Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 260 It's Time to Show the Real Magic

According to the dwarves, there are two kinds of orcs, one-eyed and two-eyed.

This is basically consistent with the situation of Carlos Master.

The Blood Cave Clan led by Kilrogg stayed south of the Searing Gorge and suppressed the human riots in the Elwynn Forest, while Orgrim led the Blackrock Clan, carrying an army of servants surrendering to the orcs and going north to continue the journey of conquest .

With the help of Hindeville VII, Carlos’ human forces made enough rafts in just one day's shift. With five wooden boats sponsored by the dwarves, more than one hundred people can sail down the water. .

"Our luck is really good, we didn't encounter the harassment troops of the orcs."

The soldiers would not let the king ride on the raft, and the guide always had some privileges, so Carlos and Brian Bronze sat on the wooden boat and chatted.

"Hilbride's defeat, the orcs' vitality is greatly injured, when you complete the assembly of troops and the deployment of materials, the day when your dwarves regain the lost ground is not far away."

"Honestly speaking, the orcs are really a formidable race. At that time, Magni had not decided to join the alliance. I also participated in the orcs' first Ironforge siege. Our outer castles could not last for more than one day. Yes, retreating from Anvilmar all the way to Ironforge, even though we dwarves are naturally optimistic, we are still worried. Fortunately, the steam tanks and helicopters of the dwarves are easy to use. For five days and five nights, the orcs have been fighting endlessly, and the orcs have never been able to attack. On the mountain trails of Ironforge, we finally won."

Brian Bronzebeard seemed to recall the snow and blood in Ironforge, his eyes open and flexible.

"Yes, we will win in the end."

Carlos recalled Hillblad's battle and couldn't help but sigh, it was not easy to win.

The aquatic ecology of Lake Locke is rich, with all kinds of fishes. The idle human soldiers use simple fishing gear to fish, and they have all kinds of bait, but there are always stupid fish that will catch the bait.

"Oh my God, water monster!"

A plesiosaur was attracted by the boat raft and followed far away.

"Don't be nervous, those guys look fierce, they are vegetarian."

Brian Bronzebeard laughed loudly, and ridiculed how weird human friends are.

"Brother Brian, my biological structure is poor. You told me that the fine fangs in that thing's mouth are vegetarian?"

Carlos looked at Brian Bronze with a look you were playing with me.

I forgot, I was facing a well-educated king. Brian Bronze couldn't help his face flushing and straightened his body.

"Well, Carlos, I apologize to you. The academics are rigorous. Plesiosaurus of Locke is an omnivorous animal that feeds on small fishes, shrimps and water plants and algae. It is cautious and curious by nature, sometimes because of curiosity. Overturn small boats, but in most cases it will not be close to dwarves...and humans."

After listening to Brian Bronzebeard’s explanation, Carlos nodded some people, and then shouted to his men: "The dwarf said the thing can be eaten."


Can eat!

At ease.

The riots brought by the plesiosaur quickly calmed down.

The dwarf said he could eat it.

First of all, the dwarves have eaten. To eat, you have to be killed. The dwarves beat me to death, why are we Immune to Death.

Thinking about it this way, this thing is scary.

Secondly, the dwarf has eaten it, which proves that it can be eaten. But humans have not eaten it, I have not eaten it, it tastes good or not.

Finally, why do dwarves make me unable to eat them!

The art of language lies in rich artistic conception.

In a word, it turns panic into a will to fight.

Soon, some human soldiers pulled out bows and arrows, eager to try.

It is difficult for people who are unaccustomed to or have not received training to aim accurately.

"Ahaha, I killed a plesiosaur with one shot at a distance of two hundred yards!"

Brian Bronzebeard began to blow at Carlos.

Carlos understood that his archery skills were average, and he would not be able to achieve any good results if his guns were not calibrated. He simply took out an exquisitely crafted arrow from his shoulder bag and handed it to his head of the guard. Than the eyes.

The head of the guard's arm injured in the Battle of the River Valley was almost healed. He smiled at Carlos, took the arrow and stood up, shook his arms, then opened the backpack, and installed the parts of the combined bow in a few strokes. , Adjusted and felt the strength of the bowstring, nodded in satisfaction.

"What an exquisite combination bow!"

Brian Bronzebeard, as a great explorer and a well-informed fellow among the dwarves, couldn't help but admire the technical prowess of the Alterac Kingdom.

"But the weakness of the plesiosaur lies in its eyes and heart. Unless it is pierced through its eyes or shot in its heart, it cannot be killed."

Then, out of inexplicable sense of racial superiority, the great explorer shook his head regretfully while admiring it.

The head guard still didn't speak, and smiled at Brian Bronzebeard, then opened his bow and arched his arrows, posing a very sulky posture and shooting up to the sky.

"No! Chief Guard, you can't do this!"

Brian Bronzebeard looked at the yelling human soldiers incomprehensibly, not understanding why they were all sore and entangled.

Then he got it.

Crossing a beautiful parabola, the arrow was in the middle of the head of the plesiosaur, and the head of the plesiosaur was blown away with a muffled sound.

"The chief guard is mighty!"

"The chief guard is good!"

A group of unscrupulous soldiers looked at Carlos blankly.

"Stop the boat, let's wait."

At the order of His Majesty the King, a group of consciously watery human soldiers have begun to undress, ready to go into the water to drag the headless corpse of the plesiosaur behind the raft.

"Your Majesty, you used such a precious magic arrow to shoot and kill a plesiosaur!"

Brian Bronzebeard looked at Carlos with a sore face.

"Brother Bronzebeard, the times are different, and within a few years, such arrows will probably be produced. I tell you, it’s not bragging, Barov technology, the core power of the Master. Your dwarves’ artillery upgrades are too great. Slow, are you interested in cooperating with our Alterac military?"

"Ah? Oh! This is my eldest brother's business, and I think our dwarf's 24-pound cannon is enough."

Brian Bronzebeard was dumbfounded by Carlos, accidentally telling the dwarf's military secrets.

Twenty-four pound gun!

The human Marine is still at the stage of a 12-pounder gun, and at most special ammunition. Dalin Proudmoore’s flagship CoCo, a 16-pounder gun, is already legendary.

Look at other dwarves, the gap!

That's how it is said, no matter how hard you blow it out, it will be perfect.

"Your concept is outdated, and still using the weight of the cannonball to classify the cannon level is itself an unreliable thing. We now use the caliber to distinguish. Big is good, more is beautiful, and more is the right direction to move forward. Four Are you afraid of the 10-centimeter-caliber cannon, are you afraid of the 40-pound cannonball, let me tell you..."

In Carlos' MLM brainwashing, night fell quietly.

Rock Lake is not so much a lake as it is an inland sea.

It is unreliable to want to cross the north and south of Rock Lake one day.

Fortunately, there are three relatively large islands on the lake.

Avoiding the largest island where the orcs had garrison, Carlos and his party landed on the second largest island, and the night was already deep.

"Captain of the guard, send the top soldiers to the island."

Carlos, who was doing business, put away his smiling face when he was preaching with Brian.

Soon, more than a dozen soldiers dressed in leather armor and fully armed crossed to the shore. About five minutes later, they signaled with fire to be safe.

"Landing ashore makes us often smell of plesiosaur barbecue.

Carlos gave the order.

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