Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 36 Code Name: Tiger Tiger Tiger

(Achievement [Speaking counts]: say 5 more to 5 more, the goal achievement degree is 35)

For dinner two hours in advance, the hunters only ate bread and a small amount of water, and then smeared the whole body with the sap of maple and oak trees. Two hours after the hunting troop sets off, the follow-up large troop will set out the encirclement circle.

"Ensign, the key to this operation is your artillery in Kul Tiras. I need a stable answer. Are you confident?" General Odren looked directly at the one hundred provided by Daelin Proudmoore. artillery.

"Trust me, General, the artillery of Kul Tiras is the best human artillery. And my men and I are the best of the artillery of Kul Tiras." Ensign, who led the team, replied confidently.

"But there is no school shot, can you guarantee a hit in the first round?" Carlos was still a little worried.

"Sir, at least half of the twenty cannons can hit at least half of them. Believe me, sometimes an old gunner feels more reliable than a ruler. The target distance is only three miles away, and a small bag is enough for me." Ensign knew his own. There are multiple responsibilities, so I patiently answer questions from superiors. The proud old gunner was already angry during the change of peace.

"Very well, uncle, the guard job is left to you." Carlos turned and looked at Biglas and his son.

"Don't worry, eldest brother (Carlos is not Anleier, audience masters who don't understand this can save your mother Anleis), whoever you say will be cut." Danas expressed his determination excitedly.

"The soldiers in Stromgarde are not dead, and no one wants to touch the hair of Kul Tiras's friends." After Biglas said, he pulled off the visor of his helmet, not talking nonsense, "Go!"

"Brother Beckham, there is no problem on Eagle's Nest Mountain?" Although General Odren is also an old army, this operation involves a lot of aspects, and the advanced concept is beyond his expectation. For unknown areas , The general is still not very confident.

"Wildhammer dwarves never break their promise, if there is nothing else we should set off." Beckham Steel Warhammer finished speaking and led his men to leave the Terminator fortress to the predetermined location.

"Sir Carlos, I will also set off first. Please urge the other troops to start on time." General Odron summoned the troops to leave after speaking.

At this moment, there are only less than a thousand people left in the huge Terminator fortress.

With five hours left before the agreed time, Carlos patrolled the entire fortress, and sent his subordinates to check the surrounding ten-mile range, and found no problems.

"Heni, are the meat and water for our winged friends in place?"

"My lord, everything is ready."

"Have you checked the bonfires that you guided at night?"

"All checked, all in duplicate."

"Have you checked the burning fuel bag and the air-dropped explosives?"

"All checked, even a third of the misfire can send the troll to the sky."

"Really, then I will take a break and wake me up in two hours."

"My lord, let me go."

"Can you command those masters of the Alterac Royal Knights? Your contribution is indispensable for coordinating well."

After sending Herni Mareb away, Carlos still couldn't calm down in his heart. The outline of the entire plan is clearly visible. First use the hunters to blind the trolls, then bury the ambush circle, and finally use the Kul Tiras artillery to fire incendiary bombs to provide guidance at night. After nightfall, take a short break in the Terminator Fortress and then carry incendiary bombs and bombs to air raid the troll's residence before dawn, and use the chaos brought about by the fire to raid the troll army.

The entire plan is far beyond the conventional thinking of the human army, but it is extremely feasible. Carlos took the lead in the combat meeting. The preparation process including incendiary bombs and aerial bombs was completed within four hours. Tiles contacted the Mage Tower in Eagle's Nest, and persuaded High Lord Metz to provide emergency support for two hundred Griffin Riders.

This was the first battle plan made by himself. Carlos muttered silently for a hundred times, "Be calm in the event of major events," but still couldn't calm the restless mood.

"Master, have you participated in the big scene?" Carlos asked lying on the camp bed.

"Does it count against the Burning Legion?" Dandema said astonishingly.

"Aren't you the samurai commander who served as the sentry corps 4000 years ago?" Carlos breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, I was just a big soldier before." Dan Dema didn't understand Carlos' surprise.

"Do you know Malfurion and Tyrande, and Illidan?" Carlos felt like he had discovered the big news.

"Unfamiliar with the two brothers, Tyrande's little girl's watch smashed, cut it~" Dandema snorted disdainfully.

"Um, what happened to you, High Priest Tyrande?" The soul of Carlos' Eight Trigrams burned.

"My marriage to Shandris, the little girl gave me some pointers. She also used her position to transfer Shandris away from me, and refused to accept my transfer application. I was dismissed from the army in anger. Now." Dandema's words are not surprising and endless.

"Wh, which Shandris?" Carlos felt that he was not well.

"Shandis Feathermoon." Dan Dema replied.

I said! That sentry general who can single-handedly slaughter Orgrim, a moon god praying for a small roar? (The audience master who doesn't understand can save his mother's entry Shandris Yuyue, and he will understand by pulling down.) Uncle Dandema, are you hanging on to me as a bodyguard?

"Is it the Feathermoon General of Admiral, the head of the Sentinel Corps? Your Excellency Shandris, the commander of the Feathermoon Fortress?" Carlos stammered a little.

"Well, Shandris has been in a good relationship with Tyrande since she was a child, and she has moved up the job quickly." Dandema looked upset.

You, such a big man, leave his wife and children (not sure if there are any), and come to Lordaeron to find a sister, how much sister control is it?

While arranging Dan Dema Lan Yu in my heart, while chatting with the uncle Elf, time passed without knowing it.

"My lord, the Griffin Rider of Eagle's Nest is here!" Hennie Mareb ran in to inform Carlos.

"Really, please dwarf friends first take a rest, everything goes according to plan, I will leave the Terminator fortress to you, Hennie." Carlos got up, sorted out his clothes, put on his armor, and put Bonigotto. The quencher's sword was fixed, and he turned and left the tent.

"Yes, sir!" Heni Mareb saluted the two who left.

"Uncle, tonight, let's do the Burning Legion once." Carlos said, "Knights of Alterac, ready to go!"

According to the scheduled plan, General Audron will lead a thousand soldiers back behind the troll to block their escape, while Carlos led the Knights to block the front of the troll to guard against the troll's decisive charge.

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