Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 322 Battle within the specifications (3/14)

If you can't properly resolve the gloom in your heart, sooner or later you will be driven mad by yourself.

At least that's what the head guard thought after talking to Natalie Celine.

Something different from what I thought before, this female pharmacy merchant disguised as a man is not a low-key disguised archmage, but a priest who once believed in the Holy Light.


Before Stormwind was broken by the orcs, Natalie was already a bishop reserve priest. When Anduin Lothar went north to flee, she couldn't let go of the wounded who needed her care, and couldn't let go of the Stormwind civilians who called her name, so she stayed.

However, without the protection of the lord and the army, the life of the human being left in the Elwynn Forest is miserable. The encirclement and suppression of the orcs and the lack of living materials have severely tortured the human victims in the area occupied by the orcs.

In the entire Stormwind Kingdom, there are only Lakeside Towns and Western Wilderness with sporadic resistance. Those towns that rely on Stormwind for survival and development are under the tyranny of the orcs, leaving only rubble and scorched earth.

Sir Solomon of Lakeside Town ordered to blow up the bridge leading to the Burning Plain. The special terrain turned Lakeside Town into an island in the human world. The remoteness and desolation of the Westfall makes the orcs uninterested.

It is not so much that these resisters are composing an epic battle history song, it is better to say that they were let go by the orcs. Because in the far north, the alliance of the kingdoms of Lordaeron and Anduin Lothar is fighting desperately against the tribe.

However, there are still some people who are unable to resist, they can only choose to escape, and can only use wild vegetables and plant roots.

Natalie is such a nominal leader hidden in the refugee camp deep in Yamanaka.

"In Irvine, we lack everything. The lakeside town is trapped in a corner. In the Westfall, humans are more terrifying than orcs. The Twilight Forest has some sporadic settlements, but the forest suitable for cultivation has been destroyed by the orcs. Farming in the place below can't feed many people at all."

"Then where do you live?"

After asking, the chief guard found himself asking an idiot question.

But Natalie paused, and answered the head of the guard's question in general.

"In the mountainous area east of the East Valley Logging Farm. All the usable trees have been cut down. After the orcs have been here a few times, we are not interested in any place, so we will temporarily settle down."

"Well, your tragic history of blood and tears almost touched me, but these are not reasons for me to accompany you to the Sea of ​​Ashes. Unless you tell me the truth."

It's not that the chief guard has never seen a woman's brains, and he won't waver at will because of the soft-spoken pleading.

A priest left his camp for more than two months and ran to the Searing Gorge thousands of miles away and the Dark Iron dwarves traded the scarce supplies during the war-healing potions.

This is inherently unreasonable.

If this woman who claims to be Natalie can complete this journey, it means she is not a weak person.

So asking for help at this moment is even more unreasonable.

"Well, you make a price, are you not mercenaries? I made a lot of money in this trade, and I can afford to hire a few people."

Seeing that it was useless to sell poor, Natalie put away the faint sadness on her face, and her tone became rigid again.

"It's not a question of money. The broken place in the Sea of ​​Ashes is simply a restricted area of ​​death. You haven't been to that place, don't know..."

"I know, if I don't know, why should I chew your tongue here."

Natalie had nothing to say to the Chief Guard.

"To tell you the truth, there was a traitor who stole our things and wanted to flee to the north, but he met a patrol of the orcs and had no choice but to escape into the sea of ​​ashes. That thing is important to me and to us, I must retrieve it."

"Ha, my goodness, what is the difference between finding something in a sea of ​​ashes and finding a needle in a haystack?!"

The chief guard didn't want to continue the conversation, ready to get up and leave.

"I can sense it. As long as that thing is within three kilometers of me, I can sense it."

Natalie said.

"I'm sorry, I still can't..."

"You are a soldier!"

The chief guard suddenly became alert, and under his lazy look were tight muscles.

"Just as you can see that I am a woman, I can see that you are a soldier at a glance. You are an excellent soldier, a person with a sense of honor, just like the people around His Majesty Ryan. Although you and your people pretend Become a desperate deserter, a mercenary working for money, but please forgive me for being blunt, you have never seen what a real defeated soldier is like. Because you still have honor in your hearts and hope in your eyes, so you are one of you. Words and deeds are different from those real bereaved dogs."

When Natalie said this, she stopped and looked at the captain of the bodyguard quietly.

"Woman, who are you?"

The captain of the bodyguard exudes a terrifying power, as if a disagreement would violently hurt people.

"Natalie Celine, Stormwind almost became the bishop's priest."

The woman's expression is still indifferent.

"I don't know what you are hiding or covering, but I don't believe anything you say."

The head of the bodyguard almost gritted his teeth and said that he wanted to force Natalie to shake in this way.

"Everyone has their own secrets, don't they? If you are willing to take my money, then we don't have to have such an awkward and rigid conversation now."

Finally, the chief guard sat back opposite Natalie.

"Why did you find me?"

"Because of you, or that you are worthy of trust."


After three exaggerated sneers, the head guard said nothing.

"I don't mean to be joking or lie to you. I don't know who you are serving, but the orcs are our common enemy. You can't deny that."


The chief guard responded noncommitantly.

"What I am looking for is crucial to fighting the orc tribe. Even if Sir Anduin Lothar is present, he will help me."

"The thing that the principal of a refugee camp is looking for has risen to a height that concerns the safety of humans. How do you want me to trust you? Natalie Seren almost missed the bishop."

The head of the bodyguard almost recognized that the woman in front of him was telling a lie.

"I heard you say that you came here to work at Mrs. Morgan's request, right."

Natalie said suddenly.

"Then you can verify with Mrs. Morgan, I can believe it."

"Even if it is confirmed, it can only prove that Natalie Serene can be trusted. How can you prove that you are Natalie Serene?"

The head guard suddenly felt that the woman was not lying, but trying to cover up.

With a light sigh, Natalie stretched out her left hand and took off her black leather gloves, revealing her white but callused hands.

"May the Holy Light bless you."

A small ball of light condensed in Natalie's hands, and then she slowly pushed the ball of light onto the head of the guard.

The power of the holy light washed the body of the chief guard, making him feel comfortable.

This woman is a priest.

But the strength is obviously not very good.

The head of the bodyguard compared Natalie with his own king, and thought badly.

Sure enough, my Alterac Holy Light technology is the first in Azeroth.

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