Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 37-Dawn of War

(Achievement [Speaking counts]: Say 5 more to 5 more, and the goal achievement degree is 45.)

The artillery masters of Kul Tiras did not disappoint the coalition forces, and most of the first round of shelling hit the gathering place of the trolls. In the darkness before dawn, ten orange flame tracks brought soaring fire, and the power of shelling was not great, but the griffon knights circling in the sky on standby were guided and quickly gathered to the light.

"Quick, quick, clean the barrel, prepare to charge, restore the position, and prepare for the second bombardment! The remaining ten guns will be launched in 30 seconds!" Ensign roared orders.

In the sky, the Griffin Riders quickly assembled to the target area. After the second round of shelling, Madara's red dots appeared on the dark ground, and the Griffin Riders began to drop bombs. Including Kurdran, some Griffin Riders who thought they were highly skilled, feared that the accuracy of high-altitude grenades were not high enough, and carried out dive bombing. (Even on the modern earth, the so-called advanced jet plane dropping bombs at night at low altitude is a life-threatening thing. The speed is so fast that the plane will fall to the ground when it loses consciousness.)

The human soldiers near the encirclement heard the noise, and all the soldiers who dozed off in a spirited wake.

"Ignite, light, and organize a defense fifty meters behind the line of fire. All captains and officers are in their positions!" The commanders of each position issued similar orders.

Chaos happened as expected, and the fear of flames was a common inheritance that was written into the soul of all intelligent races during the evolution process, and trolls were no exception.

The luxuriant jungle was ignited by highly adherent fuel, and thick smoke and heat destroyed the troll's sanity. Except for a few well-trained professional troll soldiers, other trolls swarmed away like headless flies. The smarter ones know that they follow the leader. Those who are destroyed by panic only know to rush out and escape from the fire is their only purpose.

"High priest, what shall we do!" a troll priest asked Liushen Wuzhu.

"Humans, mankind must pay the price! We can't go back and gather the manpower. We will continue to their fortresses. They must pay the price!" The high priest ordered his men and quickly took Shadra’s venom bottle. Collect them together properly and bring them together to prepare to break through.

"How many people gathered?" the high priest asked his men.

"Less than a hundred people," the subordinate replied.

Enough, as long as the enemy's fortress and food storage are destroyed, even if the casualties are heavy, Shadralo has survived the crisis, and the Witherbark Troll has not lost yet. The high priest so inspired his fighting spirit.

But the reality is always so cruel. The huge military advantage of the human coalition cannot be offset by conspiracy. Less than ten miles away, the high priest encountered Carlos who was waiting and the Knights of Alterant behind Carlos.

The steel cans of the Alterac Royal Knights are all veterans who are good at fighting, and the battlefield is far away in a sparse woodland near the stream. One side stayed up all night and waited for it, while the other was frightened and angry.

Seeing that there is no hope of moving forward, the high priest sighed, took out Shadra's venom, and poured it bottle after bottle into his belly.

"Shadra bless the troll! You will be entangled by the invisible web, and your soul will be swallowed by the poisonous lord!" The high priest cursed in pain.

"High Priest!" the trolls exclaimed.

"Witherwood clan will never be slaves!" The high priest uttered a final roar, and his body began to upgrade and collapse. The green poisonous mist sprayed from the fragmented wound melted the surrounding trolls. In the turbid mist, a pair of huge mouthparts The hoarse and hoarse, the first to show the vigor.

Carlos and the Knights watched the change coldly, but the horse under the hip had already begun to restlessly restlessly.

The poisonous mist cleared, and a huge twelve-clawed spider appeared in front of everyone.

The high priest sacrificed himself and half of the priests alive in exchange for the incarnation of the poisonous lord Shadra.

"Witherwood clan, attack." Using the spider's weird mouthparts to make a troll's voice, the remaining eighty trolls seemed to have controlled their minds, with bloodthirsty red lights in their eyes, and white saliva mixed with bloodshots. Dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"My lord knight, what should I do, the horse cannot start a charge at all in the current situation." The knight beside him needs Carlos to give an order.

Shadra is an animal deity evolved from the spirit. Its incarnation has a huge deterrent and panic effect on animals. There is no high-level priest to cast a spell to soothe the soul. Even if the horse is blindfolded, it cannot get rid of the fear from the soul. But the archbishop set off with General Odron's troops.


Carlos took the lead in landing, and the surrounding knights dismounted one by one. Losing the master's control, the horses fled in panic.

"We are the sons of the mountains." Carlos shouted.

"Mother gave us strength." A neat and powerful voice responded.

"We are the fury of the mountain god." Carlos drew his sword.

"Stand on the top of the world." The knights responded to the call of the knight commander.

"We are a blue avalanche." Carlos made a charge.

"We are the Knights of Alterac." The knights put on their lower armor one after another.

"I will take the lead in the charge!" Carlos purchased [Heroic Glory] from Achievement Mall as quickly as possible


The blue tide rushes to the green waves.

The power of the trolls in a frenetic state is so great that the knights found that they were unable to adjust their tactics quickly behind enemy lines. The combat effectiveness of the Alterac Knights is not much different from that of the frenzied trolls, and the power exchanged for reason cannot help the Witherbark trolls to win. The skillful knight defeated the main force of the troll with only one charge, and the scattered remnants of twos and threes were quickly eliminated.

But just this time the charge, fourteen knights tragically died at the spider's feet.

"Spread it, surround it, and follow my orders to attack together." Carlos found that the armor was like paper in front of Shadra's incarnation.

"Knight Commander?"

"As a knight commander, how can I win the victory with my life, I will take the lead in the charge!"

Carlos, in a relaxed suit, holding a sword in both hands, rushed towards the twelve-clawed spider monster.

Thanks to the training of the Pandaren Monk Storm Storm, Carlos has a sense of balance and coordination far beyond ordinary people. By evading the spider monster's sweeping claws like a juggling, Carlos managed to get close to the spider monster's head. The huge jaw teeth wanted to smash Carlos's head, but the flexible samurai's short stature avoided him. A heavy blow cut a spider's foot into two thirds and broke under the weight of the spider monster. , Only some connective tissue is left to connect the severed limb.

The spider monster suffered pain and locked the target to Carlos. The two knights paid the price of their lives to take Carlos back to a safe position.

The spider monster jumped up and slammed into Carlos heavily. Dandema, who had been hidden for a long time, suddenly appeared. In a short time, six arrows hit the spider monster's abdomen. Embarrassed to dodge the crushing attack, Carlos still wanted to fight in close hands, but was held back by Dandemar.

"It has ended."

"Huh?" Carlos didn't know why.

"I found out that there was a legal profession on the other side, so I hurried back to inform Master Tile." Dan Dema explained.

"Uncle Brick is here?" Carlos asked in surprise.

"No," Dan Dema replied.

"What's the end of it, can you cut this spider?" Carlos looked embarrassed.

"If you don't have equipment, you can't cut it." Dan Dema looked regretful.

"Then what to end the battle?" Carlos was a little frantic. In a short time, five more knights died.

"Rely on teammates." Dan Dema replied.

At this time, the sound of griffon trumpets was heard in the sky.

Kurdran led more than twenty Griffin Riders to arrive, and the enchanted Mithril Warhammer smashed the spider monster with huge kinetic energy.

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