Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 320 Battle within the specifications (1/14)

[I have to admit that Brian Bronzebeard is a genius in the adventure world. Where there is him, he is always full of surprises, traps, explosions, and pursuit of soldiers.

Although the life of disguising mercenaries like this is actually quite comfortable and fulfilling, I still miss your majesty, my colleagues, and Alterac's snow in a place where birds don't shit like Scorching Gorge. I swear, I will never complain about the winter in my hometown anymore. I would rather do a 360-degree Thomas maneuver in the ice and snow than eat barbecue here, but life has to go on, and my mission has to go on, just like I did for this. The name given to the temporary mercenary group is—faith. 】

The head guard poked his butt and wrote his personal diary in an awkward posture. He closed the diary and took a nap with his arms closed and his eyes closed until his chest became a little stuffy.

After separating from King Carlos at Morgan's sentry, their guards of the Hundred-odd Guards got a secret mission --- escorting Brian Bronzebeard to Thorium sentry.

However, when these good guys from Alterac traveled hard through the Black Rock Mountain and arrived at the Scorching Gorge, they realized that things were not that simple.

Bad weather, bad environment, bad enemies and allies.

Thorium Watch was built on a cliff north-northwest of the Searing Gorge. I heard a lot about the dark iron dwarf history of Brian Bronzebeard and his team of explorers. Then I met the people of the Thorium Brotherhood and was decisive. Understand what is the final sanity of the Dark Iron Dwarf.

Yes, the Thorium Brotherhood does not hate the Bronzebeard dwarves, but treats everyone indifferently.

Not everyone will surrender to power, such as the Thorium Brotherhood.

After the old Thaurissan summoned the Balrog Lord Ragnaros, the Dark Iron Dwarf became a slave to the fire element, or a slave to the power of the Balrog Lord. Suffering to the mighty power of the Balrog King, the Dark Iron Dwarves must prioritize their course of action to serve Ragnaros, which makes some Dark Iron Dwarves resentful who are unwilling to kneel and give birth. And the little Thaurissan, the political strategy of the Great Thaurissan at the moment in Darkforge City, made the members of the Thorium Brotherhood even more dissatisfied.

Finally, seizing the opportunity, the long-planned Thorium Brotherhood betrayed Darkforge City and established a base on the high cliffs of the Searing Gorge, always paying attention to the former compatriots in the melting pot.

And the reality is so ridiculous. The first ally the Thorium Brotherhood found was Sylvia Morgan, who was avenging the Dark Iron dwarves by Isshin.

The enemy of the enemy is a friend, whether it is the Thorium Brotherhood or the Morgan Militia, in the case of adhering to this principle, they have actually formed an alliance.

Under the guidance of Mrs. Morgan's envoy, Brian Bronzebeard and Carlos's guards boarded the winding mountain road and met the black dwarfs of the Thorium Brotherhood.

"Don't be so nervous. Compared with the humiliation of being enslaved, the old accounts of the older generation are not worth mentioning. The Thorium Brotherhood welcomes all those who are willing to be friends, even if he is a Bronzebeard Dwarf. Of course, you have to prove it first. Your friendship."

When the person in charge of the Thorium Brotherhood said this to Brian Bronzebeard, the chief guard keenly noticed that trouble was coming.

How to get deadly friendship?

Of course it's hard work!

Thorium Watch has a lot of trouble, lava creatures, orc patrols, slave hunters of dark iron dwarves, and golem puppets.

Bronzebeard was not an adult at the time of the Three Hammers, but his two older brothers were both participants in that war. Bronzebeard was interested in being able to listen to the secrets of the Dark Iron Dwarves up close. abundant.

With the youngsters, Brian Bronzebeard sneaked in secretly and smashed into the melting pot to inquire about the news. However, after the hard work, it was the turn of the captain of the guard to do it.

Hunting giant molten spiders, cleaning the dark iron dwarven camps that threaten Thorium Watch, destroying dark iron dwarves' heavy combat puppets and recovering materials, the proud Alterac Guards are always happy.


Because the Thorium Brotherhood is paid.

It is hard to imagine that the members of the Thorium Brotherhood, these black dwarfs who can communicate normally are actually highly skilled craftsmen. Enchanted weapons worth a lot of money in the human world are stacked in bundles in the warehouse, and various precious metal materials are randomly placed beside the forge.

Carlos's last order before leaving was to collect the terrain data of the Searing Gorge to prepare for the advance of the large forces. This order did not go against what the guards were doing, and the guard did not deliberately stop it.

After all, every fighter wants to have a strong and durable armor, a good weapon that he can trust.

After not knowing how many giant molten lizards were killed, the Guards finally gained the trust of the Thorium Brotherhood. Those great craftsmen were willing to build armored weapons for human friends.

The price is to complete the various tasks issued by the Thorium Brotherhood.

The Guards were professional soldiers, and the lads naturally resisted collecting materials or something, and all that was left was the killing mission.

More than a dozen people accompanied Brian Bronzebeard on an expedition to the melting pot. The rest of the people planned a cleaning operation after replenishing supplies at Thorium Watch.

The chief of the guard is going to prove his worth with a dark iron dwarven camp with more than three hundred people in the garrison.

The action was very successful, and the Dark Iron Dwarves, who were not good at dealing with humans, were caught off guard by the Guards. They clearly had a three-fold advantage in numbers, but they were almost wiped out by the Guards that were interspersed and divided.

A brilliant victory.

Even if the Dark Iron dwarves activate a few heavy combat puppets, the Guards who fought the ogres in Hillblad know how to deal with large enemies.

Under the impact of explosives and heavy hammers, the heavy combat puppets finally fell to the ground.

When the chief guard stepped on the premium heavy combat puppet and just wanted to pretend to be forced, a tragedy happened.

The energy core of the heavy combat puppet exploded.

Of course, the explosion was not violent, it just numbed the head of the guard's feet.

However, the head of the guard who lost his balance sat down on the ground.

There is a sharp stone on the ground.

There was a life-and-death collision between the head of the guard's tail vertebra and the tip of the stone.

The captain of the guard is killed...

"Head, is it better? This is lunch today."

When the guy taking care of himself walked into the room with a dinner plate containing roasted white spider meat, the chief guard woke up from his sleepy state for the first time.

After discovering that it was his own person, the chief guard released the dagger hidden in his sleeve.

"Ha, it's white spider meat again."

"Uh, there are smoky fire-breathing dragon ribs, I'll change it for you?"

"I want to eat vegetables, watery, fresh and tender vegetables!"

"Head, stop talking, I want to too!"

Reluctantly shook his head, the chief guard pulled two cushions to place under his buttocks, turned them over with difficulty, and sat up to eat. In fact, this kind of injury can be healed by the priest in three or two strokes. The only problem is that there is not a priest in a large Thorium Watch. The guys from the Morgan Consortium promised to bring two recovery scrolls when the next shipment arrived. However, there was at least a week before the next shipment. The poor guard swallowed white spider meat that tasted almost like crab meat. Thinking about what posture should be used to go to the toilet for a while.

It's so terrible!

Your Majesty, when will you come to take us home!

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