Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 349: Dancing with the Dragon (3)

Just as only people from the Shimada family can climb a wall, only one dragon can understand the thoughts of another dragon.

The plan progressed very smoothly. The chess pieces were all acting according to their own ideas, but Nefarian was not happy at all because of the interference of the other two dragons.

Nefarian never denied that he was greatly influenced by his father. Whether it is the form of a stalwart dragon like a mountain or a human form that is gentle and elegant and rich in intellectual aura, Neltharion is a model and role model that Nefarian yearns for.

The influence of this character even extends to the way of fighting.

It is no exaggeration to say that, except for the black dragon king Neltharion and a few old dragons that were famous in Azeroth in ancient times, Nefarian is the best in the black dragon army in terms of size and combat skills. By. However, it was such a black dragon that could obviously rely on his body to feed, but he was fascinated by magic and he also made a name for himself. The black dragon prince’s wild magic is not afraid of anyone who has ever seen it.

Consistent with the way of fighting, Nefarian's strategy is as shrewd as his magic but with a wild aura.

This time, Nefarian made a good calculation for the Dark Iron Dwarf plan. Don't you Ragnaros want to cast an artifact-level magic sword against the black dragon family? My Black Dragon clan is inherently high in flame resistance. There is no need to deliberately create weapons that target the fire element. Then I will target your Balrog King’s weakness and severely smash your fingers!

Yes, that's right. From the beginning, the black dragon prince Nefarian was not to destroy the sword-making ceremony or seize the magic sword. His goal was the black iron dwarf who forged this artifact.

Ragnaros, the Balrog Lord, is affected by the laws of the plane and cannot stay in the world of Azeroth for a long time. Its will is implemented by the Fire Elemental Legion and the Dark Iron Dwarves of the Molten Heart. For the fire element, the surface of Azeroth is as cold as the ice hell. For the low-level fire element, there is no difference in the ice field. For the surface races, the dark iron dwarf is the most important of the Balrog King. Eyeliner and minions.

That being the case, if I snatch your Dark Iron Dwarf slaves and turn them into my loyal fans, wouldn't it be more joyful and more fulfilling than killing them all? !

Nefarian thought so, and did it.

On the study of magic theory and the skill level of spellcasting, neither the Dark Iron Dwarves nor the fire element masters behind the Dark Iron Dwarves can enter the eyes of the dragon guardian of Azeroth, and Nefarian, as the most pure-blooded black dragon prince, Naturally inherited this great blood wisdom.

The black iron dwarf craftsmen masters of Darkforge City have no problems with their casting plans, no problems with their craftsmanship, and no problems with magic infusion. Everything is the most orthodox, most reliable and reasonable plan. According to this plan, you will definitely get one. Put "Black Dragon Killer".

The plan of the Dark Iron dwarves of the Thorium Brotherhood is also no problem. According to the plan given by Nefarian, the "Black Dragon Killer" can also be turned into a "Fire Elemental Killer".

Is Nefarian actually a good dragon? A good dragon that sacrifices for others and sacrifices for the highest happiness?

Think so much...

Just like the crucian carp soup is delicious and the plum juice is refreshing, but after you reconcile the two in a 50% ratio, the taste...

Nefarian's plan is actually like this crucian sour plum soup, playing a trick of knowledge, playing the ambiguity of reconciliation.

As for the actions of the Thorium Brotherhood, Nefarian had already informed the pro-fire element faction through his pawn in Darkforge City, and the Dark Iron dwarves in Darkforge City must be on guard. With the help of the Thorium Brotherhood, the action will definitely achieve its goal. The action of the Foundry will be a bloody action, and will end with the victory of the Dark Iron Dwarves in Darkforge City.

That's right, Nefarian had placed his human incarnation, Victor Nefarios, as the loser of the operation from the very beginning. The forged artifact will be taken away by the Dark Iron dwarves of Darkforge City and brought back to their king. Victor Nepharios’s hard fight cannot save this action. After hard fights, the Archmage will inevitably It must and will fail gloriously. However, when the Dark Iron King Dagran Thaurissan held the artifact, the Black Dragon Prince Nefarian only had to wait patiently for the victory.

The reason for all lies in the black dragon eye used by the black iron dwarves to restrain the black dragon army, and the black dragon eye that Nefarian personally delivered to the black iron dwarves.

The Black Dragon Legion has never been a mutual aid association of unity and friendship. Therefore, when the Dark Iron dwarves organized an army to attack the upper layer of the Blackrock Tower, hoping to obtain a black dragon as a sacrifice, a certain unlucky person was controlled by Nefarian and sent to the Dark Iron dwarf, and then stayed after a pretentious fight. Take a longan as a reward for the bravery of the Dark Iron Dwarves.

However, this black dragon eye, specially processed by Nefarian, is the key to the whole plan.

When the humans hired by the Thorium Brotherhood fight against the guards of Darkforge City, Nefarian will secretly cast a spell to activate the eye of the black dragon. The newly formed artifact will absorb the bloody breath of the agitation and wake up the sword of the blood sacrifice in advance. The memory of the dead soul, and then remember the magical breath of Nefarian.

A fight, a tragic fight, can perfectly cover up Nefarian's small movements, even if the Dark Iron dwarves and the fire element will be confused, they will only treat these bloody breaths as artifacts after absorbing this blood fight. What's more, these bloody scents will enhance the power of the artifact. They will only be happy as an unexpected gain, and as a sweet return after they have paid. Nefarian believes that most mortal races don't understand a truth-paying does not always have a reward.

And when the king of the dark iron dwarves couldn't help touching this powerful artifact, Nefarian could establish a spiritual connection with him. Then, it was only a matter of time to control the Dark Iron Dwarf King.

The Black Dragon Prince, who was able to hear certain voices, was inspired by it and made this plan.

The plan is perfect, but the accident is terrible.

Nefarian, who used the Legion Summoning Order, did not expect that his sister would attract the attention of Blue Dragon King Malygos. Although Nefarian was very confident in his magic and believed that Malygos was a dead old thing, but One thing that cannot be avoided is that Malygos is the guardian of magic and mystery.

The peep of the old blue dragon is good to say that the lonely king of the blue dragon is not an opponent of the black dragon army with a complete lineup. Ten Thousand Years is not, and not now. If it were not for the existence of the red dragon army, Nefarian would even have the confidence to destroy it. Blue Dragon Legion, Malygos bladed by hand.

After assigning his subordinates to strengthen their patrols in the Searing Gorge and the Burning Plains, Nefarian did not think it was too much trouble although the available power at hand was reduced.

The real trouble is his sister.

Nefarian stubbornly believed that Onyxia had inherited the strength and appearance of his parents, but lost his wisdom in the process. Regarding Onyxia's ideas, Nefarian has always been indulged in favors, and never acted upon them.

Talk about a vigorous love, and then use your own charm to conquer the king of mankind, and then use this as a pedal to control the entire human world, and finally let the entire humanoid creatures of Azeroth worship under their boundless charm.

If it weren't for Aoni to lay a dragon egg for herself, Nefarian could hardly help spraying.

Holding back, holding back, Nefarian looked at his younger sister who was pretending to be cute, and wondered how to continue his plan.

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