Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 379 The Little People in the Big Era Talk About the Green Tea Bitch in the Little Era

A well-known bard once sang—the unobtained are always in commotion, and the favored are always confident.

Mr. Tooth, a former member of Ravenholdt Manor, who has passed the sixth level of Common Language, agrees.

Refuge in humans, relying on the corpses of the same race to step foot, the former Mr. Tooth, the current Prime Minister of Broken Tooth, the inner turmoil can not be restrained like a volcano about to erupt.

Right bet!

The alliance won, but not defeated, so he is the hero of the troll, and he found a way to a bright future for Zumasha.

The evil moss troll, who was originally forced to surrender due to external pressure, finally no longer dared to be angry with himself because of fear of human blades.

All this gave Broken another a sigh of satisfaction.

Where is the starting point of the dream?

Born in the evil tooth clan of the Hinterlands, I did not embark on the road of anti-troll in my childhood because of his father's selfless care. Just because I was born with a fang missing, no matter how hard I tried, the patriarch and the adults of the clan would never give me the slightest encouragement. No matter how I cater to them, the friends around will always use fists and stones. The block greets itself.

It is not me who is wrong, it is the world that is wrong!

Therefore, as Dufang hated the people more and more, the evil teeth clan became more and more unable to tolerate this deformity without a root tooth. Even the juvenile Duoth was already a fearsome hunter.

Opportunity only favors the prepared trolls.

After another hunting return, the prey was mercilessly plundered, and he rose up to resist, was beaten all over his body, his father fell to his knees, crawling on his body, begging for forgiveness from others.

I am not wrong! Why does the father demand love.

It's not me who is wrong! Why did my father suffer for me.

I'm still too weak, even if Dufang has the confidence to strangle anyone who has kicked and kicked his father in a one-on-one fight, but in front of the collective strength, I am so weak.

"It doesn't matter, father, I'm so good at fishing. I will get some good stuff tomorrow and send it to the captain of the guard. It will be fine. Don't worry."

Listening to his father's words, the single tooth pretending to be strong finally couldn't help crying.

What's wrong with this world!

Is it really my fault?

The young troll who began to doubt the state of life looked at his father who mended his fishing nets in his hut, and looked at his younger brothers and sisters who were always hungry. breathe.

That night, Dufang left Echigo Village with a whole body of pain, left his clan, and started a wandering life.

Witherbark trolls are not a good thing either, they actually want to eat themselves.

Sinsaro is not a habitable land, the high priests are beasts in the skin of trolls.

These dwarves, I just said hello and threw stones at me. They have so much strength!

That year, Juvenile Dufang didn't even recognize the musket.

Going farther and farther, Dufang, relying on Penultimate's hunter talent, smashed all the way through the entire Hinterland and came to Arathi.

Leaving the lush virgin forest for the first time, the highland scenery of Arathi gave him a great shock.

This is the legendary Xintiandi? !

Then, Encounter in Destiny, Dufang witnessed a fight that belonged to the dark side of mankind while taking a nap in a shelter from the wind.

Ravenholdt, take money to do business. Chief Manager Farad personally led the team, and the blades walking in the shadows sent Shinigami greetings to their prey.

A massacre without suspense, the Assassin Alliance won a big victory and cleared the game without injury.

So Farad naturally did not allow the stain to be perfectly contaminated.

The bystander must die.

For the first time, Du Fang felt Shinigami's whisper in his ear.

For the first time, this young troll understood what a terrible race human beings are.

The kind of weakness that can't touch the corners of the opponent's clothes with all his strength, the kind of teasing that the opponent's heart is pulled lightly and heavily in the palm of the hand, the kind of freehand brushwork that you are looking for teeth all over the floor while picking your nose...

When Farad's sharp blade was attached to his throat, the single tooth did not give up resistance, even if the poison penetrated into the blood along the cut skin, it began to take away his body temperature and energy.

"Nice look, go with me."

It was not until four years later that Dufang, who had completed the primary training at Ravenholdt Manor, understood the meaning of Farad's words.

The city of Zumashar itself is a huge sacrifice site. