Master is indeed a high-risk profession with high investment and high return.

Take a look at Jaina, as the princess of Kul Tiras who is a commercial nation, there is an alliance Marine admiral who is so miserable. She is about to cultivate Jinlunyan, which is commonly known as seeing money.

Because the current Jaina Xiaogongju is only an intermediate mage.

Look at Kel'Thuzad, as the deputy speaker of the Dalaran Magistrate Council, even if he is not corrupt or bribes, he still lives in a mansion and enjoys luxury, lying down with money.


Because Kel'Thuzad is an archmage, a real archmage.

In this era, the status of human mage is actually very embarrassing.

Because there is no core competitiveness.

There are about 4,000 to 5,000 spellcasters in the entire human world. After deducting the priest and the priest who has been transferred to the paladin, the mage is probably in the early 3,000 years.

The data may be inaccurate, but the error will not be too great.

Among these mages, more than 95% were learned by Dalaran. It is no exaggeration to say that Dalaran represents the magic power of mankind and embodies the magic power of human power.

Then what……

There is no more.

The High Elf Light Mage Legion in Quel'Thalas has 2,000 servicemen. Antonidas often asks Guy El'thas and Krasus for advice. Even the high-level wizard promotion tutorials are compiled by Silvermoon City.

In front of the high elves, human mages are apprentices, apprentices, apprentices, and apprentices.

Magic is priceless, but learning magic comes at a price.

This is why the bricks sell themselves as slaves (incorrect).

This is the origin of Jaina's worship of gold (fog).

This is the capital of Kel'Thuzad (!?).

Because Kel'Thuzad has crossed that line, from passively absorbing knowledge into the field of active research principles.

To describe Kel'Thuzad with the two-point line in the sentence is --- I have seen the world on the other side of the gate of truth.

The banquet was very luxurious.

Although Carlos is not Faye, but he can't stand his mother. From childhood to big magical classics as a storybook, Carlos's magic knowledge is not bad, even better than Jaina now.

So there was a scene where Carlos and Kel'Thuzad were bragging happily while eating and drinking, Jaina wanted to chip in crazy but couldn't find a chance.

Carlos and Kel'Thuzad had a good relationship with Jaina. After making eye contact, Jaina was not given a chance to speak. Whenever Jaina found a time to speak, the topic immediately changed. An angry Jaina could only drink too much. Gluttony.

"How is Khadgar's health."

Kel'Thuzad asked suddenly.

"It's not easy to say, his physical condition is also one of the league's top secrets. I don't know much about it."

Carlos thought for a moment and gave an answer, so the two couldn't help sighing together.

Once upon a time, the spy apprentice of that year has now become a hot archmage in Dalaran and even the Alliance.

In all fairness, Khadgar's help to the Alliance was so great that it was irreplaceable.

As the legal heir to Medivh, the last guardian, the last blow that Medivh left to his apprentice is a curse and a blessing. Khadgar also told Carlos privately that his talents can only be considered average, otherwise Violet Eye would not let him be a spy. However, after receiving Medivh's mortal blow, Khadgar himself felt a change in his body. It's not that the body is aging, but the magical talent has changed. Khadgar himself suspected that the teacher had regained consciousness before he died, and that the last magic did not deprive him of his vitality, but exchanged his vitality for magical power.

To put it bluntly, Khadgar fought half of the Horde's warlocks alone in the war.

However, dick returned dick, his poor physical condition has become Anduin Lothar's heart disease.

For Kel'Thuzad, who has the status of Deputy Speaker of Dalaran, if Khadgar falls, Antonidas is likely to send him to replace Khadgar. To be honest, this is not a good job.

After eating, drinking and drinking, half of the afternoon passed. Except for Jaina turning depression into appetite, the two big men at the banquet actually ate less and drank more. Kel'Thuzad easily coaxed Jaina to the rest room with a magical notebook he wrote, and got time alone with Carlos.

