Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 321 Fighting within the specifications (2/14)

"What is the name of the chief guard?"

"I don't know. When I was selected to enter the Guards Corps, the Chief Guard was already the Chief Guard. Anyway, the Chief Guard was calling the Chief Guard. You may have to ask other officers to know what it is called."

"I heard that the chief guard followed your Majesty to the Hinterland and fought trolls?"

"Maybe, I don’t know. Other regiments don’t know. All of our Guards Corps can be officers. They must be capable. You came later. I don’t know. The previous batches of us have been miserably trained. You can play three cruel characters one by one!"

"Then I cracked my tailbone, haha."

"Puff, hahaha..."

"Well, hum!"

"Chief Guard!"

"Chief Guard!"

Did not wait to restore the scroll, but unexpectedly bought a healing potion, two bottles of scarlet, the chief guard felt that not only the bone fracture was healed, but also the dry stool problem was healed.

The comfort of the body made the guards who hadn't watched the night for a long time become very interested. They went to the camp and slid around, but they heard embarrassingly that their men were chewing their tongues.

Although the black officer behind him is the only way to close the relationship with his colleagues, the head guard who has risen step by step from the private knows it well, but when the object of his chewing tongue is himself, he is still very unhappy.

"In the middle of the night, it's good to chat to prevent sleepiness, but I see you guys talking so happily, and I didn't even notice when I touched my side. I'm dereliction of duty."

"I'm sorry, Chief Guard."

"I'm sorry, Chief Guard."

"You know, although we have established a preliminary friendship with the dark iron dwarves here, it is not just us here, but there are other people who work for the Thorium Brotherhood. Be careful."


"Yes, Chief Guard!"

After giving a little lesson to the subordinates who dared to chew their own tongue, the guard left with satisfaction.

Thorium Watch was built on a flat terrace above the cliff, and the usable area was much larger than that seen under the cliff. Because of the injury, the Dark Iron dwarf gave the chief guard a room. If the injury is healed at the moment, it is better to return to the tent area of ​​the brother and partner to live in.

Not only because it is safer, but also an inevitable choice to control subordinates.

How many dark iron dwarves there are in Thorium Watch, the chief guard has investigated, but can't find out, because there is a huge underground space hidden under the main tower, too much exploration will arouse the host's resentment. But how many mercenary employees were attracted by the rich remuneration of the Thorium Brotherhood, the head of the bodyguard had a rough idea.

People like myself accounted for at most one-third of the number of mercenaries.

Although he is not afraid of anyone, he cannot be defenseless.

It was the healing potion sold by a potion dealer who came to Thorium Watch and the Thorium Brotherhood to trade rare materials to get rid of the trouble of injury a week in advance. In this ghost place of Searing Gorge, money may not be able to buy things. If others are willing to sell you favors, you will have to pay back. Therefore, the chief of the guard promised to guard the goods for the drug dealer for one night free of charge.

A good night’s sleep is a luxury when you’re away from home, especially as a trader, there will never be fewer people who want to make money and kill them. But because he was the same human being, or the military style of the chief guard and his entourage touched this pharmaceutical merchant, he rarely accepted the kindness of his clan.

This is the sorrow that comes from chaos. To accept good intentions, you also need to take risks and pay the price.

"Hi, buddy, are you asleep?"

When the chief guard asked outside the curtain of the drug dealer's tent with supper, he heard the sound of a sharp blade unsheathed.

It seems that this pharmacy merchant is not a guy who often uses knives, and he can't even do the job of oiling the scabbard.

After waiting for a while and no one responded, the chief guard continued: "I heard that you had some spicy spider feet before you had dinner. It was just right for a midnight snack. Let's have some together?"

"come in."

After thinking about it for a while, the pharmacist lit a candle and invited the head guard to come in.

"Relax, friend, I just want to repay you for your help, knowing that the damn pain has bothered me for a long time."

"It's just buying and selling. I earn a lot of ten gold coins."

"Ha, I'm not a fool or a lot of idiots, if I hear this price when... while Stormwind City is still there, I will punch you in the face. But in this ghost place, at this time, you are Conscience price, I accept your love."

The pharmacy merchant was silent.

"Hey, we are a reputable regular mercenary group. We are not a gangster who kills and overtakes people. Don't stare at me like that. It's horrible. It's not poisonous."

The chief guard picked a spicy spider's foot, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it.

I have to say that this magical creature like the Molten Spider looks weird and scary, but it tastes surprisingly good. For juvenile molten spiders, first use fire to roast their fire-resistant leg shells red, and then immerse them in water. Repeatedly several times, the chitin shells will be broken, exposing the slender muscle fibers wrapped in mucus, and sprinkle them with seasoning. Bake on a low fire, and roast the mucus to dry and crisp, and a delicious spicy spider leg is made.

Except for a trace of fire which will make your stool dry, this dish is really a rare snack.

It is a pity that there is no wine here.

After the chief guard killed a spicy spider leg by himself, the drug dealer reluctantly put down his defenses, took his right hand out from behind, and picked a spicy spider leg with the least condiment from the plate. I tasted it in a small bite.

"Unimaginable, the taste is unexpectedly good."

The pharmacy merchant couldn't help but comment.

"Haha, yes. At first, I was curious how these dark iron dwarves survived in such a place where birds do not shit. However, after staying for a long time, I found that the creatures in this place are far more than expected. There are so many things. Some things that look scary and smell bad are surprisingly delicious."

The head guard smiled and talked freely.

"Like this?"

The pharmacy merchant asked.

"This is pretty good. What is the fire-breathing dragon liver, what is the soup of Sasori seeds, what is the charcoal-grilled worm... vomit, you just don't hear the last one."

Listening to the retching of the chief guard, the drug dealer put one-third of the food he had eaten back on the plate.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean it, but that time, we were blocked in a mine by a group of dark iron dwarves in the melting pot. Before the reinforcements arrived, we ran out of ammunition and food for two days and two nights without eating. Can not do it."

The head of the guard seemed to be unfinished, and he made the drug dealer amused with an expression of pain.

"By the way, you said you are a regular mercenary group, then I want to hire you."

"Oh, I'm afraid this won't work. We signed a contract with the Morgan Consortium."

"No, no, you are not a mercenary group, what I need is a guide."


"The Sea of ​​Ashes, I need a guide who will take me to the Sea of ​​Ashes. The price is negotiable."

"Girl, life is beautiful, what can't you think of?"


The drug dealer suddenly pulled out the Short Sword hidden behind his back.

"Relax, your disguise is not clever. Originally, I have inherited your favor and helped you with some small favors. But the place in the Sea of ​​Ashes, by the name, you know, it is more dangerous than the land of quicksand, which has exceeded mine. The bottom line."

The head guard clapped his hands and stood up.

"Direction, we are a regular mercenary group, you can sleep at ease. Goodbye."

Ignoring the shining knife, the chief guard turned and left.

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