Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 254 The Last Supper

Unexpectedly, Unexpectedly, Terenas with thick eyebrows and big eyes is also an old hooligan.

Although Carlos unexpectedly forced Terenas into a momentary passivity.

However, isn't there such a good sentence?

The ginger is still old and spicy, and the thief is still old and slippery.

Terenas decisively sent his daughter to Carlos's room that night.

Are you afraid of death in battle? Are you anxious to get married? Give it to you, give it to you, except for fanfare, everything else is up to you.

Looking at the bewildered older Loli, Carlos was also dumbfounded.

After the guard sent His Royal Highness to the princess, he immediately flashed people without saying anything, and made Carlos a capitalized dumbfounded.

"The father said that you are going to war again, and you probably won't be able to come back. The daughter of Menethil's family counts. Don't worry, I will raise the child, and I will honor my parents."

Jia Liya's speech made Carlos laugh and cry.

The canary who grew up in the ivory tower is really beautiful, but this is a silly and innocent character that cannot be changed without the baptism of time and pain.

The key is that the two of us are innocent, what the hell is the child?

Every bear child is a master at destroying the atmosphere.

The weather was warm and cold, and Jia Liya sneezed out her nose. The little princess who wanted to show the manners of a mature lady couldn't help crying.

Although the fourteen-year-old little princess ate well and slept well, she was already stretched out, unlike Jaina who was as steep as a stormy cliff. But in Carlos's view, it is still a top-notch girl.

Although marriages at the age of fourteen are common in the home of common people, Carlos is not a good one for his young wife.

While doing my best to pretend to be mature, while doing my best not to laugh, both sides are very hard.

Carlos's persecution of Terenas is actually a political attitude, a public engagement ceremony, the exchange of tokens between the two sides is over, and he can go to the front with peace of mind.

However, Terenas is also a must, promises and daughters to you, the attitude can not be done.

The king of Lordaeron still underestimated his influence within the alliance, for fear of stimulating Gilneas and Stromgarde. But Carlos still couldn't help but admire his father-in-law, he couldn't learn this skill of life.

Staring with big eyes and small eyes is always not a problem. Sending Jia Liya back will hurt the little beauty's self-esteem too much. No way, tell the story. Carlos started talking about his battle in the Hinterlands in his youth, and continued to talk about the fight with the orcs, blowing the snowy landscape of Alterac into the sky and nothing on the ground, and blowing the Barov family into Model workers and moral pacesetters. In this way, when she talked about shopping with the orcs in the Battle of the River Valley, the little princess Jia Liya finally couldn't stand it anymore, and started fighting with her upper and lower eyelids.

With a sigh, Carlos picked up the real princess by a princess and put it on his bed.

"Sleep together?"

The little princess asked with shy and charming eyes.

"In my dream..."

Carlos burst into tears and used a very bad reason to prevaricate Jia Liya, let her hide her quilt after taking off her dress from the sheet, and poured another glass of low-grade red wine for the little princess to drink, and then kissed her. Jia Liya said good night on her forehead.

Unexpectedly, Sajia also has a difficult time when animals are inferior to animals.

Carlos really wanted to lift the quilt and turn into a wolf.

But after spending the night with Jia Liya, she hasn't done a lot of work yet.

The debt owed will be paid back sooner or later.

With a light sigh, Carlos sorted the papers and letters on the desk, put them in the briefcase and took them away.

"Blow the lamp?"

"I'm afraid of the dark."

"Good night."

"Good night."

Leaving the room, Carlos didn't care about Galiya who was thinking about it, so let's do the work first.

The real big events are never discussed by the people.

Every day I helped Terenas raise a daughter, and then dealt with the aftermath, collect funds, and buy out the powerful. Five more days passed.

Then waited for the big news.

Lothar gave a public speech in King's Square in Lordaeron, calling on the people to chase the poor and not let the orcs return to their homeland.

Starting with this speech, the fourth mobilization of soldiers, which had been stopped because of the victory of the Hillblad war, was followed up.

Carlos did not go to the King's Square to listen to Anduin Lothar's impassionedness, but in the speeches compiled by his subordinates, Carlos still tasted the taste.

The war has to go on until the orcs are driven back to their hometowns.

As more and more land was restored, and the war-time system continued, Gilneas did not oppose continuing to fight, and the hatred of the Kul Tiras nation accumulated a lot, and there was no need for people to mobilize.

Only Stromgarde’s fighting in the direction of the Saldo Bridge has not stopped, and the attitude is very ambiguous.

Fighting has become inevitable, but every family is arguing about how to fight and where to fight.

To counterattack the south, you can extend the road built by the dwarves from the Saldo Bridge to the south. It is also a good choice to take a boat from the port city to Menethil Port in the wetland and then follow the mountain road to the Ogaz Gate.

However, the rest of the wrangling has little relationship with Carlos.

As early as a month ago, Lordaeron's grain began to be delivered to Alterac.

Everyone ridiculed Alterac's King Card in private as an uneconomical Guy, but didn't know that Carlos had accomplished things that couldn't be done on the battlefield in Lordaeron.

Things were perfect, except for a huge favor owed to Mrs. Morgan.

The replacement of Brier and Anjador is very cumbersome and cannot be completed in a short while. The marriage between Carlos and Galiya is much simpler.

In Lothar’s witness, Carlos put a temporary small platinum laurel crown on Galiya’s head, and after signing the two documents with Terenas, he pressed their respective seals. , From a legal point of view, Carlos and Jia Liya are legal fiancées.

Different from the folk verbal contract, this kind of marriage relationship, which is seen in the document, even if one party dies, the other party still needs to perform its obligations.

After receiving a string of bracelets from Galiya to himself, Carlos took the magic pendant [Mother's Love] he had worn for more than ten years and hung it between the neck of his little bride.

"I owe you a grand wedding, and when the war is over, I will replenish you."

Everyone at the scene knew that this ceremony was only the Barov family and Menethil family confirming an exchange of interests. But Jia Liya is just a child, and the adult world is so difficult, how can she let her child not even have the qualifications to dream?

After happily accepting everyone's blessings, Jia Liya shyly nestled beside Carlos, while Carlos touched his fiancee's head and continued to talk with Lothar.

"Mrs. Morgan is not a friendly person. Be careful."

Anduin Lothar said so.

"Why are you all so taboo against Mrs. Morgan?"

Carlos asked puzzledly.

"Hey, some old years are just fortunate, you can ask your father when you have time, he should also know."

Nodded, Carlos took the initiative to end the topic, and then accompanied Jia Liya to dinner.

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