Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 348: Dancing with the Dragon (2)

The soul bound by gravity, sad and small...

The arakkoa Ashkandi stands tall, looking at all the living beings under his feet with a kind of compassionate eyes.

Whether humans, orcs, dwarves or ogres, in Ashkandi's eyes, they are all inferior races with shortcomings, and even his own companions have become defective after losing their wings. In a sense, Ashkandi’s ideas are no different from those of the great sages on Tongtian Peak. The only difference is that Ashkandy crazily worships Terokk and the strongest of the arakkoa clan. Mars. Because Terokk fell into the shadows, Ashkandi killed all his former comrades who had prevented him from leaving Tongtian Peak. Because Terokk wanted to shelter the exiles who had lost their wings, Ashkandi fought with his compatriots on the Peak. Because Terokk hopes to retrieve the stolen artifact, Ashkandi crossed the Dark Portal to the strange world of Azeroth, fulfilling his mission like finding a needle in the sea.

With the superiority of the strong, the gods of Azeroth in Ashkandi’s eyes are fragile, greedy, and unbearable. They are no different from the races dominated by the arakkoa in Draenor, and the dragon flying in the sky cannot bear it. His own fatal hack, even Carlos, who is known as the king of mankind, is just a troublesome guy in his own eyes.

Trouble is nothing but trouble after all, it has nothing to do with victory or defeat, and it has nothing to do with life.

However, at this moment, Ashkandi felt the fear like a spring breeze.

The blue-haired old human man in front of him was full of amiable radiance, exuding a warm atmosphere, well-dressed and kind, just like the grandfather in the ring in the reading before going to bed.

Just such an old man who seemed harmless to humans and animals made Ashkandi the arakkoa so terrified that he could not feel any fear.

From a rational analysis, such a cliff peak is not a place that ordinary humans can reach, and the biting cold wind is not something that human skin can easily resist without feathers. In such a place, an ordinary human old thing appears to smile at you mildly, as if it’s sunny, it’s unreasonable to think about it. The most important thing is that Ashkandy doesn’t know when this old man will appear. of.

In such a weird situation, Ashkandi's general response is nothing more than slashing with a knife or fluttering his wings in a roundabout way. However, I don't know why, Ashkandy can't afford to think of hostility at this moment.

An arakkoa and a guy who seemed to be a human were just talking about each other as usual on Xianfeng's decision.

"His Majesty Terokk's situation is not very good, Anzu's power is not as good as Rukhmar after all, and he has lost the dominance of Tongtian Peak. Styx has always been under the threat of the sun's authority of the high-ranking sages. If it weren't for those rebellious fears. His Majesty Terokk's desperate vengeance, the exiles have long since been purged."

Obviously knowing that these arakkoa's fortunes shouldn't be mentioned to humans...No, it shouldn't be mentioned to any outsiders, but Ashkandy still couldn't help but say it.

The strangest thing was that Ashkandi spoke the purest arakkoa, and this old human man understood it.

"So what you are looking for is very important to your master. It is so important that you have to track it back even if you cross the world, isn't it?"

"Yes, the Focusing Rainbow is an important means of Styx's Crow's Nest against the Sky Peak. It is an important legacy of the ancient Apexis Empire. It must be recovered if it can be recovered, and it must be prevented from falling into the orcs or Ai. In the hands of the natives of Xerath."

Ashkandi was a little shaken. Although talking to him gave him a certain sense of psychological comfort, but instinctively, he felt that he had said something that he shouldn't say.

"Then why did you kill the black dragon? Did the Focusing Rainbow fall into the hands of the black dragon?"

The old man's eyes exuded a weird brilliance, and the perfect amiable image was flawed because of the twist of the corner of his mouth, revealing a half-soul smell.

"It shouldn't have been. According to my investigation, the Focusing Rainbow is still in the hands of the orcs. Those orcs who have taken refuge in the black dragon have not had time to give the Focusing Rainbow to their black dragon master. But what does it matter? I hate the black dragon. I hate their dark skin, black wings and black tail, so I wanted to cut it when I saw it."

Ashkandy's answer was casual, but the old man smiled at it.

"What a good boy, um, good boy!"

Because of the old man's hearty laughter, Ashkandy felt that he was "infected" and his mood improved inexplicably.

"The old man, you seem to hate the black dragon too, why is that."

During the conversation, Ashkandi took the initiative to ask questions for the first time.

The old man was also a little surprised when he heard the arakkoa's question, but after a deep "um", he still answered the arakkoa's question.

"Let me tell you a story. A long time ago, I had four brothers and sisters who were close to each other, but the brother I trusted the most not only failed my trust, betrayed my ethnic group, but also killed my whole family. Little. He looks a lot like the black dragon."

Ashkandy was dumbfounded. Isn't he talking about the black dragon? Why is it inexplicably related to the love and hatred of the old man when he was young?

"Do you say I should hate my former brother?"


"Should I retaliate against him?"


"But I am old and weak, and he is in prime of life, what should I do?"

"If he kills your whole family, you can kill his whole family too."

Ashkandi didn't understand the old man's cryptic story at all, but gave a reply based on the arakkoa logic.

However, it was this answer that touched the old man's G point.

"Good boy, what a good boy, I start to like you arakkoa."

Although Ashkandi was granted certain spells from Anzu by the Talon King Terokk, he was considered a person with magical powers. But he didn't feel the majestic magic power on the seemingly ordinary old man at all. Until just now, the veteran has been exposed to more than double-digit lethal spells to lock Ashkandi, and once again strengthened the effectiveness of this aura spell.

In other words, Ashkandy finally got his life back.

"What are your plans, old man, although killing a few humans is easy for me, but I have no time to help you revenge. However, the king of the human kingdom Riotrand still owes me a promise, maybe I can ask him to help you complete your revenge."

For some reason, Ashkandy saw the old man look more and more pleasing to his eyes, and couldn't help but offered to help.

"Good boy, no hurry, no hurry, revenge is a cup of wine that needs to be brewed slowly to enjoy the taste. No hurry, no hurry."

I don't know if it's for the arakkoa or for myself, the good guy is talking and taking a deep breath.

"Well, although it is a pleasure to talk to you, I should continue my mission. I haven't asked for your name yet..."

"What a loyal and dedicated child!"

The old man seemed to be surprised that under his almost brainwashed [Super Charm Cue], the arakkoa could still remember his responsibilities, and sincerely showed respect for Ashkandy.

Loyal people are always easy to get the favor of others.

"Well, my name is Mario... My name is Mario, yes, just call me Mario."

The old man said to the arakkoa.

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