Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 245 Carlos has never been a good boy

A rare banquet, rich dishes, warm and cold in the early spring, the ladies and ladies with a little shivering whitening skin white and red, and the scene of feasting and feasting made Carlos feel a little tranced.

Isn't that the kind of life I pursue?

Isn't my long and unremitting struggle just to live such a life?

Why does my body and my spirit have such a subtle sense of discomfort?

Someone is sneaking close behind him!

Carlos turned around with the wine glass, his glass was not spilled at all, but Arthas was taken aback.

Ah, I see, it is a pot of war syndrome when it gets bigger, and it is hypocritical when it gets smaller!

Carlos suddenly realized, and then he squatted down and touched Alsace's head, messing up the little prince's yellow hair.

"Carlos, we won, didn't we?"

Alsace, who originally wanted to scare Carlos, had no specific purpose at all.

"Well, we won, we."

Carlos's voice was very loud, not only for Alsace, but also for everyone present, mainly for Terenas.

It's important for people to know themselves, Lordaeron is prosperous, Alterac is weak, even this fact can't be recognized, and it can only be full of baggage. Because of the rapid defeat of the tribe in Hillblad Hills, Carlos's plans were all disrupted.

As the backbone of the Alliance, the Kingdom of Lordaeron has almost supported most of the Alliance Army with one country's power. As a hero of mankind, Terenas, it is not an exaggeration to say that he and Anduin Lothar co-ranked first. .

According to Carlos's plan, the best time for the Alliance to defeat the Horde at the end of July. At that time, Alterac’s domestic political reform should also have a result. The Kingdom of Lordaeron, which was dragged into the summer, was busy cleaning up the post-war situation. In any case, it could not spare any effort to take care of Alterac, and with Quill Salas' covenant will give Carlos a greater say in the handling of many issues after the war.

The most important point is that the Alterac Kingdom, which has completed the merger of Hillbrad’s land, will change from the weakest of the six countries to a tie for second place with the land and population equal to Gilneas.

But the league won, and Carlos's plan fell through.

Do important things, pay attention to time and fate, in plain terms, it is fortune.

The Alliance and the Horde fought the north of Hillblad, giving Carlos too much room to operate. But now, Lothar's main force has gone south, pursuing the tribe all the way, even though the momentum is like a rainbow, it has also compressed Carlos's operating space.The territories of the various human kingdoms generally consist of these parts: the direct territories of the king, the territories of the vassals, and the franchise of the vassals.

Take the Alterac Kingdom as an example. Carlos's immediate territory is simply touching - Alterac City and the entire Alterac Mountains.

Yes, it's gone.

Whether Guy Darlon or South Blue Town, it belongs to the Barov family and Alex Barov’s territory. As the private estate of the former king Aiden, Steinblad will be divided between the former queen Sasha and several Pilinolds who have the right to inherit the family.

The kingdom belongs to the kingdom, the king belongs to the king, this is the current situation of Azeroth.

The current human kingdoms themselves are the products of the compromise of the high-level citizens of Stromgarde’s north of the Arathor Empire. Even the Menethil family of Terenas is no more than two kings. No one dares to shout "I am both Country", you dare to yell in front of you, go out and turn left and immediately someone rebels.

So Carlos's wishful thinking was very loud-vassal collars and pioneers.

Using the Lordaeron regime as an example, Stratholme is the territory directly under the Menethil family, and the mayor of Stratholme is directly appointed by Terenas. Hearthglen is a typical vassal. In addition to the protection fee that should be paid, Hearthglen does not need to pay more to the royal family's other gifts, and the territory is highly autonomous.

Carlos’s idea was to acquire a large number of these lands where there is no royal dispute. The big deal is double ownership. Anyway, the land lease is in my hands, and the land is all my people. Are you a hero of the Anti-Japanese War, do you want to provoke a civil war of mankind? Everyone’s jurisprudence was admitted by Anduin Lothar. Do you want to have infighting under the nose of Lord Lothar?

I held back the first breath, and the rest is nothing. I should admit it, cut the flesh, cut the flesh, anyway, the foundation is preserved, and the vitality will be restored sooner or later.

It is a pity that the tribe’s rapid defeat made everything flow like spring water. It's one thing to intimidate and induce strong buying and selling. You can't even get the land lease transfer book with bloody handprints. You want Anduin Lothar to close one eye and you can't do it!

If you can't beat you, then I will join you.

Carlos went north to Lordaeron by himself, saying that it was good to say that it was a big victory to propose marriage, and that it was bad to be that he surrendered and lost half of it.

Brill's location is too special, less than 30 kilometers away from Lordaeron. This fertile land produces enough to feed 200,000 people every year. It can be said that because of the existence of the Brill and Barov families, Lordaeron needs to transport a large amount of food from other places every year to meet the needs of the citizens. Grain merchants in other places, such as the many chambers of commerce in Stratholme, only need to transport the grain to the territory of Oakland, and then they can take a little extra money to buy the bill to Brill to extract the grain and sell it to Lordaeron at a high price. The Menethil family needs to spend more than 200,000 gold coins to make up the price difference every year because of the starting price of Brill.

