Without a little precaution, and without a trace of deliberateness, you just appeared in my world like this, bringing me surprises, feeling uncontrollable.

But you are like this again. Before I knew it, I walked away quietly.

From my world, slowly fade away, the rest are just memories.

You exist... in my deep mind, in my heart, in my dreams, in my second brother's room.

With a trace of fantasy, a trace of luck, a trace of self-deception, Wilton looked at the group of Bi people in the center of the banquet stage, holding hands in the blessings of everyone.

With two points of sorrow, three points of unwillingness, and five points of despair, Wilton left the banquet that did not belong to him.

I don’t know why it was so rushed. From the announcement of the marriage contract to the wedding ceremony, it only took three short days. There was even no time for Wilton to behave with his father and mother. All the plans were rushed before they were fully conceived. The time is strangled in delusion.

Goodbye, Alia, my lovely girl.

Goodbye, Alia, my wonderful first love.

Do you really hate Alex? No, Wilton himself knew that Alex was not at fault in the whole matter, but the young boy who entered the rebellious period early did not know why he was so upset.

In the end, letting his personal attendant go home to report a letter, Wilton knocked on the door of the residence of the Knights of the State Church in Alterac.

My father was busy with political affairs and didn't have time to discipline himself. After the mother became pregnant, he seemed very tired and didn't have the energy to discipline himself.

So as long as it's not too fucking to cause dissatisfaction from the parents and being restrained, Wilton is still satisfied with the current stocking life.

"Second Young Master, you are here."

Todd Sackhoff saw Wilton, walked quickly to meet him, and bowed in greeting.

"It's Todd, I'm staying here for the night today."

"Understood, I'll make arrangements right away."

As Carlos's personal attendant since childhood, Todd is now distinguished.

But the strange thing is that Carlos did not promote Todd as the palace director according to the usual practice, nor did he take Todd with him. Instead, he placed him in the base camp of the Royal State Church Knights to manage the logistics work.

Many people speculate that Todd has fallen out of favor because of something that caused Carlos's disgust.

But Wilton knew how much his eldest brother valued this newly-developed kingly national knight order, and how much trust he placed Todd here.

Although when he was young, Todd often took care of himself with his two elder brothers fooling around in the mountains and plains, but as he grew older, Wilton inevitably became infected with certain arrogance of the nobles, even though he was close in his heart, but in his tone of voice. , Is still arrogant.

However, Todd didn't take it seriously, so he hired a subordinate, arranged a few sentences, and prepared to follow Wilton to wait for dispatch.

"Go ahead, I'm familiar with it here."

Wilton waved his hand and said impatiently.

Todd was stunned, smiled and bowed again to question, then turned and left.

Where Wilton couldn't see, Todd took out a copper bell and shook it, and soon two guys who couldn't see their faces appeared from the shadows.

"Follow Master Wilton, there is no special situation without showing up."

After speaking, the two disappeared quickly. Todd thought for a while, felt that there was nothing wrong, and left quickly.

Encountering the second young master is just a small episode, and the account verification of the entire knights has not been completed. The work arranged by the young master is the most important thing, and Todd still knows the importance of it.

Like Todd, Wilton didn't care about the occasional episode.

Idolatry is a behavioral instinct that all social creatures have. In Wilton's life, his father and eldest brother were his idols. And as the years grew, the ignorant desire for power made Carlos's image more and more tall and clear in Wilton's heart.As a result, the profession of Paladin is also very attractive to Wilton.

Although it has been established for a short period of time, and it is the only group of people who have graduated so far, the Royal Order of the State Church has become a legend in Alterac.

The nobles' promotion capital, the common people's way to the sky.

There is nothing new under the sun. Although Carlos's calculations may seem new to Azeroth, after raising his horizons, that's what happened.

An improved version of Junker nobility.

The social system must conform to the development of social productive forces.

The experience of the otherworldly earth cannot be applied to Azeroth mechanically, and the Red Dawn and the reform of the bourgeoisie are even more self-defeating. In a world where mankind is not a monopoly, the feudal system has its unique advantages.

