Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 26 Speed ​​and JI Love 8: Ace Air Combat

At three quarters in the afternoon, Metz Delacrepp and Syldor Tempered Iron Felt stood on top of the eagle's nest.

"You shouldn't have come." Metz Drakerepp said.

"I'm here anyway." Syldor Tempered Iron Felt replied.

The two held their hands behind their backs and looked at each other silently.

"My eagle, named Qixuan Yuanli, has a height of five feet and two, and a body length of fourteen feet and three. It walks like a tiger exploring the forest and moves like a thunderous roar." A pose.

"My bird is called Jiuyouwuchang, with a height of five feet and seven feet, a body length of four feet and thirteen feet, with a dark blue beak, and claws as sharp as a spear." Syldor Tempered Iron Felt quietly scratched with his back hand. itch.

The two were silent for a long time.

"My hammer is made of meteorite iron mixed with hardened krypton gold ingots. It weighs forty-four catties and four hundred twenty-four dollars. It is enchanted with the power of landslides. Syldor Tempered Iron Felt drew out the warhammer and pointed it at the opponent.

"My spear was obtained from the enemy's hand. It is named after the cold spear. It weighs thirty-eight catties and six hundred twenty two. It is enchanted with a searing weapon." Metz Delacrepp brandished the spear and pointed at his opponent. "

The two of them continued to pretend they were holding dozens of kilograms of weapons.

"Your mind is upset," Metz Delacropp said.

"Your heart is upset." Syldor Tempered Iron Felt remained unmoved.

"Actually..." Metz Delacrepp was robbed of by Sildor Tempered Iron Felt before he finished speaking.

"I am your father!"

"Wake up, Carlos, wake up, it's about to start a fight." Biglas awakened Carlos who was sleeping aside, suggesting that he wiped his dream drool.

I go and fell asleep! I said that my Azeroth could not be so martial arts style.

After finishing his appearance without incident, Carlos asked: "How long has it been."

"About half an hour, the two dwarven lords who were duel have already gone up." Biglas replied.

Doesn't this world really have martial arts? Carlos, who had just woke up, was violently awakened.

"How did you get up?" Carlos asked.

"Of course the Griffin Rider rides the Griffin up." Biglas replied.

"Qixuan Yuanli and Jiuyou impermanence?" Carlos was relieved when he learned that the world was still normal, but he didn't speak through his brain.




"Just woke up, please understand." Carlos hurriedly closed the field.

"Young man, why sleep for a long time before you die? After you die, you will sleep forever." Uncle Brick sighed and continued to burn demons to show you a small movie. Your little kid fell asleep.

"Young man, you can sleep silly on a chair. You still owe exercise. Uncle, I can sleep for three hundred miles at night." Anyway, no one can break it, and Biggers beats it.

"Young man, understand, understand." The unknown dwarf mage looked at Carlos with empathy.

That's it, my own image. I can't relax for a moment. Carlos was crying inside.

"By the way, I haven't asked the name of the master yet." Carlos finally remembered his rudeness.

"In front of the Cube Turning Master, I am an intermediate mage what a master. My name is Johnson Boulder." The dwarf mage replied.

"..." Brick felt that it was too much to bear, so don't talk now.

"..." Carlos felt that he couldn't express his admiration for the dwarf mage in words. Dashi Johnson, the name DIAO is so popular.

"It's going!" Biglas stared at the water curtain and said suddenly, pulling Carlos' attention back.

It's really a warhammer and a spear!

After the two lords greeted each other on the protruding griffon beak platform of Eagle's Nest Mountain, they stepped on the griffon beside them. The griffon flapped its wings high, and the two flew into the sky.

After the first peaceful dislocation, the Griffin began to accelerate, and after drawing two almost identical U-shaped flight paths, Mez Delacrepp and Syldo Quenched Iron Felt met each other for the first time. , The weapons of both sides flew out at the same time, and the two strong griffins were also disrupted by the huge impact.

"The dwarf's physique is really exaggerated. The impact just now is about the same as the full charge of the knight holding the lance without letting go. If it is replaced by a human, it is considered light to smash the forearm and dislocate the shoulder." Biglas commented.

"Well, the average Griffin Rider does not have the strength and skill of the two lords. Even if the body can bear it, he will fall off the Griffin because of loss of balance." Johnson Dushi nodded in sympathy.

Sure enough, being able to fight is the only criterion for the dwarf to select officials. By the way, Dashi Johnson, how do you mage know so clearly, does the Wildhammer dwarf hide an elite force called the Griffin Mage?

The Eye of the No. 1 Mage couldn't keep up with the speed of the two dwarf lords, and the bricks decisively switched the OB perspective and changed to the Eye of the No. 2 Mage to continue the live broadcast of the game.

After the two dwarf lords stabilized their bodies, they no longer confronted each other, and instead flew sideways in the same direction, like two spirally twisted DNA gene strands.

