Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 329 Fighting Within Specifications (10/14)

There is no winning rule in war, but there is a knack for constant victory.

The so-called enemy wants you to do anything, you have to do the opposite.

How can the odds of victory be increased?

With your own long attack and short address, pull the enemy into your rhythm, and then use your rich experience to defeat him.

Summarized into one sentence-is to make you feel uncomfortable.

The mobile force is in accordance with this principle.

No matter you want to attack, turn in, or retreat, there will always be an army running better than you watching you. Even if you do nothing, you will die uncomfortably. In his eyes, you have no secrets at all.

There is no doubt that the wolf cavalry is the mobile unit in the orc tribe.

However, when the strongest and fastest spear of the orc was burned into coke dregs by the rain of fire, the orc fell into a dynamic disadvantage. -

The tribal warlord shrank the defense very rationally, relying on the fortifications to consolidate the existing defense line, and did not enter the rhythm of the refueling battle.

Such things as fortifications are time advances.

Before the battle occurs, you spend time and effort building fortifications. When the battle occurs, the enemy needs time and effort to destroy or compete for the fortifications.

The orcs spent more than a year building fortifications, and the Dark Iron dwarves could not leap across the ground like a flat ground.

The chief guard didn't believe that magic of the kind just now could be used at will, nor did the orc warlord. Although Gul'dan used various reasons to transfer the warlock to the north, and then pit Orgrim once in one go, there are still a few warlocks working for the tribe south of the strait, in the searing canyon, and in the orc camp. service.

"Such spells can't be unprepared, even Master Gul'dan... that traitor Gul'dan, without a few days' preparations, he can't come by himself."

Warlocks who don't want to survive are not good orcs. Whether it is because of their aptitude not being favored by Gul'dan or some other reason, since they have stayed, they don't mind discrediting the former boss in order to survive.

After getting the assurance, the orc warlord decided to teach the dark iron dwarves what it means to offend me, although the strong beasts will be punishable by everyone.

Although the orcs are far inferior to the Dark Iron dwarves in number, the combat effectiveness is not as simple as I have to fight three.

After the sky lighted up, the war machine of the orcs quickly started to operate. The trebuchets and spears relentlessly tore apart the pioneer forces of the Dark Iron Dwarves, and the sentries that were taken by the Dark Iron Dwarves were recaptured by the orcs one after another.

However, the Dark Iron dwarves didn't seem to care about the casualties, and stubbornly engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the orcs.

The head of the bodyguard waited and watched from afar, unable to get an accurate battle damage ratio, but it is estimated that at least six to seven Dark Iron dwarves can exchange for an orc.

If he hadn't seen the rain of fire, the chief guard was ready to pronounce the Dark Iron Dwarf defeated.

However, the earth-shattering scene made the chief guard understand that this long-planned war initiated by the Dark Iron Dwarf will not end so easily.

Sure enough, about an hour later, the orcs recovered most of the outer guard posts.

Then, boom...

In the position of the chief guard, the sound of the explosion was almost inaudible, but the firelight and the shaking of the earth clearly showed that the Dark Iron Dwarf deserved the name of a dwarf, and the tradition of blowing up a wave of undecided things has not been forgotten.

"When did they install the explosives?"

The captain of the bodyguard didn't really put away his contempt for the Dark Iron Dwarf until this moment. This set of combination punches of orcs with gray heads and brains is really beautiful.

The orcs seemed to be laughing at these black dwarfs for not destroying the outer guard posts, but at this moment they realized that it was not that they did not explode, and the time had not yet come.

The smoke from the explosion not only prevented the orcs from judging the battlefield situation, but also prevented the chief guard from watching the battle.

Looking eagerly with a telescope, a looming black figure in the smoke and dust rushed towards the enemy fearlessly.

Although the beaten orc with a bewildered face is belligerent, morale is a thing that fluctuates from one to the other.

It took more than an hour for the dust to settle, and when the Chief Guard could see clearly through the telescope, the Dark Iron Dwarf had already begun to sweep the battlefield.

