Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 330 Fighting Within Specifications (11/14)

The blood-colored setting sun enveloped the blood-colored earth, and the sunset glowed red like blood on the bleeding battlefield.

In the afternoon, the dark iron dwarf's onslaught, regardless of casualties, shook the orc's will.

The seemingly calm night is just an illusion of turbulent rage.

Unlike the brightly lit positions of the Dark Iron dwarves, the camp of the orcs was silent, and a little bit of campfire made the whole camp even more lonely.

At the observation post where the Chief Guard is located, the field of view is so large that it is impossible for the Master to be dynamic on the entire battlefield. Therefore, if you want to know what is happening, you can only collect and analyze the intelligence of all the observation points and then sort and analyze it.

The bonfire was lit behind the backlit rock, and the hot barbecue was cold when it was delivered to the head of the guard.

However, the chief guard is reluctant to leave the observation point. This battle is too important. If you don't say what you see with your own eyes, no one can think of the underground, the dark iron dwarf contains such a powerful force.

You must record what you have seen and heard and communicate it to His Majesty Carlos, otherwise the unprepared Alterac army will suffer a great loss.

The head guard thought deeply and far away.

In the middle of the night, the two-person Observation Post No. 1 greeted two groups of mobile observation sentries. After simply stuffing up some food to satisfy their hunger, the sentries reported the information they had detected to the chief guard.

"The dark iron dwarves have cut off the water source for the orcs camp, and the orcs won't last long."

Although the news was very important, the head of the bodyguard still made severe criticisms of his subordinates.

These two guys actually took advantage of the chaos caused by the ineffective scheduling of the war to reach the back of the Dark Iron Dwarf, and found that the Dark Iron Dwarf's engineers were drilling a deep well to pump water, preparing to intercept the groundwater vein flowing through the orc camp.

After grabbing a tongue, the dark iron dwarves' plans are no longer kept secret from humans.

"Those basilisks are the basilisks that summon the rain of fire. It's a bit strange. If they are summons of the Dark Iron dwarves, they don't look much like them. We dare not get too close, so we can only observe with a telescope, and Drew some portraits."

Although the other group did not bring back any refreshing information, a thick stack of papyrus sketches vividly outlines the appearance of the mysterious creatures, which is of great value.

There are still several groups of people outside, the fog on the battlefield has not been completely peeled off, and the puzzle of this war is still messy, but from the perspective of military observers, the head of the guard thinks that the orcs should consider preparing for a breakthrough.

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, the first opportunity has been lost, and if you don't go, I'm afraid you won't be able to go.

Others also agreed with the chief guard's judgment that the orcs wanted to win this war, and it was a bit difficult, and peacekeeping was already the best situation.

Therefore, the observation point may need to be moved, and the manpower will be moved to the north for better observation.

"Hurry up and sleep for a while, and leave in the middle of the night, tell Observation Post No. 2 to follow your group to the north, and then move the observation position of your group to the north. Well, leave Observation Post No. 2 left. People from don’t go to the assembly point and withdraw directly to the support station in the Sea of ​​Ashes."

After thinking about it for a while, the chief guard made arrangements for the deployment of personnel.

Almost at the same time, the orcs camped.

"Warlord, the warrior who went north for help is back."

"So fast?"

Different from the external calm, in the Overseer’s Tent, the orc officers quarreled together. Some believed that they should stand by for help, some believed that they should take advantage of the night to assault, some believed that retreat was the best choice for security, and some even proposed a counterattack. Melting pot, it's a big deal to change houses.

And no matter what the propositions were, when they heard the news, they closed their mouths.

"Let him in."

When the warlord, who was still suspicious, saw the dying orc who was carried into the big tent on a stretcher, his heart was tight, but he was somewhat relieved.

"Spider, crystal spider. The tunnel to Dun Morogh is full of crystal spiders. After the others desperately break, let me return to report."

After speaking with difficulty, the orc covered in crystalline scars passed out into a coma.

"Huh, little trick, how long can those eight-legged reptiles live without food."

The orc warlord commented casually pretending to be relaxed.

Signals the guards to carry the wounded down to recuperate.

"Gather a team of warriors and give them the best equipment. We must rush through the blockade and pass the news to Dun Morogh's compatriots."

After turning his head to give instructions to his adjutant, the warlord turned his attention back to the previous topic, how the orcs in the Searing Gorge should deal with the enemy.

In the Burning Plains, and in Elvin further south, the main force of the hundreds of thousands of orcs still exists, and the warlord has not put the Dark Iron dwarves in his eyes. He has always firmly believed that victory will ultimately belong to the tribe.

At present, although the path to the Burning Plains south is cut off by the Dark Iron dwarves. But you don’t have to go to the news. The transportation team that transports supplies to the north can report the abnormal situation to the warchief Orgrim at most three or five days. At most ten days, the orcs of the Burning Plains will come and will be overwhelmed. The black dwarf crushed into dross.

Therefore, the Overseer still tends to stand by and wait for assistance.

His only concern was that the Dark Iron dwarf once again attacked the camp with that kind of rain of fire, and the problem would be serious.

However, the warlock under him repeatedly assured that such a spell would take a long time to prepare, and would not be without warning. The destruction of the wolf cavalry was the commander's underestimate and ignorance.

The morale of his men is high. Isshin asks for battle. The warlock brags in order to save his life. The seemingly lively meeting in the warlord’s camp continues until dawn, when the news of the depletion of groundwater is reported.

In Scorching Canyon, all drinking water is obtained through deep wells through underground water veins, and there is no drop of surface water in the entire area. Under the strict orders of the Overseer, the news was blocked.

Cutting off the water source must have been done by the Dark Iron dwarves, and no orc had any doubts about it.

There is enough water for a day.

Then the previous military strategy must be changed, and the army of Dark Iron dwarves must be smashed head-on, otherwise the entire camp will be difficult to hold until the reinforcements arrive.

Calculating the strength of the two sides, he still has more than 8,000 orc warriors who dared to fight, while the Dark Iron Dwarf still has more than 40,000.

One hits five... It seems that I still have a lot of advantages.

When the orc warlord made up his mind to attack head-on, the sky was already shining slightly.

On the side of the Dark Iron Dwarf, General Angerford was furious at Agmanche.

"The emperor is buying time for our actions in the Burning Plains, and the emperor Thaurissan himself went into battle to buy time for us. But you told me that the Puppet Legion that the Dark Iron Dwarves are so proud of cannot be used. You are treason! Agg Manqi, you are treason! Yesterday, if the Puppet Legion could go into battle, yesterday we could crush those orcs into dross!"

"Don't yell at me, Angerford, you are a general, and so am I. The technique given by the fire demon is flawed, do you dare to yell at Flairas?"

The puppet commander Agmanche retorted in a low voice.

"Tell me when it can be fixed."

"By noon tomorrow, half of the combat puppets should be repaired."

"Then it's half. Time is tight. If the battle cannot be ended before the orcs in the Burning Plains break through the blockade, we will all wait to face the anger of the emperor!"

"Can't the fire demons use that spell again?"

Agmanche suggested.

"Haha, good idea, you go to discuss with them?"

Faced with Angerford's sarcasm, Agmanche stopped taking the conversation, but turned his head and left.

Using the new power core provided by the fire demon, the combat puppets of the Dark Iron Dwarves actually lay down collectively after a long march.

Agmanche decided to do it himself and repair two more.

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