Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 264: A Man Like Wind, A Mysterious Legend

Ogres, powerful creatures from the world of Draenor, whether you are deceived by their stupid appearance or not, you can't deny that they are terrifyingly strong in terms of power.

Huge size, strong recovery ability, these are just the common characteristics of all ogres.

The important reason that really makes Ogre-kun Pro Draenor is the high rate of birth rate of natural casters.

Unlike the shamans that the orcs cultivated hard, the proportion of spellcasters among the ogres is scary, and the naturally-born double-headed ogres standing at the apex of the Draenor biological chain even crushes sentient beings.

Although due to the intervention of the Burning Legion, the orcs had the capital to fight the ogres and conquered some small ogre clans, the birth of the Goria Empire is still the behemoth of Draenor, and the Hanghammer still stands on Nagrand Mountain. Top.

Even the fringe clans among the ogres are still terrifying monsters to the residents of Azeroth.

At least Carlos must go all out when Hillblad meets these meat bomb tanks and never dare to take it lightly.

But it was such a terrible ogre, a settlement made up of more than thirty such terrible ogres. Only flies and insects flew around, and the stench was all over the floor.

Killers, bird people too.


Carlos asked in orc language.

"The running dog of the orcs?"

The monster with a beak and feathers in front of him also asked back in orc language.

"No, we are the enemies of the orcs."

Carlos urged the Arcanite axe in his hand and waved the soldiers around him to retreat.

"I thought the orcs had already conquered this world."

"On the contrary, we just won a crucial victory."

"Then, I won't kill you, let's go."

"But I want to talk to you."


"The enemy of the enemy has the qualifications to be friends."

"...You convinced me."

"My name is Carlos Barov, the king of Alterac, human."

"My name is Ashkandy, Terokk's guard, morning seeker."




Carlos was stunned by the names one after another.

There is evidence that the Titans have visited Draenor. The original world of Draenor is a wild and savage land, with nothing but the endless battle between the beast and Goron.

Later, three ancient gods, or demigods, were born in the sky of Draenor-Rukhmar, Anzu, and Setai.

Rukhmar is strong, young, and ambitious. She likes the feeling of the warm sun shining on her feathers. Even if she is close to the sun, she will not be burned. The flames shed from her body and turned into a dazzling brilliance of red and gold. The sky is her canvas, and the Kali bird is her heir.

Although Anzu does not have the powerful physique of Rukhman, it has deep wisdom. Anzu, who lives in the shadow world, once talked to the race in the Twisting Nether, and then sighed that demons were stupid. His feathers are as dark as Yoruichi, and the fear raven is his heir.

Sete is the master of wind and frost. His scales are always covered by frost, and the wind snake is his heir.

The grievances and hatreds of the three Draenor primitive gods can be expressed in a simple paragraph.

Saitai was jealous of Rukhmar and told Anzu that the two of us had killed her together. Ansu said okay... Saitai is gone, Ansu went on to say the rest: shameless. After receiving the small report from Ansu, Rukhmar took precautions and hung Saitai to beat him. Ansu felt that Saitai was nothing, so he took a kick. Saitai took off and used Alahu Akbar, and Ansu blocked the gun for Rukhma.

Although the food unearthed from the camp of the ogres was not very good to the taste, it didn't matter if all those present were rushing to the grave and sleeping with the dead.

Just eating, I reduced the mythology that Ashkandy had told for more than an hour into just a few sentences.

"Then what?"

Carlos then asked.

Before Setai blew himself up, he said the curse before his death: "My blood will blacken the sea until thousands of miles of the ocean are as thick as pitch! My flesh will fester and rot, until the entire sky is gone! "

Anzu is also very bachelor, "Then we can only make you not even the flesh left."

Ansu swallowed the struggling Saitai, and even the bones were eaten completely. Only a puff of blood remained along the broken mountain peak and polluted the valley below.

Rukhmar returned to the sky, Anzu returned to the shadows.

But soon, Anzu felt Sethe's curse flowing in his body, which greatly weakened Anzu's power. Only by returning to the world of shadows could Anzu restrain this vicious curse.

Seeing Anzu's weakness, Rukhmar never fell to the ground because of fear of curse. She flew to a new land, and created a new race to control the sky-the new race combines her strength and grace, as well as Anzu's cunning and desire for knowledge.