Although the human kingdom also has a small number of Masters taming griffon skills, the family has a certain number of griffon knights. But human griffon riders are all baby bumps, generally responsible for high-altitude reconnaissance and confidential letter delivery. There is only one force in Azeroth that possesses melee combat technology for air units.

It doesn't seem to be right, the orcs also seem to have a small number of two-legged dragon cavalry. But considering the small body of the two-footed flying dragon, that is, the appetite of two adult griffins in a day. To make an inappropriate analogy, you are comparing the tonnage of the submarine to the aircraft carrier.

Carlos decided to observe carefully and learn the driving skills of dwarves.

A normal aerial combat battle should be to seize the commanding heights, and then pull the distance away from the back to quickly dive down, and use acceleration to throw throwing axes, spears, and hammers to kill the opponent's flying units. However, in the competitive duel of Metz Delacrepp and Syldo Tempered Iron Felt, the two lords competed on the Griffin's control skills and flying speed.

In the water curtain, the big beards of the two dwarf lords have been blown away by the gust of wind, and there is an indescribable alternative and elegant. The two sides have no more energy to use weapons, and both hands are desperately holding the reins. The two griffins tried their best to harass their opponents with their claws, and they were evenly matched.

"Are the dwarves' riders all monsters?" Biglas's sigh made Carlos unable to complain.

(This stem is from the Gundam series 0079, Char: Are the Federation MS all monsters?)

To no avail in the speed competition, Mez. Delacrepe and Syldo. Hardened Iron Felt began to use throwing weapons to attack each other in a circling maneuver, various high-gravity acceleration dives and high-intensity emergency stops to get rid of Carlos. There is a kind of empathy like brain congestion.

"The dwarf griffon riders are really monsters." Carlos exclaimed.

"You haven't seen Kurdran flying. The combination of Kurdran and Xuen is enough to dominate the skies of the Hinterland." Johnson Boulder said proudly.Either dodge or fly, Metz Delacroix and Syldor Tempered Iron Felt are only the last weapons in the fierce battle. The two circulated a few times and reached a consensus in a way that outsiders could not know.

Once again, they passed by without incident. The two moved away from each other and adjusted their direction, speeding up the charge head-on!

"It's a face-to-face confrontation again!" Carlos yelled. Except for the tiles to maintain the spell, the three sitting people stood up. The soldiers behind them quickly dispersed, each looking for a field of vision to continue watching the speed and passion. Showdown.

Following the fierce collision, the two actually grabbed each other after the weapon was released, and left the mounted Griffin together, and continued to fight during the fall.

"These two lunatics!" Even Johnson Jushi couldn't help cursing.

In the water curtain, a white lightning rushed towards the two falling people.

"It's Kurdran! Good job!" Johnson Boulder and the treasure house guard behind him cheered.

If the Griffin Rider in the sky looks like a mosquito from the ground, Xuan is obviously a fly. The size of a normal adult griffon gave it unparalleled instant acceleration. Kurdran caught the two at a distance of about three hundred yards from the ground, and all the viewers in the square let out deafening cheers. .

But an accident happened, and the exhausted Syldo Tempered Iron felt slipped his hands, and he slipped off Xuan's back.

"No!" All the dwarves groaned at the same time.

Kurdran quickly turned the direction to adjust his attitude, but when Xuenu adjusted his flight attitude, there was already more than a hundred yards between Syldor Tempered Iron Felt and Kurdran.

"It's too late! Even if I received it, Xue'an didn't have enough height to climb. Don't go, Kurdran, it's all going to die!" The tough guy Johnson Dushi actually cried out.

The hero always chooses the most difficult path forward. With the consent of Metz Delacroix, Kurdran controlled Xuen to dive down almost at an angle of ninety degrees. The guards of the treasure house in front of the water curtain all cried, and the human soldiers also whispered in the name of the holy light, hoping that a miracle would happen.

"Why cry? No wonder the dwarves don't have a climatic wizard." Brick was angry, and loudly rebuked Johnson Boulder.

The archmage who sat firmly on the mountain finally stood up, holding a wand in his right hand to draw a mysterious magic rune in the air, and with his left hand took out a blood-red dove wing long feather to cast a spell with one hand.

Release the slow fall technique beyond the visual range, this is the true strength of the archmage named Fangzhu!

(Can't help but say that what the mage is pursuing is a miracle that cannot be achieved by humans. The fort mage in other novels and those who focus on destruction spells are all heretics. Let us say long live to Uncle Brick!)

PS: Codewords and other rankings, the author -kun hasn't slept from 7 o'clock last night until now, and can't hold it anymore. There may be a fourth watch at night, maybe not. Although I know that there will be no book friends who keep refreshing and other updates in the middle of the night, the author -kun pretends to be forced. I feel comfortable after this. This is the author-Kun has flesh and blood Azeroth in his mind.

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