Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 263 The Law of Conservation of Character

Carlos is a general theist. He believes in Murphy's law, in metaphysics, in the will of the universe, and believes that the mystery does not save the evil and the krypton does not change his life.

So he is in a bad mood now.

There are three laws of conservation of character.

The first-all the problems in life can be summarized into two problems, character problems and appearance problems.

Article 2-Appearance is inversely proportional to character.

Article 3-When you come out, you will have to pay it back sooner or later.

Carlos has always felt that it is normal for a handsome guy like himself to occasionally owe money or something, which is not surprising.

But since leaving the hoop excavation site, Carlos felt uncomfortable with a malicious hidden in luck.

There was a shortage of food reserves before entering the secret passage, and immediately encountered the migrating deer herd.

Walking in a barren land, the underground artesian spring of the original replenishment point dries up, drinking water is in crisis, and heavy rain is poured immediately.

A large number of earth elemental runners rioted inexplicably, and the orc troops immediately came out to top the pot.

Everything, put it on other people, I am afraid that a thousand words will converge into a LUCKY. But Carlos was scared, really scared, as if an invisible hand was pushing him forward.

When you come out, you will have to pay it back sooner or later. If you overdraw your character in these minutiae, you have to stab Louzi at the critical moment!

"That's it. We walked from the underground passage to the crevice canyon, avoiding the broken terrain of most of the barren land, and then traveling southeast for about a day to reach the mountain range that separates the barren land and the dark swamp. A road can go around the orc’s eyeliner and go straight to Morgan’s sentry. It’s a hard lap."

Brian Bronzebeard took out the map and compared it, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

The Badlands are deserted, and there are not many topography that can be used as landmarks, and there are often dwarf expeditions getting lost. As for the route that Carlos chose, Brian Bronzebeard had only heard of it, and had not walked it on the spot. It was not until he saw the Eagle's Mouth Rock marked on the map that he was finally sure that he had not taken the wrong path.

"About how long will it take us to reach our destination?"

Carlos took out the water sac, pulled out the plug, took a sip, moistened his throat, and then asked slowly.

"Then it depends on the road conditions. Roughly estimate, it will take five to seven days."

Brian Bronzebeard thought for a while, and used his rich expedition experience to estimate an approximate time.

Then Carlos felt worse.

Today, April 5th is only eight days away from April 13th. Time is so tight.

From another perspective, the time card is so accurate.

Although his own system has always been so cold that he loves to use it without rolling, and has never released any DoOrDie main missions, Carlos really cares about Elune.

The biggest difference between traveling and marching is whether you are willing to think.

Travel, stop and go, see all the flowers at the end, things reflect the joys and sorrows of life, walk is the road, and cultivate the heart.

Marching, fighting for time, can stand or not sit, can climb and move forward, only roads and no scenery in his eyes.

Although the dwarf guides were gagging all the way, the exhaustion still lingered around the team, lingering.

I really want to fight the orcs!

After hearing the private chats of the soldiers, Carlos pretended not to know, and continued on his way in silence.

Finally, stepped into the mountain trail two days later.

"It’s not so good, Carlos. Look at these footprints. The orcs have crossed the mountains and infiltrated north. Fortunately, the wasteland is barren and the transportation and supplies are too problematic. The orcs have given up the tactics of large-scale leapfrogging, otherwise we will be in trouble. It's big. Hope they didn't find this mountain road."

From the clues, Brian Bronzebeard discovered a terrible fact that the orcs had at least planned to directly go north from the Dark Swamp and cross the mountains to attack the kingdom of the dwarves.

"Don't scare yourself, Brother Bryan. To travel through the barrens, everyone has to bring food supplies as heavy as you, plus drinking water supply points are hard to find, weapons and equipment are heavy, orcs don’t carry two selves on their backs. We can't get out of the barren land. We walked through the crevices of the ground, avoiding the sun anyway, you let them go like this, we don't have to fight them, just wait for the dead bodies at the mountain pass."

Carlos, who walked this way himself, understood the importance of logistics more deeply.

The real Azeroth is not a virtual World of Warcraft. It has a vast world and a sparsely populated world. In the game, it takes a month to walk around on a flying mount, and it takes a month to go through it. It still benefits from a strong physique. .

The scorching sun, heavy rain, and dangerous monsters and beasts. Wilderness exploration is by no means a spring outing. Even though the orcs are powerful, they cannot violate the basic laws of biology, so Bronzebeard's worries are a bit more worrying.

"What you said makes sense, but the path leading to Morgan Outpost may have been discovered by the orcs."

Brian Bronzebeard agreed with Carlos's statement and raised new doubts.

"It doesn't matter. A team of more than one hundred people like ours can pass, but the thousand orcs team is meaningless. Moreover, I don't think that the orc commanders are all fools. Use a force of this size to explore a possible path in the mountains. What's more, with the failure of Hillbrad Hills, the orcs' strength has begun to tighten. Don't scare yourself, hurry up to be true."

"That's right, as long as the league wins, nothing is a problem."

With the deepening of the mountains, the altitude rises, the temperature drops, and roads are difficult to navigate. The soldiers' physical exhaustion increases rapidly and food becomes tighter.

On the fourth day after entering the mountain, the team ran out of food.

"The meat of these birds is terrible."

"Although it is unpalatable, it is not poisonous. Some birds that look at plump food will have diarrhea after eating."

Fortunately, there are dwarf guides in the team. Each of these adventure-loving guys is a master of survival in the wilderness, not only the desolate group of Yamanaka, but also a little bit of food.

Although not much, it is better than nothing.

The days of food shortage lasted for a day and a half, and the changes in the rock quality of the mountain made Brian Bronze beard ecstatic.

"We are going out soon! You see, from basalt to granite, we are already close to the burning plain."

The dwarf's loud voice infected the team, and everyone's tired eyes glowed with brilliance.

After crossing the top of the mountain, you can obviously feel your body leaning forward naturally, and it's obviously starting to go downhill.

Carlos, who insisted on taking the lead by himself, did not enjoy any special treatment. He was also hungry, and the few remaining supplies of the team were left to the soldiers at the sentry.

"Your Majesty, the detective came back and reported that he found some strange footprints, like ogres and some other things."

"Good job, very hungry, I will eat the ogre for you too!"

Hearing the report of the chief guard, the team had a small commotion, it was excitement and bloodthirsty killing intent.

"Uh, can ogres eat too?"

Brian Bronzebeard looked at Carlos with a weird face, and asked in a low voice.

"Cannibals always eat, and my big axe has long since become unbearable!"

Really too lazy to explain the rhetoric to the dwarf, Carlos decided to pretend to be forced, so he cruelly licked the corner of his mouth.

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