However, since the substantial collapse of the Arathor Empire, the current human kingdom is essentially a semi-feudal and semi-slave society of city-state union.

In order to consolidate the king's power, in order to seek development, for a more ambitious ideal plan, Carlos must strengthen -kun centralization.

But how to strengthen it?

The tiger's body shook, and a big hand wave?

Don't make trouble, it's no good, who is going with you.

Carlos didn't have the power of Sargeras to kneel lickers and give up bullshit and die. The only way out is the collection of interests with a common goal.

As a result, the brain fills up tens of millions of times, and the **** is the most perfect.

If it weren't for fear of too much shock, Carlos would like to popularize Spartan education in Alterac.

But the ideal is full, and the reality is the backbone.

The foundation of his own ruling is based on the decadent power vassal relationship.

The wishes of their supporters are also very simple and clear-more power, more benefits.

In Azeroth, where magic and technology coexist, nobles, mages, and surplus farmers and merchants are the representatives of advanced productivity.

After realizing this pale and heavy reality, Carlos understood that revolution was not suitable for Azeroth, and political reform was the only way out.

Therefore, building a new king-ownership class has become a top priority.

This is also one of the major reasons that prompted Carlos to reorganize and form the Royal State Church Knights.

Open a promotion channel for the solidified class and ease social contradictions.

Create a new boost for the stability of the king's power and gather the hearts of the middle and upper classes.

I am your king, your head, your mentor, your trumpet...your spiritual idol.

At the deepest level, Carlos was engaging in a cult of personality, in a vague myth of himself.

Some of the nobles across the country understood a little bit, and it was a little clouded, but the king required that all marquis with two or more sons must send a child to the royal state church to receive the nine-year paladin elementary education. The decree was still obtained nationwide. implement.

Hostages, protons, it’s not uncommon, your Majesty, you just want us to send them.

Paladin, the royal family helps us train our son for free. This is something we need.

So the third batch of more than 2,400 paladin apprentices became Wilton's good playmates.

The first batch of paladins were consecrated by Carlos himself, and they have been consumed as "remnants of the dead" in the cruel war.

The second batch of paladins are the "half-way goods" that the "leftovers" were transformed into assaults by adult soldiers based on the canonical assault training compiled by Carlos. They are now flooded with the army, serving as the role of middle and low-level commanders and assault assault teams. .

And the third batch of apprentices of the Paladin was a juvenile class composed of 1,400 noble protons and 1,000 children of fallen soldiers.

Carlos even had some regrets, because he had too many things, otherwise he really wanted to go back to the Knights' residence to have the Instructor addiction.

Inhumanely applying the life training model of the PLA outside world, Carlos is full of malicious anticipation for a new batch of paladins.

As the executor, it is the Instructor called "Seven Warlords of the Sea" by the poor little students.

Second only to the great and wise King Carlos, the seven martial arts Instructors are as profound as the stars and the sea.

At this point in time, it was the point where the apprentices had exercises before going to bed. Wilton didn't need someone to lead the way. He found the right training ground just by listening to the call sign.

"A strong body is the foundation of all great achievements. Without a solid foundation, any superb martial arts is nothing but a dream."

It is impossible to manage more than two thousand apprentices with only seven Instructors.

During the war, the last group of "half-way paladins" who were promoted for further training due to their meritorious service received deepening reforms while serving as temporary instructors.

The aura cultivated in the blood and fire is not something young masters can resist. The apprentices doing fist push-ups blush and let out a painful and stubborn growl.

Seeing this, Wilton's mood improved somehow.

Sure enough, happiness is based on the suffering of others.

"Iron Masked Instructor, can I talk to you?"

The Knights have regulations that when training is in progress, Instructors and apprentices may not salute their superiors and nobles.

Wilton had no intention of challenging the rules set by his eldest brother, and honestly stuck to the wall and bypassed the crowd, walked to the chief chair, and made a request to a tall god-tier secret figure in black clothes.

