk around in various human cities, women Just bow down to your face value aura and become your stubborn fan. What kind of battles are you going to fight. That’s why Gul'dan, the number one handsome guy in World of Warcraft, said.)

"It's almost there. The magic ball on the east side is blocked by something. You send someone out to deal with it. Which one? Number 4 one." After Carlos was sent, the tile finally cast a spell to release two eyes of the wizard, and set his own The staff leaned against the window to receive the magic signal, and then pulled a small coffee table against the root of the staff.

"It's just the last step." The brick started to chant the spell, took out the small magic wand hidden in the sleeves and began to cast the spell. The pink mist rose from the magic water basin and condensed into a curtain of water, and the image of Eagle's Nest Mountain appeared. On the water curtain.

"I'll go, it's still in high-definition!" Carlos, who was excited, said a Chinese words directly.


"What did you say?"

Facing the dubious glances of the two, Carlos explained: "Too surprised, too shocked, it made me incoherent, and the magic that won the Golden Lemon Award really deserves its reputation."

"..." After thinking for a while, Brick didn't explain anything.

"Open the door, check the water meter?" A dwarf mage broke into the room with four treasure house guards wearing mithril full body armor.

"Oh, it turns out that the brick master is casting the spell. Our mage tower in Eagle's Nest detected a sixth-level arcane reaction, so we sent me to check it. I'll go, it's high-definition! The brick master really deserves the master's Title!" The dwarf mage said in surprise and admiration.

"..." After thinking for a while, Brick still didn't explain anything.

Finally, Carlos, Brick, Biglas, and the dwarf mage each pulled a chair and sat side by side. Three treasure house guards and four mission guards stood in a row behind the four (a dwarf unfortunately returned to the mage tower to report went).

The small magic wand in the hand of the brick pointed at the water curtain and did not dare to move it. It was used as a remote control and a generator.

PS1: Treasury Guard --- The Wildhammer dwarves are elite units, limited to the dwarves. The profession provides +4 strength, +2 agility, +6 constitution, +2 magic resistance, and +5 strong attribute bonus. Standard equipment: Mithril full body armor, +9 magic resistance, +5 strong, extremely light weight, +3 movement speed, can be enchanted. Although it can't achieve the magic immunity of a spellbreaker, but the magic resistance is also extremely high, and the dwarf's powerful melee ability is better than the spellbreaker. Terrible mage killer and light armor unit nemesis. Disadvantages: Very high requirements for personnel quality and expensive equipment. The Bronzebeard dwarves in Ironforge have a similar unit: the Chamber of Secrets.

PS2: The H in CC**-H refers to HIGHSKY. Those who want to be biased are all big H.

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