Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 279: It's Right to Encounter Bai Scholars to Kill

"Whether you meet, know, or become friends, it's me first, and obviously it's me first, why did my father let my brother you marry Ali? Why? Why? Why? Brother, why is this?"

Wilton twisted Alex's collar and growled unwillingly.

"Wilton, do you understand what marriage is?"

Alex looked at his brother in annoyance, with both hands on his side, helplessly indulging his brother's anger.

"I am already an adult!"

Wilton's eyes rounded.

"I know, I know, even I know you and that little maid fooling around in the woods, who do you think helped you wipe your ass."

Alex stretched out his right hand and nodded the back of his brother's hand with his index and middle fingers, Wilton unwillingly let go of his fist.

"Brother, it's different, it's different, I like her, I want to marry her, let me be good, please, let me."

Wilton pleaded bitterly.

Since childhood, because of the excellence of Carlos and Elucia, the family's education requirements for Alex and Wilton are actually very low, almost stocking. Because of the age difference, even if the two brothers work hard, they can't keep up with the eldest brother's footsteps, but the eldest sister chooses to become a magician, and has become a person of two worlds with the two brothers who have no magic talent. Therefore, Alex and Wilton, as the second and third sons of the Barov family, are actually very emotional.

Anyway, there are father and eldest brother in front of them, and there is no need to carry them on their own when the sky is falling down. In the spare time of eating, drinking and playing, learning how to be a qualified nobleman, this is the daily life of the two brothers.

However, everything changed after Carlos Barov, Alex and Wilton's eldest brother, the eldest man of the Barov family became king of Alterac Kingdom.

The kingdom belongs to the kingdom, and the king belongs to the king.

For the priority of the family's inheritance rights, Alex Barov is likely to split his territory and pass his title to his second or third son.

This is the most likely decision made by the patriarch of a large family.

Home country is the world, home country is the world, home is in front of the country, the world is so big, it would be nothing without me.

As a result, the good days of eating, drinking, and having fun with the two brothers who were not expected to be too high are over.

As the king's younger brother, mediocrity may be a kind of talent that we love to hear, and as the Duke of Barov, incompetence is an unforgivable sin.

It has to be said that Janis has abandoned his mage's practice, and the education of the two young children is still very effective, at least the brotherhood between Alex and Wilton is still very good.

Until Alex was informed that he would enter into a marriage contract with the queen's sister.

Alterac is regarded as a small country, mainly because the population is slightly insufficient compared with other human kingdoms, but it is not small in terms of land area alone.

The reason is simple, the Alterac Mountains, which stretch for thousands of miles, occupies too much land on the map.

But in fact, the Alterac Mountains that are so big are only valuable to the kingdom, the southern slope of the sun and the three high mountain plains.

Gavin Heights, Sophia Heights, Steinblad.

These three flat plateaus are basically the essence of Alterac Mountains for human beings, and the Thousand Rio Mountains besides them are nothing more than horse pastures and logging grounds.

The decisive attitude and supportive stance of the family of the first queen and the queen in the matter of Carlos' enthronement allowed the family to completely master Gavin Heights in the first purge.

As a politically correct old Alterac nobleman, he also obtained the qualification to marry the royal family.

Although Carlos has been engaged to Galiya Menethil, marrying another Barov is still a great help to the family.

As a result, there was a dispute between the two brothers in the banquet lounge.

Righteous brothers turn against each other, either to kill their father or to take away their wives.

Brothers turn against each other, either for the inheritance or for the woman.

"But Wilton, I have completed the Bar Mitzvah, and you are only a child."

Alex lowered his head and tried to flatten his ruffled collar.

"Look at me, I'm as tall as you, even stronger than you, Alex, where am I like a child? Just you hunt that little lion. I don't even need the help of a guard! No, I can even fight with my bare hands. !"

Wilton growled unwillingly.

The former little fat man, under the role of Carlos, under the iron fist of his mother's love, persisted (forced) to exercise unremittingly, and has grown into a great guy.


Alex opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. He was silent for a short while before continuing.

"Wilton, listen well, I will only say it once. I am happy about this marriage. Alia is pretty, and I don't hate it. However, there are more beautiful girls, and Alia is not enough. Makes me head overwhelmed. It's not me vying with you, but my father's intention. My father wants me to marry Alia, so I will marry Alia, do you understand."

"You can refuse..."

Wilton's tone weakened.

"I can't refuse."


Alex frowned unnaturally, and lied in a high-sounding manner.

"Because that is what the father meant."

Alex, who has first experience of power and status, doesn't want to tell his brother, because this is a political marriage.

I love you and I have won you.

Why should I refuse this kind of family love and benefit.

Alex still doesn't fully understand what a political marriage is, nor can he understand where the guilt in his mother's eyes comes from, but since it's not such a pleasant thing... Let go of Wilton and call me Alex!

Therefore, Alex can face his brother without guilt.

"Alex, just this time, just this time, let me, okay, you go and tell my father, I'll beg my mother, and when Carlos comes back, I'll beg Carlos, things will change."

Wilton's carefulness also ends here, and he is no longer tired of calling Alex his elder brother. The boy who fell in love at first sight is using his last effort to save his unilateral love.

"I can not."

"You can."

"Sorry, I can't."

The light of hope on Wilton's face gradually faded, disappointment and despair slowly emerged.

"Then we are the enemy."

Wilton said with a stern face, thinking he was cold.

"My eldest brother once said that men should be like a mirror. Your attitude towards me is my attitude towards you. Wilton, whatever happens afterwards is fine, but don't mess it up for a while and make my father ashamed in front of the dignitaries. "

Alex took a step forward, seeing that Wilton had no intention of giving way, he bypassed his dazed younger brother and left quickly.

Opening and closing the door, warning and reminding himself and Wilton's personal attendants with his eyes, Alex renewed his standard aristocratic smile on his face.

A small lounge, a solid oak door, the outside world is full of laughter, singing and dancing, and the inside world is a teenager whose self-esteem has been hurt by reality.

Alex walked through the crowd quickly, hoping to return to his father as soon as possible, hoping to enter the social circle of adults.

On the way, apart from Hedon and Eight Trigrams, a not-so-good news came to Alex's ears.

"Have you heard that this morning, the gang of Wranglers rebelled, and the Grand Duke sent a whole army to put down the rebellion."

"Those damn untouchables, really have no eyes. King Card is about to return to the country, and he is not as high as his majesty when riding a horse. Honest horsemen paying taxes are not enough, and they are rebelling."

"That's it."

Without obtaining more information, Alex stepped up again.

Perhaps, I can ask my father to let me participate in this counter-insurgency...

Alex began to fantasize about how brilliant his first battle was.

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