Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 27: The Fairy Tales Are All Lies

After Metz Delakrip officially became the lord of the Eagle's Nest, the special envoy of the troll crusade coalition, specially sponsored by the Alterac Kingdom and sponsored by the Barov family, formally submitted a formal request for alliance to the lord Instruments.

The Wildhammer dwarves of Eagle's Nest Mountain had been arguing about choosing to carry them before, and they didn't care what the humans were doing. After the dust settled, a bunch of short muscle jabs finally remembered three daily things - drinking, fighting, and beating the trolls. So the provisional covenant was successfully signed.

The Hinterland is located on a plateau, with an average elevation of more than 1,500 meters. There is plenty of sunlight, but the temperature is low. The spring plowing of the dwarves only begins in late March. Therefore, it is stipulated in the covenant that Eagle's Nest Mountain will provide the coalition forces with 100 guides and blacksmiths and other non-combatants in advance to help the coalition forces consolidate the camp and familiarize themselves with the environment; after the busy spring farming in mid-April, the dwarves will send no less than 400 ground troops. Participate in the military attack of the coalition against the trolls, and the supplies will be supplied by the coalition; the coalition will place an order for weapons and supplies of no less than 1,000 gold coins to the Wildhammer Tribe of the Eagle's Nest, and promise to give the Wildhammer dwarves more than 2,000 pounds of grain as an alliance free of charge. gift. At the same time, the Eagle’s Nest Lord Metz Delacropp privately promised that if necessary, the Eagle’s Nest Storm Cavalry (Gryphon Rider Corps) can provide paid air support to the coalition forces.

Both parties at the talks reached consensus on future cooperation in a cordial and friendly atmosphere.

"These short jabs seem loyal and treacherous inside!" Carlos felt that he could no longer blindly believe the information he had obtained in his previous life.

Where is Song Jiang, the loyal Wushuang dwarf who said that?

Where is the iron barbarian who said that Zhanyi Shucai?

Where is the muscular silly dwarf that said good?

What's the point of being violent?

I didn’t have in-depth contact before, yet I don’t think that these dwarven lords don’t have fuel-efficient lamps, and Mez Delacrepp is an old fritters old bastard, a proper feudal bureaucratic face, no rabbits, no eagles, no profit, no early character of.

"It is said that the strong light and the perennial sun and wind have created the dark skin of the Wildhammer dwarf. I think it is born from the heart. How dark the heart is, how dark the face is." On the way back to the coalition camp, The dwarves sang and sang all the way for an outing, and the mission guard opened the way in front. Carlos couldn't help but slander the Wildhammer dwarf behind Eagle's Nest.

"Cooperation should be mutually beneficial. There is no reason why we can take advantage and not lose. We can get steel and supplies from the dwarves, and our logistics pressure will be much less. The supply team can also save transportation capacity and transport more grain to the front line. We It's not a loss." Biglas looked lightly and understood the dwarves' choices. Stromgarde's dispatch of troops to join the coalition also planned to attack the Witherbark trolls in the Arathi Highlands.

"Well, it's not a loss for 2,000 pounds of grain to get 100 lead parties and tinkers. The next 400 rice buckets are also ours. This transaction is really profitable. Can we really arrange the dwarf uncles to take the lead? Metz? It’s fine for the old Dracreep to send four hundred gryphon riders, four hundred short-legged heavy infantry, we don’t lack this. "Carlos still feels that the wildhammer dwarves’ wishful thinking is too loud. .

"My little friend, don't think that our coalition forces really have an overwhelming numerical advantage over trolls. Don't think that this war can end without twists and turns. As an excellent commander, you will never dislike what you have in your hands. There are too many chips. The four hundred elite dwarf warriors are already a terrifying force, and you talked about them, aren’t they?” Biglers seemed to have no deep hints when he was teaching Carlos. What happened, and it seemed that nothing was said.

"There are four hundred griffon cavalry, we can push it all the way." Carlos pretended not to understand.