"It's time for evening exercises, and I am their Instructor."

Turning his face, under the Kabuto hat is a helmet of a steel lion. The voice of the iron masked man passed through the special resonance mechanism in the helmet, deep and deep.

"Special trainee Wilton Barov hopes to get guidance from Instructor."

Wilton said unwillingly.

"Then special trainee Wilton Barov, it's time for evening exercises. You don't participate in training, what are you doing here?"

The majestic words of the iron-masked man came, and Wilton shook his spirit. After answering aloud, he happily ran into the crowd to participate in the physical training of the apprentices.

Once the orc swordsman, Carlos's defeated man, now the knights Instructor, Spartacus wondered helplessly, why the brother of Carlos would like him so much, human beings are full of strange guys.

Getting up from the stone pile, Spartacus the Iron Mask put his left hand behind him, his right hand stretched out his index finger and leaned over and did a few one-arm one-finger Zen push-ups, which was considered to have moved his muscles and bones.

"Do a hundred more to end today's evening exercise class."

After receiving the instruction, the temporary instructors nodded in agreement.

With black leather pants, leather boots, leather gloves, and an iron helmet that completely covered the entire neck, even after the voice was covered up, no one could have thought that one of the chief Instructors of the Knights was actually an orc.

Others think that the four guards around the Iron Mask are the king's grace, to protect the safety of the Instructor and maintain the majesty of the Instructor. Who would have thought that the four people around Spartacus were the guards of this mobile cell and the last executioners.

"Boy, what happened to you again."

After finishing the evening exercise class, the apprentices have to go to the chapel for an hour of meditation before they can wash and go to bed.

The iron-faced man who was free sat on the stone pile before with his arms folded and asked indifferently.

"My second brother robbed my beloved woman."

Wilton said with a frustrated expression.

Although the four guards in the distance symbolically left ten meters away, they still heard clearly, and there were unnatural twitches on their faces.

"Get it back."

Spartacus said indifferently, anyway among the orcs, ********, you love me.


"Mother-in-law, since there are so many concerns, just let it go."


"If you don't want to let go, grab it."

"Father and Big Brother will kill me."

"Ha, your eldest brother, I can't beat you, expect me to support you, you think too much."


"what is that?"

"I just want to find someone to talk to."

"Then you have found the wrong person. The only way for men to communicate is wine and fists."

"Alia and I met by chance while hunting outside the city..."

"Hey, who wants to listen to your little kid's love history, I'll go back to sleep if it's okay."

"If my life is just as I first saw, her white hunting outfit is really beautiful. I thought I met a fairy on a snow-capped mountain."

"Enough of you, kid!"

The four guards wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. They were very uncomfortable. They just saw Todd standing in the distance and saluted.

The guard's action interrupted the strange and harmonious conversation between Wilton and Spartacus.

"Someone looking for you."

Spartacus nodded the top of Wilton's head.

"Why didn't I find you."

Wilton retorted dissatisfiedly, and then looked back.

"Ah, it's Todd, it seems to be looking for me."

"Second young master, the master is very dissatisfied with your actions tonight. I am afraid that you will have to stay at the station for some time in the future."

After Todd saluted, he conveyed the will of the patriarch Alex.

"What's the meaning?"

Wilton didn't realize what this meant for a moment.

"From today, within a month, you must participate in the training of the Paladin apprentice as a punishment for your rudeness at the banquet tonight."

"It doesn't matter. I just have a lot to say to Uncle Iron Mask."

Wilton looked indifferent.

"Mrs. Janis specifically pointed out that your Instructor is the Grand Knight Commander Shang Gewenjie."

Todd added.

"No~~~ That rigid old woman!"

Spartacus looked at Welton who was wailing, and behind the iron face, a smile burst into the corner of his mouth inexplicably.

Then he sighed helplessly.

Although Carlos restricted his personal freedom, he did not block his audiovisual channels.

Alterac City is about to change, this is the sixth sense of this orc sword master living in the human world.

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