"Gosh, he is so tall!"

"These knight commanders are really scary!"

"Isn't there still a war ahead? How could he come to Lordaeron?"

"Didn't the orcs have already failed? We have already won!"

"Please, even 30,000 pigs can't be killed so quickly, let alone orcs!"

Ignoring the discussion of Xiaomin Xiaomin, Carlos led his guard riding on the welcome route carefully prepared by Terenas.

In order to destroy Oridon's gang, one hundred and forty-seven loyal and brave guards lay in the green hills. Originally, the head of the guard proposed to Carlos that all his crew members should appear on the stage, but his helmet was slapped crooked by the king's slap.

"Who do you play for? No fewer people died in the Lordaeron Kingdom than we were in the fight against the war. Besides, I went to propose marriage. What do you want to express in the smoke of war?"

Carlos laughed at his political intelligence quotient with a pitying look.

"But your Majesty, everyone is a warrior who has been fighting for a long time. You want us to wear this kind of armor for show, this kind of colorful clothes that need to be sewn under the arm when the arms are raised, the subordinates are very insecure."

The captain of the bodyguard is making his last effort.

"The winner does not lie in how many things are done, but how much reality is gained. So, stop complaining. We will wear what the people of Lordaeron like to see."

When the head of the bodyguard saw Carlos open the box, read Jaina's message, and play with the armor that was so full, the whole person was balanced.

Anyway, it wasn't me who was the most embarrassed. I felt more comfortable, so the chief guard went to implement the highest instructions of his king.

Thus, there was a scene like a circus parade.

The knights held their heads up for fear that they would wrinkle the shining armor with a bigger move, and Carlos waved to the people of Lordaeron like a monkey king wearing bells and whistles.

In a daze, Carlos remembered a book review he had read in his previous life, and found it interesting.

[Crossing through other worlds, not asking for life, not talking about chances, just talking about being the protagonist, as a traveler, the family is the second largest noble in the kingdom, foreseeing the family’s future crisis, not going to farm, not to make money, not to go Operating, instead of training soldiers, he chose the Sword of the Common People, and he did nothing but honed his martial arts for ten years! After joining the war, he won a hundred battles, never failed, and gradually became a qualified general. Then he didn't train his direct lineages, and didn't grow the fields. Apart from plundering the enemy, he just sat and waited for the mountains and the sky! After that, Kun-kun became a king, did not manage the country, did not seek profit growth, and did not engage in dictatorship, let alone use the power of the king, Isshin plunged into politics Uzumaki! From the whole point of view, the protagonist Isshin willingly enters a field he is not familiar with, plays stupidly under the rules of the game set by others, is a little clever, lacks great wisdom, gives up the advantages, and has to compete with others on his own shortcomings. , Naive and boring! 】

If you have the courage to change the sun and the moon into a new sky, you won't be so miserable in your previous life.

If you really believe that there is a protagonist's halo in the world, you will be killed by others in your life.

-Kun Wang is originally the chess piece standing in the middle of the chessboard. It is the beneficiary of the rules. If you want to maintain this set of rules, you want to break everything. So, even if you are lucky enough to break the existing rules, how can you ensure that you will become a beneficiary of the new rules, and where do you have the confidence to make new rules with the full resistance of the beneficiaries of the old rules?

No matter how the political game changes, the nature of the game has never changed.

You can't even do a good job of cheating and picking loopholes in other people's games where you are sitting in the village. Where is the courage to sit in the village by yourself? Are you ready to learn from the Buddha and feed the eagles?

All the way to the Royal Plaza, Terenas led the royal family members in a row to applaud, and welcomed Carlos with a Guy spin ceremony. And Carlos took off the one-meter-high bizarre crown of feathers on his head and taught it to his chief guard, then took out the iron crown belt that symbolized the Alterac kingship from the saddle bag, and only then did he embrace it and see nothing at all. Terenas, whose mood changed, kissed the back of Queen Lordaeron's hand, and then greeted the little guys one by one with his younger brothers and sisters.

I went shopping on Chunxi Road, looked at the scenery at Tianmen Gate, checked my sister on Nanjing Road, and fled to Sanlitun late at night. Carlos has never seen any scenes. The man-made landscape of Lordaeron’s Palace may be for the aborigines of Azeroth. The majestic and majestic shocking, but for Carlos, it is the magical workmanship of nature that makes him more fascinated.

The calmness along the way made Terenas couldn't help but look at Carlos high until...

"This is?!"

"Tokachi Stone Monument, when the war is over, I will order craftsmen to carve the names of all warriors who died for the alliance."

Tokachi stone, also known as obsidian, is a kind of glass that is naturally produced because volcanic lava is rapidly cooled and condensed, and the crystal structure does not have enough time to form.

It's not that Carlos has never seen obsidian, but such a huge and pure Tokachi Stone still attracted his attention.

"Heroic people, heroes of the people, even if it is hard, we will eventually win."

Carlos emphasized the word "we".

"Yes, I won."

Terenas had an emotional smile on his face, but he did not give Carlos an affirmative answer.

The preparations were carried out in an orderly manner after receiving the wind and dust, setting up a wine and setting a banquet, and there was still a short period of time after leaving the table. Carlos and Terenas were seated in the fine room.

"Uncle Terenas, have you heard of a guy named Oridon?"

After all, Carlos didn't have the energy of Terenas, and he didn't have enough time to spend it. He couldn't help but open his mouth first and ruin the short-term tranquility in the fine room.

"You mean Aiden's nephew Oliden Perinold? Heard of it."

Old fox...

"I heard bad rumors that some people slandered Oridon as the product of his mother’s affair with King Aiden. The deceased has passed away. How could he be stigmatized? I tracked it down and found that the source was actually from Rodin. It's coming from Lun."

Carlos didn't have some, seemingly speaking casually.

"Well, it's really bad, I'll send someone to see it."

Send someone to have a look. It doesn't even need to be probed. It's so light.

"Well, with the uncle coming forward, this unhealthy trend can't turn the tide, so I won't mention him. Regarding the marriage proposal..."

"Carlos, you're struggling all the way, let's rest first, and we will talk in detail later."

What's wrong, this kind of solitary time does not talk about intentional business, is it...

Carlos's brain was spinning fast, thinking about all the possibilities.

The secret manor may not have been exposed yet, and his hole cards have not been overturned. There is neither rejection nor affirmation. There are too many possibilities, so it's hard to judge!

There was no useful information from Terenas, and Carlos couldn't even judge whether Oridon's words before losing his mind were true or not. Was it an invisible net that had already shrouded him, or was it just a plan in progress.


Terenas stood up, went to the window and looked at the early spring scenery outside.

"I am a king and a father. I wish my children a happy life."

so what? but?

Carlos waited for a long time, but did not wait for Terenas' turn, as if Terenas was just chatting with him.

I said!

Carlos suddenly felt that the flash in his mind might be the truth!

Terenas Menethil II is a daughter!

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