She called it the arakkoa.

The arakkoa were born under the nurture of the gods, they have both the elegance of Rukhmar and the cunning of Anzu. The arakkoa expanded in Draenor and became the first race ever. They conquered the wilderness, curbed the endless battle between the beasts and Goron, and established the first civilization in the wild Draenor world-Apex Empire.

That was the most glorious era of the arakkoa, and it was also the peak of the power of the entire race. High-ranking sages enlightened thousands of people, inventors created amazing technologies, and the arakkoa created a fabulous country in the sky of Draenor.

But the prosperity must decline. The empire was destroyed by civil strife. When the ogre Goria Empire began to take shape, the Apexis Dynasty fell apart during the civil strife, leaving only countless ruins to recall the glory of the year.

The divided arakkoa lost most of the technology and territory of the Apexis Empire. The civil strife weakened the power of the arakkoa. In the face of the challenges of many new races, most of the arakkoa returned to the place where the three gods fought in the sky. , The place where the arakkoa was born-Spires of Arak.

Lacking the wisdom and knowledge of Apexis, the arakkoa society quickly split, and the followers of Rukhmar and the admirers of Anzu began to fight each other in order to fight for the remaining legacy of Apexis. Because Anzu was cursed by Seth, the followers of Rukhmar would throw Anzu's admirers into the valley soaked in the blood of Seth and be punished in the same way. Their wings were broken, their bodies were twisted and deformed by the curse, their hearts were eroded by crazy illusions, many arakkoa would die in pain under the curse, and the surviving the cursed would become crows. The exiles and untouchables of human society.

The arakkoa society is divided into a class of sages (upper arakkoa) who can fly in the sky and exiles who lose their wings.

"But you have wings, Ashkandy?"

Carlos had seen the bloated posture of the arakkoa exile in the game, and asked suspiciously.

"Not all upper-class arakkoa are arrogant and persecutors."

Ashkandy replied calmly, and then continued to tell the story.

But later, a legendary -Kun King-Talon King Terokk emerged from the arakkoa kingdom. He was once regarded as the greatest, noble and powerful king by the high-ranking arakkoa. Legends of his rule abound.

The rise of the Bloodmane Tigers immersed their patriarch in false prosperity. It sent 10,000 arakkoa feathers to Terokk by its subordinates in an attempt to anger Terokk, and then defeated the ravens in frontal combat. People workhorse. However, the young and powerful Terokk defeated thousands of Bloodmane Tigers on his own. In a one-on-one duel, he ended the life of the bloodmane tiger leader like a play, and he kindly allowed it. The remaining Bloodmane Tigers clean up the mess.

Wisdom, powerful, and fraternity, Terokk used strength and wisdom to establish the absolute dominance of the Arakkoa regime in the peaks of Arak.

The tigers fled because they were afraid of him, the orcs huddled in their caves to avoid his sight, the Goria ogres sent envoys to make peace with him, Goron was afraid of his power and stayed away, and the exiles were ashamed. Hiding in the shadow of the forest below Tongtian Peak.

Terokk was loved by his subjects, but the sages became more jealous of his glory. As time passed, the sages decided to secretly overthrow Terokk’s rule in order to usurp the king of the claws over the arakkoa kingdom. Relying on unwarranted charges, the sages of Tongtian Peak murdered Terokk with conspiracy and tricks. They broke all the wings of Terokk and his supporters and threw them into the valley contaminated by the blood of Saitai. Saitai's curse made Terok weak, and the once proud of the wind lost his glamour. But in pain, Terokk only worried about one person, and that was his daughter Lexi.

It's a pity that Lexi couldn't escape this disaster in the end. Looking at the broken body of his beloved daughter, Terokk was desperate and finally succumbed to the terrible darkness.

While struggling in the darkness of chaos, a powerful being found Terokk. An unfamiliar power filled the body of the Talon King, and constantly spurred him.

Even though suffering from the curse of Sethe, Terokk's most powerful front guards remained sober. When the Talon King called, they immediately responded. The poor people who were cursed and driven mad were rolling in pain in the pool of blood. Terokk couldn't bear to see this, so he took action to liberate them.

This great existence is Ansu.

After gaining the asylum of Anzu, Terokk led his innocent supporters to find the exiles who had been exiled by him before, and together they built Skettis City to shelter the children who were not favored by Rukhmar.

