Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 353: Dancing with the Dragon (7)

Walking among the desolate scorched earth of the burning plain, Malygos in human form is as unspeakable as a stroll in the garden.

It was Ten Thousand Years. Except for the dragon eggs that were rescued from the red dragon, Malygos was in a better mood after watching those young dragons burst out of their shells.

The guardian dragon is blessed by the Titan and has a near eternal life.

However, the Dragon King itself still did not surpass the biological instinct.

Friendship, affection, love.

Responsibilities, obligations, missions.

Malygos was just an old dragon with flesh and blood under layers of aura.

Countless times, Malygos wanted to question Neltharion, have you forgotten our friendship against Galakrond?

Countless times, Malygos wanted to question Neltharion, have you forgotten the mission we have undertaken since we gained the power of protection?

Countless times, Malygos wanted to question Neltharion. I thought you were a brother, but you killed my whole family. Is it interesting? what!

However, the reality is extremely cruel.

Malygos is not Neltharion’s opponent. The heavily damaged Blue Dragon Legion is not an opponent of the Black Dragon Legion at all. The conspiracy of the Demon Soul has made the other four-color dragon kings lose the ability to confront the Black Dragon King. Or Alexstrasza, Ysera and Nozdormu, meeting Neltharion in a one-on-one situation, and being able to retreat with the whole body is the best result.

If you want to eradicate Neltharion, if you can’t create a deadlock that the black dragon king has to fight, and then gather the power of several other dragon kings to encircle and annihilate, you can only defeat the black dragon army first, and then use the advantage of quantity to drag down the black dragon king. . In addition to these two methods, Malygos could not think of other possibilities.

However, the two solutions that seem to be the most feasible are indeed more difficult than the other.

Malygos can't remember how many times he has simulated battles with Neltharion in his mind. The one with the greatest chance of winning is that the red dragon queen Alexstrasza will be responsible for the frontal attack, and he will cover and contain himself on the flanks. In the end, Nozdormu locks Neltharion's timeline to complete the kill.

However, the ideal is full, and the reality is very skinny. First of all, Nesario is not a fool. He is even smarter than the other four dragon kings. It is impossible for such a large-scale strategy against him to remain unrevealed. Second, the war of the ancients, because of the betrayal of the Black Dragon Legion, the remaining four-color dragons The legions were all seriously injured. The black dragons gave up their mission and responsibilities. However, the red dragons, blue dragons, green dragons, and bronze dragons could not be desperate for revenge. The reality is that while fulfilling the tasks given by the Titans, the four-color dragons simply cannot tune in. Give enough power to destroy the Black Dragon Legion.

The final result of the balance is that this hatred will never end.

While thinking about these pasts, Malygos traversed the vast land of the Burning Plain at a speed that humans could not reach, and quickly approached the Blackrock Tower with literally vigorous steps.

That's right, Malygos thinks this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, an opportunity to spy on the old brother, the old opponent, the black dragon king Nesario's lair.The chess piece has fallen and the situation is ready, Malygos can't help but feel a bit of pride in her heart. What a perfect layout, so far, even if the little black dragon notices something wrong, I don't know who is behind the scenes. Although the Blue Dragon Legion at this moment is indeed not the opponent of the Black Dragon Legion, the Black Dragon Legion also has its own interests, not a mad dog who bites anyone. Because of his perfect revenge plan, the Black Dragon Legion suffered heavy losses, Neltharion lost himself personally, and the Blue Dragon Legion would not be retaliated against, what a perfect script!

Although Onyxia’s unreasonable order to withdraw troops from the mystery made Malygos’s first step in the plan to severely damage the Black Dragon Legion failed, the march of the army has never been a simple matter. Between the front and back dispatch, the defense of the Black Wing Lair. There must be loopholes.

What's more, the foreshadowing of the artifact casting ritual site has already been buried. When the outbreak occurs there, the Blackwing Lair will inevitably experience greater turmoil, and that is the best time for him to launch it.

When Malygos' thoughts were sorted out, he was already standing under the Blackrock Tower.

The majestic Blackstone Tower was originally cast from a hollow mountain. The black dragon and the fire element fought endless battles for this supernatural fortress. Currently, the Dark Iron dwarves occupy the lower level of the Blackrock Tower, while the black dragons occupy the upper level of the Blackrock Tower. If anyone thinks that it is a good choice to use the flying ability to sneak in from the terrace on the top of the Blackrock Tower, then what awaits him will be the ruthless flames of the Black Dragon. Under the arcane eyes of Malygos, the guardian of magic and mystery, the blue dragon king Malygos, the enchantment spells laid by the Black Dragon Legion are clear. Even the old blue dragon couldn’t help but nodded, cherishing the black dragon’s magic skills in his heart. Clicked a thumbs up.

The King of Blue Dragon was tormented by hatred in his heart, but at the moment he seemed so relaxed and comfortable. The time of Ten Thousand Years has been waiting, and the moment of waiting at this time is nothing.