"We have spent so many days in Erice and Eagle's Nest, and we also have a general understanding of the number of dwarves in Eagle's Nest." Biglas doesn't care if Carlos really doesn't understand or pretends not to understand, it's just a mention anyway. , Not much to say.

"It's between five thousand and seven thousand." Carlos, as the successor carefully cultivated by Alex, naturally knows how to estimate the number of people through various intelligence.

"The population base is that big. It's uncertain whether there are 400 Griffin cavalry in the Hinterlands. They are all supported. Who will guard the Eagle's Nest Mountain?" Biglas handed Carlos a rolled one. Cigarettes, continue to say: "Moreover, we have seen the appetite of griffins, and we can't afford it."

"That's true too." Carlos hesitated, still lit. (The cigarette is sealed with saliva, wrapped up, rolled into a roll, shaken, and licked. It is not the same as the cigarette with the filter tip, and the one you smoke is the same.)

"So what are you complaining about? The Carlos Barros I know is not such a short-sighted person." After a period of contact, Biglers completely forgot that Carlos was still a minor who had just turned fifteen. Friends of the same age are there.

"It's mainly a sense of disillusionment." Carlos thought for a while and replied.

"Huh?" Biglas didn't quite understand.

"The dwarves in the storybook are not like this..." Carlos explained.

"Hahahaha." Biglas didn't hold back, and he leaned forward with a smile immediately.

"Little friend, do you know that in Stromgarde, I am also the person in the story. By chance, I heard a few children discussing the story. I had no errands that day, and I was very boring to eavesdrop on their conversation. In the end, I shouted I only knew that the godlike character in their mouth was talking about me, Biglas Bertone." Biglas laughed enough, and said to Carlos seriously, "Little friend, you are destined to do it in the future. Become a character in the story."

"Hey, I understand, Uncle Biglas, but there is a feeling that all fairy tales are deceiving." Carlos explained.

"Uh, you are too young and old, I almost forgot that you are still a minor, put out the cigarette." Biglas found something wrong.

"Why don't you remember when you gave it to me?" After taking a deep breath, slowly spit out a few smoke rings, Carlos gave the bad uncle a sideways look.

Back to the coalition camp safely, the solid log fence and watch tower have been completed, and about five square kilometers of virgin forest has been shaved off by soldiers and craftsmen.

General Audron and the noble knights were informed of the achievements of the envoy, and before Glass Bertone left to see his son. As for arranging accommodation for the dwarves, Carlos did not need to do it.

"Uncle Brick, I didn't have a good time to ask, Seedorf. What is the gratitude of the hardened iron felt to repay your life-saving grace?" Carlos asked Brick in the tent.

"Some rare gems and magic-friendly metals." Brick replied.

"Then the 100 gold coins you borrowed..." Carlos smiled maliciously.

"Sidorf. Tempered Iron Felt is the best forging master in Eagle's Nest Mountain. All the gangsters have agreed to return your Mithril one-handed sword to the furnace and recast it into a two-handed epee. The materials used are more than 100 gold coins. , Are you embarrassed to ask me for money?" Fang Zhuan asked for money without talking about it.

"..." Carlos suddenly remembered something, his entire face collapsed in an instant.

"What's wrong?" Brick asked curiously.

"I'm so stupid, really." Carlos muttered, lowering his head.

"So what's the matter?" Brick became more curious.

"My sword is a magic weapon! Mother's illusion enchanting light material is more than 300 gold coins!" Carlos, who was dizzy and dazzled, finally thought about what was wrong.

PS1: The first purple weapon in the protagonist's life is about to start.

PS2: Regardless of violent warfare or anti-war, there is a heart of weapons.

PS3: The taste of cigarettes is indeed not as good as the filter tip, but the rolling process is indeed very versatile. As for the cigar, it tastes better if you don't order it than if you light it.

PS4: It is said that smoking is harmful to your health, and the author of scare -kun hurriedly clicked on the root to suppress the shock.

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