Since then, the priests of Rukhema have established a tyrannical theocratic rule on Tongtian Peak, and any arakkoa who dare to question the authority of Rukhema believers, the sages, will be degraded.

"So you are a believer in Anzu?"

Carlos asked.

"No, I still believe in Rukhmar."

Ashcandy replied.

"Aren't you the guard officer of Talon King Terokk?"

Carlos was a little confused.

"When Terokk was persecuted, I was only a child. When Terokk returned, I chose to follow my worship."

Ashkandy replied deeply.

A perfect answer, a loyal person, but Carlos thought of this sentence: "Worship is the furthest distance from understanding."

What's the position of a native of Azeroth to tell Ashkandi that the curse of Tai Rok that he admires is tortured by the curse of preparing Sete, and he will eventually be completely crazy after a few years.

Originally wanted to sigh, but stopped abruptly, Carlos opened his mouth and avoided the topic of Terokk.

"Why did you come to Azeroth?"

Feeling that the friendship set is almost complete, Carlos asked the question he cared most.

"I'm looking for an ogre."

Ashkandy replied without evasiveness.

"Can you tell me a little bit more, maybe I can help you."

"The guys on the Heavenly Peak excavated a weapon from the Apexis Empire period from a ruin. It was named Rukhmar Fire. They tried to provoke a civil war again. The great Terokk was fighting against Rukhmar Fire. , Ready to make another piece of equipment, but a group of despicable ogre smugglers stole the important core while supplying us with supplies, and I must retrieve it."Carlos was stunned. From the peaks of Arak, he went all the way through the Dark Portal. In the unfamiliar Azeroth, he chased all the way from the Dark Swamp to the Burning Plains. Ashkandi is a pure man. what!

Suddenly, Carlos felt that it wasn't a big deal for the arakkoa to slaughter more than 30 ogres alone. The guard of Talon King Terokk...

"Do you have a clue?"

"The despicable ogres betrayed the orcs. They are entrenched in Shichui Mountain to the north. Although they are not good things, they make my movements much easier. But the volcano has damaged my feathers too much, I can't get close, I can only Trying to kill the ogres outside, forcing more ogres to come out."

Ashkandy looked up at the sky, then fixed his eyes to wait for Carlos's remarks.

But Carlos was already stupid.

Fuck, the amount of information is huge! The ogres and the orcs have turned their faces!

Thinking quickly in his mind, Carlos decided to use the drag-word technique first.

"Since you have no alternative for the time being, it is better to act with us first. In order to complete the task, it is a reasonable option to use the power of others."

"What do you want from me, and what can you give me? Humans, except for the common enemy of orcs, our trust has no foundation."

Although Ashkandy had a bird's head, Carlos could see the joking and non-cutting in his eyes.

"You are arrogant, officer guard. In my kingdom, I am Terokk of my people."

Carlos's remarks angered Ashkandi, and the Blade of Wind came out. Carlos was shocked to find that his Divine Shield was actually broken.

"Sorry, I shouldn't make enemies for the King of Talons for no reason. You are a king, and I shouldn't be powerless."

The brief encounter was as fast as lightning, except for the guards by Carlos who were caught off guard, everyone else had no idea what had happened.

Waved to let the guards contact the guards, Carlos looked at the strong and outrageous arakkoa before him and decided to have a sincere friendship.

"Look, I have some troubles, and you have some troubles. Some troubles are not troublesome to me at all, and some troubles are troubles that you can't solve."

"So, you don't think my trouble is troublesome to you. Do you need me to help you deal with some trouble?"

"What do you think of the soldiers around me?"

Carlos asked.

"If you have less than ten, I can escape if you kill it all, and if you have less than five, it's easy to cut without injury."

Ashkandi's words made the proud Guardsmen lively, but the strict discipline made them seem indifferent.

"I have fifty thousand such soldiers."

Carlos said lightly.

"I believe it, but what to do with me?"

Ashkandi clearly realized that his mission was very urgent in time, and was not shaken by Carlos's rhetoric.

"You serve me for one day, and the army will enter in the next day, and I will let a hundred soldiers serve you for one day. It is always convenient for people to find things."

Ashkandy thought for a while, and threw away the back of the ogre neck from his claws.

"You convinced me."

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