Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 354 Dancing with the Dragon (8)

Soul, soul, is a word that even more powerful legal titles can't get around.

However, what exactly is a soul, even the professional counterpart of the warlock master might not know it clearly.

Whether it will be used or not, this is probably the case.

After the defeat of the Orcs in the Battle of Hillblad, the Alliance captured many orc warlocks and seized many books related to warlocks. Although all countries are clamoring that orcs’ knowledge is a taboo cheating, but who does not conduct translation studies in private, who does not conduct secret experiments...

Among them, Dalaran, the city of wizards, is the most.

To be a Master, in addition to awe-inspiring talent, you also need a good master, a good background, and good luck. Every guy who was eventually promoted to the Great Master, summarizing his life, is a legendary novel by Ao Tianliu.

It's not the case when I'm a warlock. Although I eat and drink, gamble, swindle, specialize, tattoo, fight, and work in the field, I know that I have a noble soul, and that's enough.

Knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to survive a hundred battles.

Carlos, as an alliance general in the front line of battle, would naturally not underestimate the threat of orc warlocks, because he had learned about the profession of warlocks in many ways, rather than arrogantly thinking that playing a game would be great.

And, it really allowed him to find some information.

The mage Meri Winterwind, a contemporary of Aegwynn Medina, was expelled from Dalaran for studying Summoning and was exiled by history. But the Barov family, as one of the behind-the-scenes supporters of the Tirisfal Council, always has that privilege. Although the core leadership of the Tirisfal Council has been completely wiped out, there is always a way to obtain some external information.

So when Carlos read the masterpiece "Soulisaholyshit" by Meri Dongfeng, he was almost on the ground.

In the book, Meri Dongfeng, the first undead archmage in human history, elaborated on his process of reflecting on the essence of the phenomenon in the process of studying Summoning, and concluded that the soul is the sacred **** This conclusion.

The book "Soulisaholyshit" is not like the academic research of an archmage, but more like a collection of narratives after the failure of the Meri Winter Wind spell experiment. However, Carlos understands that as the first undead in history, the first human to achieve immortality, you can question the character of Meri Dongfeng, but you cannot question his strength.

So when he changed his mind to read this book, Carloston suddenly became clear.

Don't care about the conclusions of Meri Dongfeng, the focus is on his experiments and the purpose of the experiments.

Starting from these aspects, it can be clearly seen that Meili Dongfeng is the carrier of the soul, the force and reaction of the soul to the material world, the overflow and preservation of the soul, the stability of the soul, and whether the ghost is a qualitatively changed soul. Several aspects to reverse the essence of the soul.

Once you grasp the key to the core, the whole idea is suddenly clear. Where is the book "Soulisaholyshit" for studying the soul? This is basically a guide for the Necromancer's job transfer!

Under the double resistance of Dalaran and the Tirisfal Council, Meri Dongfeng played a good side ball, using academic research to record how to become a necromancer.

Talent, true TM talent!

Looking at the blood sacrifice in the dwarf ceremonial field in front of him, Carlos couldn't help but think of Meri Winter Wind.

The reason is simple, Carlos actually understood half of this blood sacrifice.

Essence purifier!

Carlos didn't understand the energy supply, transformation, and node circulation of the blood sacrifice ceremony.

However, Carlos understood the final result of the blood sacrifice ceremony.

Batch after batch of sacrifices were pushed onto the guillotine and smashed away. The flesh and blood nourished the earth, and the soul soared into the sky. However, they were bound by the magic circle covering the ritual sacrifice field, consumed away, and finally squeezed, crushed, and stuffed into the artifact.

Originally fear, resentment, and hateful souls were ignited. Negative emotions were burned as firewood. Spirituality was purified. Souls that seemed to be painful and liberated filled the entire ceremonial hall. They wanted to escape, but they made money. Doesn't take off comfortably.

"Did you see it?"

Carlos asked quietly.

"I can't see it, but I hear it. The wailing sound is very loud."

Sylvie Morgan answered calmly.

"And you?"

Carlos asked again.


Sola, who has always been worried about her image of a dark iron dwarf, uses Yan Yi's [stunned: dark iron limit] to express her confusion.


