Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 367 The old lady is so cute and so cute!

There is no place for me, Carlos, in Dalaran? ? ?

How can it be……

But I don't want to go to my own shop to squeeze.

After all, it is a black shop that resells war dirty goods. Although anyone with a bit of foresight knows which power is behind the shop, others know that you and you will come out and admit that it is not a nature at all, OK!

I brought more than 30 people to come happily, and then one person handed out a dozen gold coins. Go play, remember that the time is up to come back... a ghost!

Carlos found himself stupid again. Hurrying may not save time. He was talking about people like himself.

If it was located in Dalaran in the Cross Islands, there would be no such incidents. However, in the reconstruction of New Dalaran, the first priority would naturally be to restore the mage buildings such as the Mage Tower. As for civil buildings like hotels, they are full.

Is it good to be a king? Naturally it is good. As long as Carlos speaks, whether it is Antonidas or Kel'Thuzad, or other heads and brains in Dalaran, arranging accommodation for more than 30 people is just a sentence.

Is it good to be a king? Naturally it is good...but there are also some bad points.

As the master of a country, this thing of pomp is very fresh when I first talked about it, and Beier has face. However, the ostentatious thing, the more you pay attention to the back, the more you suffer. Because after the freshness has passed, the ostentation is actually for outsiders.

Carlos didn't mind going out camping with his subordinates in Dalaran. It didn't matter if he had some game to eat, drink and drink more comfortably.

But it doesn't work!

The king of Alterac, Carlos Dalaran, could not live in a hotel and camped in the wild. It seems Alterac pills.

Carlos of Barov’s family is rich and unkind. He lives in a hotel and lets dozens of his subordinates go to camp in the wild. Barov’s pill.

The officials of the Dalaran Magistrate Council did not have moral integrity. They used power for personal gain in order to curry favor with the people of the Barov family. My Great Dalaran seemed to be a pill.

Therefore, if you do not talk about wasting favors before looking for a big person, you will be criticized by others, so no matter what you do, it is the rhythm of eating jujube pills.

Since the issue of status cannot be solved by power and prestige, there are only two remaining solutions.

"Hello, Dalaran know-it-all Jaina Proudmoore is at your service."

Ignoring Jaina's malicious behavior, Carlos directly put a bag of gold coins on the girl's chest.

"Help me find a large enough yard, the lease is tentatively set for half a month."

"Hey, Uncle Carlos..."


"elder brother!"


"You gave too much, but it's just running errands. What a shame."

Although Carlos deliberately mischievous, but his men are still measured. It was just three hundred gold coins that was a big bag, and Jaina's undeveloped chest felt the heavy weight, and she smiled.

"Point your face..."

After understanding what Jaina was talking about, Carlos's face went dark.

"Hey~~~ Dalaran is so expensive, how can this little money be enough to rent a yard!"

After understanding what Carlos was talking about, Jaina's face went dark.

"Hey, Admiral Dai Lin, Hero I, how did you give birth to a daughter who is a fan of money. This is your hard work and the deposit for renting the yard..."

Carlos really wondered if Jaina was Dalin's birth, you see, after all, Admiral Marine has dark brown hair and Jaina has blond hair. Right, right, suspicious, right.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

As soon as the little money fan heard that it was a deposit, his face turned cloudy and fine, and he took out his magic wand and muttered a bunch of words, and the money bag with gold coins disappeared.



Keep staring...

Then look at...




"What else, just ask!"

"About the yard..."

"An Xin An Xin, I have asked someone to do it, and I will reply in the afternoon at most. Don't worry if I do things."

Damn it, I asked you to do it...

Forget it, the money is spent, what to do is Jaina's business, Carlos forced himself not to care about the little girl.

"It's all gone, let you have a half-day vacation, and still gather here before dinner, the old rules, a group of four, no orders are allowed."

Carlos waved his hand, and the guards scattered within a hundred yards to protect him quickly called out his friends to find a good team and leave.

Found that there were three groups of people stubbornly hiding around to protect themselves, Carlos smiled helplessly, and did not deliberately drive away.

"Come on, take me to see Kel'Thuzad."

