Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 261 There Are Six Others Like Me

The rough disguise of the orcs did not deceive Carlos's guards.

In the dead of night, seven orcs guarding the island came out of their hiding places, and after gathering, they tried to assassinate the humans who landed on the island.

However, the human soldiers with pillows and armors stood ready and directly wrapped up the sneakers in the dark night.

In the face of the human army, which has an absolute advantage in numbers, the orcs can only swear.

However, again, however, the human soldiers on the opposite side actually spoke fluent orc language and cursed with authentic orcs, which short-circuited the heads of the orc defenders on these islands.

"When Hillbride’s war was the most tense, the Alliance and the Horde were constantly spying on each other’s military situation. Understanding each other’s language, understanding each other’s flag, stealing each other’s command documents are all very effective intelligence acquisitions. Means. Those of us who are fighting on the front line can even distinguish the opposing troops from the difference in the accents of the orcs during the battle cry. Among the orcs, there are also guys who can skillfully use the accent of the four countries, and even forge documents to mobilize the troops of the alliance. These guys are rare and weird. "

For the possible future partners of interest, Carlos explained patiently.

"The war is terrible."

Brian Bronzebeard is a good explorer, but not a good soldier. After knowing that there might be a night attack, he did not allocate his energy reasonably. He was excited for most of the night. At this moment, he was a little nervous. Suspicious.

"Choose seven people and fight against each other. The winner can go."

Judging from their size alone, the orc soldiers who stayed on the island are far behind the main tribe of Hillblad. Three orcs are not even as strong as the muscle clubs under Carlos.

As a result, Carlos is ready to look at the condition of these orcs in the most intuitive way.

The head of the guard originally wanted to play in person, but when he saw the eager dwarf guides, his brain suddenly opened up, and his king might not mean to show his muscles in front of the dwarves.

"Report the number!"

"Seventeen, twenty-seven, forty-seven, fifty-seven, seventy-seven, ninety-seven, one hundred and twenty-seven, stand out."

The head of the bodyguard randomly selected seven people.

Then, in the light of the torch, the most capable guys among Oakland's "ordinary people" picked their opponents with bloodthirsty excitement.

Then, seven dead orc corpses spread across the ground.

"The orcs are weakened."

The captain of the bodyguard was still looking at it, and Carlos still heard the slight sigh.

"We have become stronger."

Even though there are strong and weak points among the orcs, these orcs who stay on the isolated island belong to the inferior horses among the orcs, but in cruel wars, it is an indisputable fact that the human technical and tactical system has advanced by leaps and bounds.

The fighting instincts of these seven orcs still did not humiliate their race, and their fighting will was also very strong. All of them were good hunters, but their fighting skills were a bit poor.

"I think I should send an urgent letter to Marshal Lothar. The Alliance's actions must be accelerated. Hillblad's failure has dealt a heavy blow to the Horde. This moment may be the weakest moment of the orcs. However, every minute wasted, The orcs are rejuvenating, and we can’t make the home of the dwarf brothers become the second Hillbrad battlefield."

Carlos's remarks were partly sincere and partly a political show, but Brian Bronzebeard couldn't help nodding when he heard it. The Ironforge family was really struggling to fight the orcs alone.

After the hustle and bustle, the temporary camp returned to calm. In the pre-dawn distress, the orcs once again let humans and dwarves see what a fighting race is.

It turns out that in addition to the seven orcs in the night, there are five orcs hiding in the tidal flat.

Although the cold Lake Locke seriously weakened the physical strength of these five orcs, using psychological paralysis and dead ends of thinking, these five guys destroyed Carlos's three rafts and killed two night watch soldiers.

It is a pity that these guys mistakenly chose Carlos as a breakthrough point, trying to open Wushuang in the human camp after drinking the blood of the devil.

An angry Carlos pushed aside the shield guards in front of him, drew out the standard longsword, and joined the battle group in the most brutal and rude way.

"I have repeatedly warned you, to stand taller than the sky, dozing off kills people, is it fun? Is it exciting? Is it interesting?"

Facing the furious king, all the guards of the Guards bowed their heads, and they were no longer the face of Laozi's No. 1 in the world.

"How terrible is the orc? Is it the first day you have seen it or is it the first time you have heard of it? I brought you out to perform a mission, not to play, not to die!"

After venting, Carlos wiped his face and reduced his anger.

"Check the flooded materials, gather the scattered logs, repair the raft, and properly dispose of the brothers' remains. We should speed up."

When everything was busy, the sky was already bright.

"Your Majesty, we found fresh orc footprints on the tidal flats in the north-northwest. I am afraid that an orc crossed over last night."

The captain of the bodyguard whispered to Carlos before setting off.

"Don't bother."

Carlos thought for a while and gave an answer.

The comfort along the way, not only paralyzed the soldiers of the Guards, even Carlos himself also relaxed, and the overnight change, the remains of twelve orcs and the remains of two men, made Carlos finally remember that between the Alliance and the Horde The war is far from over.

The war continues.

After three days and two nights, the large group finally landed on the south bank of Rock Lake.

"Carlos, go south for an hour and you will be at the Iron Ring Excavation Site."

After Brian Bronzebeard landed, he couldn't help but stomped his feet. It was not a good feeling to be floating on the simple wooden boat for a long time.

"Well, I will fulfill my promise. Is there a place suitable for camping nearby?"

Carlos asked.

"Yes, there is a gravel mountain col in the southwest, where there is an artesian well underneath."

Brian Bronzebeard thought for a while and replied.

Then, Carlos proposed that Brian send two people to lead the way, and send another team to investigate first. The rest of the staff will settle down first, take a rest and adjust for one night, and then use one day to complete the promise to the Thunder Spear expedition tomorrow. .

"no problem."

Brian Bronzebeard agreed to Carlos' request.

In Carlos's impression, the earthen—the predecessor of the dwarves, is an improved form of the standard underground creatures designed by the Titans of the Pantheon when they were transforming the world. Every creature created by the creator has a certain mission. After completing the Azeroth localization of the standard template, the Earthlings became a universal variety adapted to life deep underground, taking on the transformation of the planet's internal environment. In other words, Earthling is a builder in the Titan Army.

Earth dwarves, iron vaults, and steel dwarves guard the prison.

Whether it is a dwarf, a human, or a dwarf, they are all corrupted by the curse of flesh and blood of the ancient gods.

Only the Stone Palatine, there are two theories about the cause of their formation.

The first statement is that after the earth spirits were created, they have undergone many unforeseen changes due to the huge environmental pressure. When the earth spirit's synthetic matrix is ​​unstable, upgraded is produced. The first type of variant is called "caveman", that is, "stone palate". This variant retains the strength and endurance of the Earth Spirit, but its perception power is greatly weakened. ** And cunning, and the natural hatred of dwarves have become cavemen's instincts. After the Titan discovered his own failed work, he buried these stone palates in the underground of the ancient Titan city 【Uldaman】. Later, the dwarves were addicted to digging and digging out their big cousins.

The second argument is that the stone palate is actually an earth spirit that has been corrupted too deeply.

Although the stone palate is not a big threat to humans except for the number, the hoop excavation site is separated from Uldaman by the entire barren land. Even if the stone palate is dug out, it is nothing more than a scattered ethnic group in the periphery. But Carlos is still ready to plan well before going.

There is nothing simple about things related to Titans, Old Gods, and Elune.

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