"Carlos, you are not friends enough!"

After the wind banquet, Kel'Thuzad began to attack.


Carlos was completely stunned, and didn't know which part of the role was played.

"My latest academic masterpiece "RE: The Life of a Mage from Zero" only costs 300 gold coins. Go to your store and buy a few pieces of torn paper. It cost me almost 20,000 gold coins!"

After listening to Kel'Thuzad's complaint, Carlos had a question mark.

Then he was stunned for a while before he realized what the so-called pieces of torn paper by Kel'Thuzad were...

Elucia, good job! Uncle Brick, I will give you a salary increase!

Carlos couldn't help but laughed sincerely.

The world's warlocks are orcs, and the orcs are the most handsome Gul'dan.

As the main army fighting against Hillbride on the front line of the orc tribe, Carlos scoured a fortune when the tribe was defeated, and obtained many magical tools and books of the orc warlock.

Although some of the weapons used by the warlocks were handed over to the Alliance, most of the loot of books was hacked by Carlos.

Why is it dark?

Sell ​​it!

Carlos never thought that the shadow spells used by warlocks were evil. He always believed that power is power, and the key lies in the person who uses it. Just like the old saying, it is people who kill people, not knives.

So when Dalaran sent people to "eliminate the remnants of evil" to Carlos' righteous words, Carlos replied one word---Go away.

In line with the principle that Faye’s money is not money, it is [BEEP], Carlos and his sister opened a black shop to sell stolen goods and made a bit of pocket money. Unexpectedly, Kel'Thuzad was also a fat sheep... customer.

How can this not make people happy.

"Hahahaha, based on our friendship, let's talk about that, and I will get you a membership card and save 10,000 gold coins in advance to enjoy 15% off."

Kel'Thuzad was enraged, and his death gaze was in preparation.

"Twenty percent off."

Kel'Thuzad enters a violent state, reducing the casting time by 50%.

"50% off..."

Kel'Thuzad returned to calm.

"To be honest, I personally suggest that you stop at a stroke. The mage's desire for knowledge will lead the unsteady mind to madness. Now the Alliance needs you and the Alterac Legion, so you have nothing to do now. Relationship, those guys at the top will be treated as invisible. Wait until the war is won? Carlos, just accept it when you see it, don’t play with fire."

When these words were said, it was kindness, and Carlos couldn't help sighing again.

"If you want to defeat the enemy, you must understand the enemy. I once asked Marshal Lothar to organize manpower and material resources to interpret the secrets of orc spells. However, you Dalaran actually raised money with me! Haha, you dare to believe that, as the biggest beneficiary, You Dalaran actually have to charge the Alliance before you are willing to provide paid services! I actually know a lot of people about reselling loot, but why do you all pretend not to see it? Because your Dalaran is too much."

As he talked, Carlos was a little angry.

"No way, it will cost money to rebuild Dalaran..."

Obviously he was advising Carlos, Kel'Thuzad couldn't help but began to sigh.

The orcs ransacked the old city of Dalaran in the Cross Islands. Although the most precious magical knowledge in the Violet Castle is still well preserved, Dalaran's property losses are indeed huge.

To rebuild Dalaran, the Faye's finances are also very tight.

The two people whispered and exchanged some news that the other party could not obtain, and time passed without knowing it.

Seeing that it was getting late, Kel'Thuzad kept Carlos for dinner, so he could talk at night, but Carlos refused.

"I have an appointment with a real estate agent to see the house. Next time, I will stay in Dalaran for a while. Let's talk again if I have a chance."

"Okay, let me know in advance so I can arrange the time."

Kel'Thuzad took Carlos to find Jaina, but the butler told them that Jaina had already left.

"……what's the situation?"

Carlos was a little at a loss, Jaina ran away after hacking her money? Hundreds of gold coins are not enough!

"My notes..."

Kel'Thuzad's face hurts, this hapless bear kid!

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