Carlos was talking to Jaina, but he was thinking of another man in his heart.

Most people make friends in two ways, one depends on strength and the other depends on sincerity.

In another world line, Kel'Thuzad finally fell into the control of the evil demon king Ner'zhul, became the creator of the undead natural disasters, the big boss of the curse sect, and became the deadly enemy of all the living.

But if you speak ill of Kel'Thuzad to anyone who has seen Kel'Thuzad, you will be met with cold reception and Byakugan.

Because Kel'Thuzad is a good man who treats people sincerely and has strength.

Except for the desire for magical knowledge and the pursuit of power, Kel'Thuzad hardly disputes with people about anything.

When Carlos first saw Kel'Thuzad, there was also a hint of vigilance and rejection in his heart.

However, after working in the town of South Blue during that time, Kel'Thuzad conquered Carlos with his wealth of knowledge and noble personality.

At least at this point in time, Kel'Thuzad was a good man worthy of his life.

Sure enough, the more noble people are, the more terrible they will be after being mad, and the purer people are more likely to bow their heads to the evil forces.

Knowing the entire process of Kel'Thuzad's fall, Carlos even carefully analyzed whether he could obstruct Ner'zhul's plan and restore Kel'Thuzad, a genius human mage.

When this idea came into being, Carlos and Kel'Thuzad became close unconsciously. Although they met very few times, they became close friends through written conversations.

With a Dalaran snake like Jaina to make a bridge, the meeting with Kel'Thuzad will naturally not sit for a long time like Guy El'thas.

"Oh my God, it means that today's magic experiment went so smoothly. It turned out that Carlos came here! Jaina, hello."

"Hello brother."

"Kel'Thuzad, you have become handsome again. This will make me jealous."

"No, no, no, I would rather you praise my magic skills for improving, rather than because of my face."

Kel'Thuzad became gloomy as he spoke.

"You don't know, Dalaran is now full of unhealthy trends. The originally talented female mage doesn't want to work hard to improve her strength, she just wants to climb onto the mentor's bed to be promoted to the assessment level of the mage. Speaker Antonidas go up Months authorized me to deal with the mage evaluation work for the next year. Every day, countless female mages harass me with the last name, which has seriously affected my work research, annoying!"

"Brother, you preside over this year's assessment work!"

Jaina's eyes lit up.

"This is because of power, not appearance. Even if it is a pig, they will squeeze the pigpen."

Carlos joked with a strong smile.

"Hahahaha, it makes sense. Come on, when Jaina sent the message, I had already asked the butler to prepare the banquet. Let's have a good meal first."

Kel'Thuzad does not have his own private mage tower, but his mansion is no less inferior to the mage towers of other mages. Pushing open the door of the living room, Kel'Thuzad leads Carlos and Jaina to view the collection in his home.

Suddenly, a flower Madara cat rushed to Kel'Thuzad with a letter in his mouth.

"Ah, what a cute cat."

Jaina cried, holding her face.


Kel'Thuzad took the letter from the cat's mouth in confusion and opened it.

Isn't this Mr. Bigworth?

"Shameless! Depravity! If you have the ability to secretly send letters to an archmage's house, why not rely on your own strength to test! The cat is so cute, how can you use the cat like this! Depravity! Shameless!"

Kel'Thuzad's hand glowed with a light blue magical flame, and the letter was completely burned, without even the dregs falling.

For this episode, Carlos didn't care.


"If I were an ugly monster, I'm afraid this kind of harassment would be much less. Being handsome is also an annoyance, right!"

Kel'Thuzad used [I know that you understand me, after all, your handsomeness is a little worse than me, so you must understand whether my troubles are my good brothers. Look at me so sad, how can you not understand me? Wrong] looked at Carlos.

"Hahaha, yeah, so annoying."

Carlos responded far-fetched, but there was a sentence in his heart that MMP didn't know when to say it inappropriately.

[Boy, Laozi is the one who can reverse your destiny. Don’t you MB’s know that the boat of friendship turns over when you turn it over, and it’s just a sentence to break your relationship? ! 】

Carlos Blacken attribute +1.

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