Moreover, the Barov family has a 1,000-man militia self-defense force in Brill. Although in front of the city of Lordaeron, people can't even splash water on this point, but as a legal military unit, the Lordaeron regime has no right to interfere in its actions.

Rushed in the throat, this is how the Menethil family feels about Brill.

But the Menethil family did not eat dry food. After spending a lot of money, Menethil I bought the deserted Anjador from the noble lords of Hearthglen, and mobilized the population to reclaim wasteland. town. When Terenas was in power, the population of Anjador was over 100,000. Although the town of Anjador had the title of a town, the resident population was over 30,000.

The most painful thing is that through the invasion of the orc tribe, Terenas ordered a large-scale construction, and Anhaldor was directly built into a fortress city, guarding the throats of the Alterac people going north and Guy Daronsi going forward. thoroughfare.

If it is peacetime, Terenas’ behavior may directly trigger a kingdom war, and the bunker repaired me on my nose. What do you mean? But during the war, everything is reasonable and just.

Every Alterac soldier spread out the map and looked at Anhadore as uncomfortable as eating rice fields, just as Lordaeron looked at Brill.

Therefore, Alex Barov is very optimistic about this marriage proposal. Since the two are bored with each other, let's change it. My Brill is more valuable, and you have a daughter to add some benefits, and I will admit it through gritted teeth.

Terenas Menethil II actually agreed, and this is indeed a good deal. Looking around, it is easy to find a duchess title for his daughter, but the queen laurel is not so easy to find. Except for Thoras Bertone of Stromgarde, who is old and not dead, the other kings are young and strong. It turned out that only Carlos was single.

Therefore, Alterac's envoy had talked with the Lordaeron royal family for so long, and the dispute was not about whether or not Her Royal Highness Princess Galiya Menethil would marry, but how the Lordaeron royal family's dowry was given.

Originally, Carlos didn’t care about Oliden Pirinold’s question at all. It was nothing more than the support of those with ulterior motives and the Barov family. Have fun. As long as the exchange of benefits is in place, Carlos does not need to do it himself. Naturally, someone will send the head of the insurgent to the palace to receive the reward. Carlos can also listen to the articulate guy telling the heroic story of how he defeated the powerful enemy.

However, everything changed, and time stood on the opposite side of Carlos.

In one month, this terrible month, even if Barov and his son use their methods to reach the sky, Alterac will not be able to produce food in vain.

If the war is stalemate, Alterac must be a nationwide soldier, and it must be reused. Whether it is marrying a daughter for a condition or pinching his nose to accept a plant, Terenas must sell Carlos's food.

However, nowadays, Terenas has too many choices, it must be sold to sell, but how to sell, the knowledge has gone.

Once Alterac runs out of food in the country, the royal family loses its trust, and the people's grievances are boiling, all of Carlos's grand vision will be in vain.

Now or never.

Therefore, Carlos abandoned his army, suppressed the traitors with iron and blood, and came to Lordaeron with a victorious attitude.

It is not blindly arrogant, or young and frivolous, but swindling Hu, using the asymmetry of the news to force the development of things.

So, Uncle Terenas, don't think about it so much, just treat me as a fascinating fool! Carlos thought of deceiving himself.

"For the fearless alliance, for the heroic Lordaeron people, cheers!"

Carlos raised his glass.


"His Majesty Carlos Barov!"


The queen, who was dressed up in full dress, and Carlos made a very courteous face-to-face meeting, and then pulled the excited daughter away, leaving Jia Liya with a look of confusion and anxiety.

Arthas and Varian were wrapped around Carlos, listening to Carlos telling war stories in the free time when the major families came to toast.

Hearing Lothar's victory, even if he forced himself to be calm and mature, Varian was delighted, earnestly savoring every word and word that Carlos said.

"Your Majesty, congratulations on the victory."

"Aiqing has worked hard."

Seeing Alterac's envoy came forward to congratulate him, Carlos reluctantly shrugged his shoulders at Arthas and Varian, and then walked to a quiet corner with the envoy.

"Your Majesty, you are too impatient, this kind of chaotic behavior will not help the progress of the matter."

The envoy whispered with a smile, and raised the back of Carlos's hand and kissed it.

"The situation has changed, I must come."

Carlos smiled and shook his head, as if the opponent was flattering and helpless.

"What level of change?"

Before the envoy's accident, Alex discussed various emergencies with his subordinates. However, what Alex didn't know was that the envoy he chose was also a trusted confidant of Carlos' secret development.

In addition to proposing marriage, he also shouldered other missions of His Majesty the King.

"Hazard Level: Dragon."

Carlos drank the contents of the glass in one gulp, and uttered a code word through the cover of the glass.

"If it's a dragon, then the preparatory work is less than half done!"

The envoy's heartbeat couldn't help but slowed by half a beat.

"So, here I am."

Carlos stretched out his hand to beckon the Lordaeron royal attendant who came to pour himself wine.

"On the victory rally of the kings, I am the only one who is not a queen. You are too slow."

"It's the incompetent subordinates."

The envoy replied with trepidation.

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