Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 328 Fighting within the specifications (9/14)

To live in peace and to have no money, murder and set the gold belt on fire.

When the captain of the bodyguard and the unscrupulous bystanders were doing their jobs, the days were nourished a lot in an instant.

Confiscated fur jerky from the orc patrol, obtained cheese spirits from the dark iron spy, built a shack on the top of the mountain, a binoculars, and slept during the day and ate barbecue at night. The days were so happy.

"You keep a little bit. Although the friction between the black iron dwarves and the orcs has never stopped, it is easy for us to play with the fire on both sides. The number of hunting is reduced by half."

Eating the unknown fruit confiscated from the orcs, the chief guard preached to his opponent.

Because of the disparity of information, human beings are invincible in this upcoming war between Dark Iron Dwarves and Orcs.

For laymen, war is a terrible noun, verb, and pronoun, mysterious and bloody. However, to the expert, war is nothing more than time, place, and a battle of **** mothers.

From a strategic point of view, it is right that the weather is not as good as the location, and the location is not as good as the harmony of people. However, from the perspective of combat, the priority has become the right place, time, and harmony.

Therefore, after the on-site inspection, the chief guard and his entourage easily identified several possible locations for the battle.

Set up multiple observation points in advance at locations suitable for concealed observation, and all that is left is waiting.

The black iron dwarves are not small, and coupled with the anomalous intelligence of the combat puppet army detected before, the head of the guard judged that the black iron dwarves might want to fight an annihilation battle with a head-on conflict.

Therefore, the observation point in the mountainous area south of the orc camp, which takes half an hour to climb, is the ideal observation point in the mind of the chief guard.

Although the hunting of the guards on the patrolling sentries of the two sides may have caused some chain reactions, the Dark Iron dwarves and the orcs have more doubts. But the gears of war turn, not one or two corpses can get stuck.

On the fifth day of the night, the free whistle from the periphery rushed back in sweat, and said in a depressed and excited voice: "Moved, moved, the black iron dwarf has moved!"

In fact, even if you yelled so far away and spread to several kilometers away, it was just a messy echo, but everyone couldn't help but wake up from a shallow sleep with excitement on their faces.

After waiting so long, it finally started.

"One group to the south, and the second group to the north, inform the lurking post at position 3 to go around and observe the logistics of the dark iron dwarves. Let the guys at position 4 observe the changes in the melting pot. The guys in position 2 record the situation of the orc camp. Just do it, don’t do more than that. Remember, we are bystanders and recorders, don’t let yourself in."


After the arrangement was completed, everyone moved.

The Chief Guard pulled out his binoculars to try to observe the situation, but there was only darkness in front of him except for the flames rising in the melting pot.

But in this darkness, there is a deadly murderous opportunity.

Taking a few deep breaths, calming down the excitement, the chief guard put down the telescope and waited patiently.

Tianshi stood on the side of the Dark Iron Dwarf.

Today's clouds are particularly thick, and the sky is darker than before.

The brazier torches on the outer guard post of the orcs were like eye-catching signal lights, and the orcs used small wooden sticks to pull the fire-promoting beetles out of the brazier, and threw the scented roasted beetles into their mouths and chewed. , But didn't know that the assassins of the Dark Iron dwarves had sneaked in.

The dark iron dwarves have oil-like dark skin, and the gray-black ground of the Searing Canyon is their natural hiding.

After several days of careful observation, the Chief Guard was in his fixed observation position, and with his eyes closed, he could clearly outline the tribal defense plan in his mind.

Finally, a shrewd and powerful guard broke through the dark iron dwarf's tactics.

When the beacon that represented the enemy attack ignited, the guard Changguang knew from the position that the Dark Iron dwarves had erased at least seven guard towers.

"A terrible assassin in the night."

Taking out the pen and paper in the dim candlelight to record what he saw and heard on the battlefield, the chief guard repeatedly reminded himself that he must put aside his hatred and prejudice against the orcs, and must objectively and neutrally record everything that happened before his eyes.

The outpost clashes, and the Dark Iron dwarves win.

The orcs reacted very quickly, and in less than a minute, the flames of the entire camp lit the sky. But because the outpost tower was lost too quickly, perhaps there was a difference in decision-making at the top, or perhaps their warlord was hesitant, and the assembly and departure of the confronting troops was much slower than the torch burning.

After the assassination didn't work, the Dark Iron dwarf chose to attack.

Safety comes at a price. Even with a telescope, the head guard can hardly see anything under the dim sky. Through two convex lenses, an orc more than two meters tall is a circle smaller than a flea in the eyes of the head guard. For the Dark Iron Dwarf...Forget it, don't look carefully, hurt your eyes.

The Chief Guard is simply a veteran who has been fighting with Carlos all year round.

Dark iron dwarves are also a race that needs light to see things, but they don't have the racial talent for dark vision.

When the orcs' confrontation team whizzed out with torches, the Dark Iron dwarves finally reacted.

The chief guard yelled "Drink!", obviously taken aback.

In the darkness, in an instant, dense firelight appeared out of thin air, like a red scar on the black earth.

If a torch of this scale was not a trick to fool the enemy, the Dark Iron Dwarf would have touched at least 50,000 people!

The scene in front of him reminded the Chief Guard of the fierce battle between the Alliance and the Horde in Hillblad Hills. In order to gain the initiative on the battlefield, when the Alliance army rushed to the ambush position with tens of thousands of troops, the fire was just as before.

"The dark iron dwarves have more than fifty thousand troops in the Searing Gorge."

After the quick record was completed, the chief guard continued to stare wide and watched the development of the battle closely.

After about ten minutes, the orcs' wolf cavalry finally moved.

The Ash Wolves adapted to the local climate carried the orc wolf knights and roared.

The sky gradually brightened, and through the telescope, the chief guard was able to blur the distinction between black earth and black iron dwarves.

The height of the black iron dwarves is not even as high as the shoulder height of the wolf, but the black iron legion faces the powerful impact of the wolf cavalry, without a trace of fear, and even no force transfer.

"Something's wrong, what is the black dwarf hiding?"

The Dark Iron Dwarf's response was no response, which made the chief guard confused, and it really made the wolf cavalry rush. It was a very terrifying thing. At the time of the White River Valley battle, the chief guard was almost not forced to death by the military order. He had an intuitive feeling about the impact of the orcs. If there were no other backs, this wolf cavalry would not say that they would wipe out the 50,000 black iron dwarves, at least Can leave half to feed the wolves.

Where does the confidence of the Dark Iron Dwarves come from, the combat puppet army?

In the eyes of the chief guard, the wolf cavalry was advancing at a speed of about two millimeters per second, and zooming into the battlefield, the wolf cavalry's speed should have been seventy.

However, the Dark Iron dwarf still did not move.

The sky was bright, and the chief guard looked at the battlefield situation with a telescope.

Suddenly, some anomalies were discovered by the chief guard.

"Damn it? What the hell is that! The yellow-skinned Naga, or the snake man?"

The Chief Guard's eyes widened, and finally found out what the Dark Iron Dwarf was hiding.

In the army of Dark Iron dwarves, some mysterious creatures in black robes tore off their camouflage.

It was a strange creature with yellow and black, long spines on the shoulders and a lower body like a snake.

When the chief guard put down the telescope and prepared to record the new discovery, he discovered the anomaly in the sky.

The red and black magic cloud enveloped the orc wolf cavalry on the charge path, when the orc wolf cavalry all entered the envelope of the red cloud.

Death fell from the sky.

Countless fire and rain fell, and the sky and the earth were orange.

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