"At least two thousand orcs are dead, and the camp is in danger. The orcs don't ask for help from Dun Morogh, I'm afraid they will be defeated. While fighting in a hurry, they have been planning for a long time, ha."

The orc camp opened from north to south. The chief guard did not believe that the black iron dwarves would attack from the south, and the north would be motionless, and the combat puppets did not appear on the battlefield. One or two of those heavy puppets could only be cumbersome targets for orc show operations, but they succeeded. The emergence of the establishment on the battlefield has become the ultimate killing machine that can bring death storms.

Perhaps the trebuchets and bed crossbows of the orc camp have enough suppressing power.

The chief guard thought so, and continued to observe the progress of the war.

The first wave of fighting dark iron dwarves has retired, and the reorganization behind the large legion, rests and eats, while the second batch of dark iron dwarves did not leave the orcs easy time to eat, and the siege troops pushed forward. One by one thick pipes went up.

"What is this? Cannon? My God!"

The head of the guard watched the dark iron dwarves pushing the cannon racks densely with the cold sweat behind them.

There is still no loud sound coming, but the light and shadow effects and the splash of soil and rock at the impact point still prove that the black iron dwarf is not a toy, not a cannonball, but a real murder weapon.

From early morning to noon, in less than six hours, the orcs almost lost all their perimeter defenses and were surrounded by dark iron dwarves outside the camp.

At the beginning, the chief guard was still thinking about eating some dried meat and cheese and drinking two sips of wine. However, as the battle became fierce, the head of the guard focused all his attention on the telescope in his hand, and occasionally putting down the telescope was only a quick record of the events that took place on the battlefield and his own conjectures.

It's been more than four hours, and the chief guard hasn't dripped in either.

"The dark iron dwarves have been planning for a long time, but the melee combat is still the absolute advantage of the orcs. Now the last and strongest fortifications of the orcs have not been broken. In order to hide the march, the dark iron dwarves will not have enough ammunition reserves. The victory of the war If the negative cannot be determined before dark, then the Dark Iron Dwarves will not be able to wipe out the orcs in the Searing Gorge. Even if three or four thousand orcs die, there will be at least seven or eight thousand in the camp, or even more than ten thousand. As long as the orcs find an opportunity to launch a counterattack, the Dark Iron Dwarf’s strategy of dispersing and encircling at this moment will be a failure."

In Lordaeron and the orcs for nearly a hundred battles, the chief guard clearly understands that the soldiers of the orcs are very nervous. The Union soldiers fought dumbfounded.

Therefore, the few hours in the afternoon are particularly important. If the Dark Iron Dwarf can make a combination of punches in one go, it is really possible to accomplish everything in one fell swoop.

The Dark Iron Dwarf obviously has a back hand, but the orcs are not the meat on the chopping board. The characteristics of the Dark Iron Dwarf cannons are estimated in just over ten minutes. In just one minute between shelling, at least one thousand orcs have crossed five. He rushed into the blind area of ​​the artillery at a distance of more than 100 meters, and had a painful battle with the black iron dwarf guarding the artillery.

Nervous, exciting, for the first time, the chief guard found that watching others fight is more exhausting than leading soldiers.

My head is a little dizzy, on the one hand it is overuse of the eyes, on the other hand it is a little dehydrated.

Forced myself to put down the binoculars, ate some food to replenish some moisture, left the shack, and looked towards the soldiers on guard outside, and found that his men were not lazy, so he blew the whistle and waved his hand, beckoning his men to come and continue. Monitor, and I need to rest for a while.

In such a hidden and remote place, where would anyone come to sweep it? Soldiers were originally dissatisfied with the boss's arrangement of guarding themselves. However, the military orders are like mountains, and they can only hold back if they are dissatisfied. But when I took the telescope, all dissatisfaction disappeared.

"Captain Guard, the orcs have launched a counterattack."

"Huh? Let me see."

The guard who had just lay down spun and got up, snatching the binoculars.

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