Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 255 Mysterious Envoy

Question: Why is there such a thriving ocean trade with teleporting spells?

The answer is: Because of the money!

Teleport spells, teleport array spells, portal spells, as you can think of, those with the word teleport, and even related messaging, sound transmission, this series of spells.

It's all unreliable.

The cost of stable and reliable casting is too high.

The safety factor of simple and quick is too low.

Good interference, easy to intercept, misleading, and frequent accidents. The teleportation series of spells have such problems under their glamorous appearance.

In the final analysis, it is the lack of human technology.

Under current technical conditions, the point-to-point transmission between mage towers is reliable, but its capacity is limited.

Although Carlos had played the bridge section of Okuyama on a snowy night, he couldn't hold back the older the rivers and lakes, the less courage. Although Mrs. Morgan also belongs to the human camp, Carlos really does not have the guts to go to the meeting alone.

So a man in a boat, more than two hundred brothers, floated at sea for ten days, and finally saw Menethil Harbor from a distance.

Comrade Lothar is still wrangling with the other big brothers in the alliance. The battleship is not a transport ship. Dalin Proudmoore’s fleet is already crowded to transport the Alliance forces to the wetlands, and there is too much pressure on logistical supplies. Comrade Marine, for the alliance, his son died, the fleet was crippled, eight eight-eight fleets alive and the orcs formed six six-six fleets, you now want others to recruit merchant ships from Kul Tiras to transport troops and food. , This is neither human nor scientific.

Therefore, the alliance members coordinated with each other, and it would take up to a month to requisition the ship.

As a result, Carlos, who originally wanted to return to Oakland, turned a corner and headed westward, heading south to Menethil Harbor by boat, and came on a walk-and-go trip.

Under the darkness of Menethil Harbor, there was no other light except for the guiding light of the lighthouse, like a dead city. When the war was fierce, the orcs would naturally not forget Menethil Harbor, the last fortress of mankind in the wetlands.

From the road, sea, and sky, the orcs launched various offensives against Menethil Harbor. However, as the last communication channel between Ironforge and the outside world, the dwarves realized the importance of Menethil Port and deployed a large number of Mountain Rangers troops to fill Menethil Port to help the Alliance defend the port city.

In this way, even when Orgrim was defeated at Hillblad, the Bonechewer and Dragonmaw clan responsible for the Wetland Raiders did not take Menethil Harbor.

Taking advantage of the night to shore, the chief guard took the paperwork to negotiate with the garrison officer of Menethil Port, and the others disembarked in an orderly manner to prepare for the guard work. Carlos was wearing a black cloak and stood on the deck enjoying Menethil Port. Night.

Azeroth is so charming, even war can not destroy the yearning for a better life.

On another ship about seventy meters away, it may be the chief mate or the night watchman, singing unknown poems on the shamisen. Although the tune is not good, the poem itself is very flavorful, which makes Carlos bear. Can't help listening.

In the vast dark night, two lonely sailing boats greeted each other as they passed by, and the bagpipes rang like a vague shape, but after a while, only a distant shadow remained. Life is like this vast ocean, you and my boat. Unexpectedly, they wandered around and met each other. They only touched each other's content and sound, and then escaped into darkness and silence.

When the singing repeats the second paragraph, the chief guard returns to the dock and tells Carlos that the procedure has been handled properly. As a result, Alterac's soldiers hurriedly came and left under the name of the Special Investigation Team of the 101st Army.

The long sailing was exhausting, but the veterans of the Guards were satisfied with the reality of being down to earth.

According to the agreement, Mrs. Morgan will send someone to lead the way. Carlos will bypass the orcs' troops from the hidden mountain road behind the dwarves' hoop excavation site, and head down the mountainous area to reach Mrs. Morgan's base.

But Carlos didn't like the feeling of being led by the nose. He decided to check the situation first. If it didn't work, he could return to Menethil Harbor, identify himself, and take a trip to Ironforge first.

The environment of the wetland is not very friendly to human beings. Muddy roads, humid and cold air, murlocs, swamp creatures, and now you have to add orcs.

Lined up in a vigilant formation, Carlos and his party marched quietly.

The blue-gill murlocs who thrive in the wetlands curiously looked at the human team in the night. The huge gap in numbers made the murlocs with basic wisdom choose to wait and see rather than act hastily. But swamp lurkers who follow hunting instincts are not so smart. A hungry swamp lurker tried to use his tentacles to drag a human close to the pool into the water for a meal, but was torn apart by several bursting arrows.

"This is really a ghost place. Breathing such a cold and humid mist is definitely not a good experience."

Carlos admitted that he had made a mistake in his decision-making. He underestimated the power of nature. Compared with the terrible geographical environment, murlocs, swamp creatures, and even orcs are not worth mentioning. His lungs are frozen through, which is a real breathing pain.

"Captain Guard, how far have we come."

Carlos asked.

"Your Majesty, you can already see the low bushes, and you should be able to get close to the mountains after dawn."

The head guard answered cautiously.

"Let the brothers hold on and rest after dawn."

"No problem, Your Majesty... Special Envoy, I've lazy the bones on the boat. It's not a big deal to go this way."

Nodded and stopped talking. It’s not a good idea to rest in the muddy swamp. Carlos took the reins from the soldier and led the horse by himself, so that the soldier didn’t know what he had done wrong and looked innocently. Chief Guard.

The stubborn goods...The head guard pushed him angrily and followed Carlos's footsteps.

It wasn't until noon that the fog dissipated, and Carlos and his party also walked to the edge of the swamp. The obvious changes in vegetation and the hardening of the ground made the human soldiers happy.

"Your Majesty, I have found the road. There is a suitable camping site to the north, but there is a small group of monsters with wolf heads who are taller than kobolds and entrenched there. The sentry did not dare to go deep into it."

The black cloak soaked in moisture emits white smoke under the shining of the sun. Carlos heard the report of the chief guard. The first reaction was confusion, and the second reaction was doubt.

The jackal went north at this point?

As a magical and mysterious creature, the Jackal is neither the original inhabitants of the wetland nor the aboriginal inhabitants of the Elwynn Forest. No one knows when the jackals began to flood, but when the Alliance and the Horde were dying, this strange creature quietly came to the Eastern Kingdom.

Carlos had originally thought that more is better than less, and he will go a long way to find a campsite.

But soon, the humiliation and fear once dominated by Master Hogg made Carlos nameless.

"Pass the order, the whole army is armed, let's talk to them."

Carlos has decided to kill.

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