In this way, Malygos waited patiently, waiting for the scorching gorge a thousand kilometers to the north to change.

Waiting and waiting, Malygos carried a chain of bracelets with magical fluctuations, which made the Blue Dragon King feel a little surprised.

Arranging the lower sixteen layers of anti-exploration enchantment, Malygos cautiously activated the magic on the bracelet, and the image of an old dragon appeared in front of Malygos.

"Senegos, my old friend, it's been a long time since I received your magic newsletter."

Malygos gave a sincere smile.

"Malygos, it seems you are in a good mood. I haven't seen you smile for a long time."

The magic image showed a slightly surprised expression.

"Yes, something good happened."

Malygos responded faintly.

"Well, looking at your human form, I probably understand why you can't contact you using Kodala's communication circle. Although I don't want to ruin your good mood, I have to tell you bad news."

Senegos couldn't help sighing.

"Let's talk, you know that the worst thing has happened before Ten Thousand Years, and now I can accept any bad news, because there is no way to make it worse."

Malygos made a ridiculous ridicule with his bad sense of humor.

"My son is dead."


Malygos was shocked before reacting.

"What happened? What happened to the Broken Isles? Why don't you ask me for help! Why!"

Malygos suppressed his anger in his tone, and asked his old friend in a low voice.

"A few months ago, a group of orcs arrived in the Broken Isles through the enchantment of mist and entered the Tomb of Sargeras. The watchman asked me to assist in the exploration, and I agreed. Then, the night elves and my son who went to explore And the other three great boys never returned. The second group of investigators brought back the corpse of the night elf and my son's dragon crystal."

Senegos said in a slightly sad tone.

"The Broken Isles is the place where our tragedy began and the end of that disaster. Nothing can be lost. When I return to Kadala, I will send reinforcements to support you."

Malygos frowned and said.

"Don't be brave, old man. The Broken Isles don't need you. The damage that black bastard brings to the blue dragon can't be wiped out by the time of Ten Thousand Years. Cordara is the barrier of the Temple of Wyrmrest, and this century is ours. The blue dragon is responsible for guarding the Holy Land of Dragon Sleep. If it weren't for the Vykul expedition 20 years ago that consumed too much of my energy, I would even like to give you some support in turn."

"I do not need!"

Malygos refused decisively.

"So I don't need it either."

After a brief silence, Malygos spoke first.

"Then my old friend, why are you looking for me so urgently?"

"For my little star."

"Stella Goosa?"

"Yes. Little Xingxing has inherited my bloodline and possesses unparalleled talent. However, his excellent physique makes his development extremely slow, which is not good."

Although Senegos didn't say it clearly, Malygos still understood what the old friend wanted to say.

The blue dragon is the guardian of magic, and it is naturally inseparable from the accumulation of magic power in the process of development. However, the blue dragon family never lacks magical genius, but suffers from it. The more excellent the young dragon, the easier it is to die because of the loss of magical power. There is another situation that is the other extreme. The so-called genius among the geniuses, the best among the blue dragons, starved to death because the magic power needed for growth was too large and could not meet the body's needs by eating and absorbing.

"I want Little Xingxing to inherit his father's Dragon Crystal."

"you are serious?"

Malygos sincerely cared for every blue wyvern and couldn't bear to carry out such a dangerous move.

"This is her destiny. If she doesn't evolve into the form of a young dragon, the little star will be dying of old age. Hahahaha..."

Although Senagos laughed heartlessly, Malygos couldn't laugh.

The chat with old friends was so nourishing inside that Malygos was unwilling to end the magic communication.

But the news from the magic feedback reminded the king of the blue dragon that the melting pot had changed, and the time had come.

"I understand. When I return to the Eye of Eternity, I will contact you again. Now, I have something to do."

"Okay, go ahead, my old friend, let your enemies see how terrible the wrath of the Lord of Magic is!"

Malygos showed a surprised look again, but before he could speak, Senegos unilaterally ended the communication.

"This old bastard..."

Don't know why, Senegos' eyes were a little wet.

Closing his eyes, adjusting his mood, and opening his eyes again, the arcane storm surged in Malygos's eyes.

His figure flashed, and the King of Blue Dragon had already entered the gate of the Blackrock Tower.

"Let me see what you did with us, my old brother."

Malygos accelerated his sprint with a teleportation that was so fast that he was suspicious of his eyes. The appearance of human beings showed the characteristics of dragonization. In less than thirty minutes, Malygos passed through the lower level of the Blackrock Tower guarded by the Dark Iron Dwarves and reached the buffer zone of the Black Dragon and Dwarves.

Relentlessly strangling an alert orc, Malygos couldn't help but sip.


Invisible, the blue dragon king's invisibility technique was flawless, passing through the half-covered stone gate, Malygos entered the upper level of the Blackrock Tower guarded by the orcs and dragons.

Slowing his pace, the King of Blue Dragon waited patiently, waiting for the Black Dragon Legion to cause chaos due to changes thousands of miles away.

"Come on, let me see, my brother, you secretly hid something at home."

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