Carlos twitched his eyes and decided to skip this topic. It seems that Quel'Thalas, who has led the human world in magic for a hundred years, is not omniscient and omnipotent.

"Cut, what's so scary about ghosts? I'm not afraid of living people, but I'm also afraid of ghosts."

Seeing Carlos ignoring herself, Sora couldn't help but sneered.

When Carlos focused his attention on Nefarian, he found that the Archmage was actually gritted his teeth.

"Your Excellency Victor, when shall we start?"

Carlos approached Victor Nefarios and asked in a low voice.

"Wait, wait, I have to observe for a while."


Carlos returned to his original position, always feeling that something was wrong.

what is it then?

A sense of violation came to my heart.

The personnel have been arranged, and the Dark Iron Dwarf did not notice that there were more than a thousand strange faces around him. The plan was executed here almost flawlessly, and I waited for Nefarian's order to give the Dark Iron Dwarf a big vote!

What's wrong with the perfect plan?

"Wait, why should I listen to Nefarian's orders!"

Carlos suddenly had this question.

Because what he said makes sense? Fart! The enemy's words, no matter how reasonable they are, you can't listen to them!

After being suspicious, Carlos felt that his mind suddenly became clear.

It's hostility!

After entering the ceremonial hall, he suddenly lost his hostility to Nefarian.

In all fairness, the black dragon prince who maintains the image of [Victor Nepharios] is a mature, friendly, sincere and knowledgeable archmage, which is completely unpleasant. However, the more so, the deeper Carlos' fear of Nefarian, and the sudden loss of hostility towards Nefarian is simply a fantasy!

Once a certain flaw was caught, the whole incident became clear, which made Carlos think of another thing.

In a certain world line, Neltharion used his last reason to make an attempt to transform the world before being completely confused by the ancient gods-becoming the successor of Alterac's throne and marrying Lordaeron. The princess became the master of the alliance, and finally walked the world with love and saved the world with a whip.

Keke, to put it simply, it means relying on the ability to charm humans to gain the dominance of the human world without blood.

Since Neltharion, the king of the black dragon, possesses this ability, the black dragon prince has a high probability of possessing this ability.

Once the doubts were discovered, Nefarian was full of doubts in Carlos's eyes.

Why are we all images of the Dark Iron Dwarf, you are indeed a human image, and why do the Dark Iron Dwarves have no doubts about you?

The more Carlos thought about it, the more he felt that the so-called drag magic was a trap. There were several archmages around him, and even if they weren't Nefarian's opponents, they couldn't get hit without noticing it. The only chance was the seemingly simple drag magic. When replacing the appearance with the Dark Iron Dwarf, Nefarian secretly moved his hands and feet.

"Damn! The magic circle has been changed, this ritual must be interrupted!"

Nefarian suddenly yelled out of nowhere.

What a clever design, what a sinister strategy. Even though Nefarian is proud and self-satisfied, he has to admit that in the confrontation of magic, he has suffered a lot this time.

"This is not a ritual for casting artifacts, they are summoning the King of Flame Demon!"

Nefarian didn't tell the truth, but he didn't lie. The ritual circle was tampered with. He had discovered this a long time ago, but the purpose of the ritual has not changed. It is still the artifact that strengthens the core of the ritual hall, so Nefarian chose to continue to observe. And until now, Nefarian didn't realize that the method used by the guy who tampered with the circle---to kill!

The tamper did not weaken the power of the artifact, but added fire, giving it stronger power and weakening the power of the space barrier.

Ask, where is the space barrier closest to the melting pot?

The answer, the world of fire elements, the residence of Ragnaros, the heart of molten fire.

When the casting of the artifact is completed, the space between the melting pot and the Molten Heart will be reduced to Ultimate. It is not impossible for this artifact to be directly blessed by the Balrog King.

So, the question is, will Ragnaros, Lord of the Balrog, greet Nefarian friendly?




No matter how conceited, Nefarian did not have the courage to fight against Ragnaros in the world of fire elements.

The ceremony must be interrupted!

"Do it!"

Carlos saw that this was an opportunity and urged the power of the holy light. His dark iron dwarf skin appeared to be cracked. Nefarian's spell effect was dispelled by the holy light. Carlos, who returned to human form, waved his hand and started fighting. .

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