Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are disputes. Individuals with a common purpose form small groups. Small groups unite into larger associations in order to achieve their respective goals, and various associations unite into larger groups in order to achieve goals that exceed the upper limit of their abilities.

The human kingdom, the clan of the orcs, all follow this trajectory.

This is true for alliances and tribes.

It's not just Carlos who has this kind of careful thinking, and none of the other kings is like that. Even Daelin Proudmoore, whose eldest son was killed in battle, will not execute the tactical order to sacrifice my family and to make others happy. Revenge is important, but living is the basis for enjoying a better life in the future.

Therefore, within the alliance, the undercurrent of power struggle has never subsided.

Thanks to Lordaeron's dominance and Anduin Lothar's grand prestige, the alliance of various interests, large and small, has been supported to the present.

In a sense, the Alliance did not defeat the tribe militarily, but defeated the tribe in terms of unity.

Although Orgrim was pitted by Gul'dan, there were still a huge number of Horde orcs who were still obedient to the warchief. It was Reid Blackhand's betrayal that really ruined the orcs in the Hillblad war zone.

The great purge of Orgrim's remaining orc commanders in the south, and the brutal elimination of those who refused to obey Reid Blackhand's orders, completely destroyed the unity of the orc tribe. Because of the fear of Orgrim Autumn, and in order to strengthen his power, Reid Blackhand gave up the other troops in cross-sea operations, and took the initially controlled orc southern troops along the original route to return to the Burning Plains and prepare to accumulate strength. Waiting for a better time.

The actions of Reid Blackhand were not wrong from a strategic point of view. It might not be a better choice to escape the war quagmire of Hillblad Hills and gather more power. But what he did, from the perspective of people's hearts, was to be a bad choice.

The situation that could have been restored, because of the substantial betrayal of Reid Blackhand, the orcs were defeated. Reid Blackhand

I want Orgrim to help him carry the gun in the back, wait until he is ready, and then overwhelm Orgrim as a savior and victor, and tell Doomhammer that he is the Great Chief of Destiny, and he is better than him. Better.

It is a pity that the guys who think that others are fools and only themselves are smart people are not very good in the end.

Without exception.

After the banquet was over, the royal manor was dedicated to receiving VIPs. After Carlos talked to the special envoy about the current situation of the alliance, the special envoy of the Grandmaster still understood the general reason why his king went north to Lordaeron.

It’s time to stand!

The purpose of the alliance is to deal with the tribe with orcs as the main body. After the orcs in the Hillblad area have been eliminated, what should be the next step is very subtle.

Whether to face the orcs across the strait, or to chase after victory, the choice is very delicate.

To put it bluntly, the legal legitimacy of all kingdoms of Lordaeron is almost from Anduin Lothar’s recognition. All those who claim to be kings are ancestors who have kissed the power of Thoradin, and all nobles consider themselves noble. The bloodlines are all from the Arathor Empire, and all the political heritage of the Arathor Empire is engraved with betrayal and treason on the back.

Anduin Lothar gave up the right to inherit the empire in exchange for the support of the kingdoms of Lordaeron. Why?

It's the friendship with the brothers, the sense of belonging to the Stormwind Kingdom, the restoration of the country, the restoration of Alvin!

So Lothar didn't mind Carlos's actions under the table, and was even willing to provide Carlos with some help that could not be seen in words.

Because Carlos has promised that as long as he is the king of Alterac, he will definitely carry the war to the end, and the orcs will not die and will not accept soldiers.

Carlos connected himself and Lothar in a way of binding interests, but the connection was not close.

Because of the memory of the previous life, Carlos, as a rare sober in the entire Azeroth, clearly recognized the general trend of the Eastern Kingdoms that followed.

In the eyes of others, the orcs had only experienced a major military defeat, and even Lothar himself had not thought of purging Hillbrad’s tribe in one fell swoop, just wanting to take advantage.

In the same way, the kings of various countries have not realized that the war on Lordaeron is coming to an end.

Time is different, circumstances are different, vision and choice are naturally different.

Gilneas and Stromgarde did not realize that the end of Lordaeron's battle did not mean that the Alliance had defeated the Horde. In the vast land beyond the strait, the new generation of orcs born in Azeroth could already walk on their own. Terenas did not realize that with the end of the war in the north, the Kingdom of Lordaeron became more important in human society, and he would stand at the top of the alliance.

In some people's eyes, Carlos' arrogant and prosperous northward proposal is an almost rude threat, stupid and arrogant. But only Carlos himself understands that now everyone has not seen the world after the fog of war. If you don't hurry up, the opportunity will be missed.

Whether it is for the legitimacy of the crown or the covenant of offense and defense with the dwarves, continuing to fight south is the only political correctness. When the army moves across Hainan, the gap in national power will be intuitively manifested. And after the people of Lordaeron who have settled down through the cloud of war, the heavy task of post-war restoration will also intensify social conflicts, especially in the first few years.

All of this is currently covered by the death threat of the orcs, and when the battle situation becomes clear, it will eventually rise to the surface.

Don't be fools.

Carlos kept reminding himself that.

The reason why I came to understand first than others is that it is taking advantage of the news asymmetry. No one who can become a king is a stupid, fast hands and slow hands, even if he loses his face, Carlos is ready to swallow it in his mouth. abdomen.

Therefore, the marriage to Galiya Menethil is very important.

Royal marriage is itself a political statement.

"But your Majesty, according to your statement, we won't have too much time, I'm afraid..."

The envoy understood what he needed to understand from Carlos's ambiguous statement

"Marriage proposal can even be placed second. The key lies in the exchange of benefits."

Carlos's complexion was very deep.

"But we only have... if we do this, I'm afraid the Menethil family will be offended."

The envoy said worriedly.

"So I'm here."

Carlos rubbed his temples and continued.

"If you did it yourself, Terenas probably used a poisoned dagger and a letter of sincere apology to understand the matter. Well, it could also be a group of chaotic people or even orcs who don’t know where it came from. Army. But it's different when I come. As long as it succeeds, Terenas will not only do no extra moves, but will marry her daughter to me happily and send me away with a big smile."

"Since you have made up your mind, then the minister will not persuade you. The last question is, where does the funding gap come from? The gap of 1.3 million gold coins is not a small number. Less than this number, we have nothing to do. significance."

The envoy looked at his king's eyes intently.

"Have you heard of the Morgan Consortium and venture capital firms?"

"You mean Mrs. Morgan and those green-skinned goblins?"

When the envoy heard these two names, his pupils dilated.

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