(Achievement [Speaking counts]: Say 5 more to 5 more, and the goal achievement degree is 25)

No matter how Carlos slandered Audron, the general was competent as the commander of an army. Did not force to die for the sake of face and saved the lives of two thousand soldiers.

"It's poison. The green poisonous fog touched and died. A hundred brothers rushed up, and there was no more. Only the few brothers at the back lowered their horses and turned around and escaped. The trolls sent chasing troops. I don't know if there are any more. There are no other survivors. We scattered and fled." The survivors of the commando returned to the fortress after dawn. Hunger and panic tortured him overnight. Although his voice was messy, the brave soldier told the most concerned issues of everyone present— ----What happened to the commando.

"Send our brave soldier to rest. He needs hot food, strong wine, and a bed." General Odren arranged for the survivors of the commando, and began to discuss the situation with the commanders.

"I must admit my mistake. I underestimated the trolls. We must treat these guys as strong teammates rather than lambs to be slaughtered. Master Brick, can you analyze the green poison mentioned by the soldiers." General Lun put his posture very low.

"I don't dare to analyze it without enough information, so I can only tell you some information that I can be sure of, and it may not be helpful to the coalition forces." Fangzhuan nodded.

"Too modest, master, knowledge is priceless, and we will remember your generosity." General Odren saluted again.

"Neither vegetation-type poisons nor mineral-type poisons can be touched to death in the case of atomization. Animal toxins may be possible, but it needs to enter the human body. I observed that this lucky soldier was breathing very fast. He was abnormally rushed and his face was pale. He should have inhaled a small amount of toxins. But he still maintained basic mobility and was able to escape under the pursuit of trolls. By the way, I did not find that he was mentally attacked. Controlling the signs of the influence of spells, so under the premise that the information he provided is true, the threat of this kind of poison is not as big as we imagined."

"You mean..." Carlos looked enlightened.

"Please explain in detail, Master." General Audron was overjoyed.

"Dose and spread. We can basically tell that the trolls possess the poisonous potions provided to them by the gods of their beliefs as their killer mace. The method of killing is the poisonous cloud of atomization, and the spread is extremely slow. From the description of the soldiers, the trolls also Don't dare to enter the poisonous cloud range. Then..." Fangzhu sold a close.

"Then we just have to avoid the poisonous cloud." General Odren concluded, and the smile returned to his face.

"Stupid trolls. They should be preparing to use the poison in the battle against the Terminator Fortress, but they are not sure about the power of the poison, so they used a part of the verification effect when the assault team attacked." Carlos also freed from his distress. , "Praise the Holy Light, we should give a medal to the surviving warrior. The troll exposed his only hole card to comeback."

"Yes, at the latest tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, the troll will arrive at the Terminator Fortress. Defending is suicide. We need an offensive battle plan." General Odron slammed his fist on the table with the battle map. superior.

It was a matter of life and death, and the nobles and officers were racking their brains to discuss various possibilities. In the end, a bold plan gradually took shape.

One hundred and forty-nine scouts and stalkers were shot together, and Carlos spoke to them.

"Warriors, you are all the best hunters. A good hunter naturally has a brain, and I will not talk nonsense with you. The plan is like this. After nightfall, you enter the outskirts of the troll camp and hunt their guards and guards. Hidden pile. You don't need to go deep, just make sure that you won't be disturbed three miles away."

"Sir, can I take the liberty to ask how the coalition forces will launch an offensive." The combat order was too vague, and some people questioned it.

"Yes, in one night, we will arrange a large number of firelighters, launch shelling at the time when the sky is white, and force the trolls to cross the fire field to fight with us." Carlos replied.

"So our task is to hunt down the patrolmen among the trolls, and provide conditions and time for the large troops to set up the fire field?" Brother Bale asked.

"Yes, fighting silently, withdraw before dawn." Carlos replied in the affirmative.

"I like it." Even though Brother Bal is wearing a mask, the ferocious ferociousness is still reflected on his face.

Lifting the large box containing 5,000 silver coins and placing it in front of the group of hunters, Carlos kicked the lid of the box. (Special effects can be added here: DUANG's, the silver light shines in the audience. Although the total value is only about 70 gold coins, the visual sense of such a large box of silver coins and a small bag of gold coins is not of the same grade. Another: in metal currency In the era, the exchange rate of gold, silver and copper will never be the same as in the game at 1 to 100. With the impact of trade settlement and new coins on the market and a large amount of accumulation in the hands of nobles, the exchange rate will fluctuate. Copper coins The exchange rate with silver coins does not fluctuate much, and the exchange rate between gold and silver coins fluctuates greatly. Don't think that there was no financial war in ancient times. In addition to watching He Luo selling cute, the commercial war in the era of metal currency is also very interesting. .)

"You do what you can, this combat mission is all voluntary." Carlos finished speaking and turned around with the guards.

Inside the camp, Carlos was talking with several Ravenholdt's assassins.

"Master, won't you participate in this operation? I remember that elves and trolls are feuds." Carlos asked.

"Brother Bald wants to go. Someone has to protect you, right? We can't be sure if there will be a fourth assassination." Dan Dema said indifferently, sitting in the corner.

After annihilating the first batch of assassins, the enemies in the shadow of Carlos gave up large-scale assassinations and used poison and crossbows to carry out assassinations twice, both of which were seen through by Dan Dema and the bald brother.

"Brother Bald, you don't have to work hard for this action. We still have follow-up methods." After a long time together, Carlos felt that he and Brother Bald are no longer a rigid employer-employee relationship, and the two should be regarded as half friends. .

"Except for Brother Dufang, I haven't found any other good thieves in the troll." In Tsundere, the bald brother.

"Mr. Dufang, don't take part in this operation. Your accidental injury is a huge loss for the coalition forces." Carlos really thought so.

"My lord, I appreciate your kindness. But since I joined the Allied Forces, I have made a lot of money by selling witherbark trolls. I can't witness their demise. I can't sleep and eat." Unable to know Dufang, said evil tooth. It is the inner feeling or the adjustment of the atmosphere, no matter what the expression of the troll is in the eyes of human beings, it is a bit hideous.

Carlos took out his childhood Thorium Short Sword and handed it to the troll Tooth.

"When I was a child, my father gave me a birthday gift. I haven't left for nine years. Although this Short Sword is just a fruit knife for me when I grow up, it is still a killer weapon made of thorium and forged by a master. "

Duofang took the dagger (it’s a bit short for the trolls), took it out, and said, "A good knife, do some darkening, and then apply poison. It is a weapon in the dark. Your lord’s I accepted the gift."

"What about me and me, what are you going to give me?" Tan Ji suddenly appeared to be cute, and no one had found her in the camp before.

"Send you a special mission." Carlos suddenly thought of something.

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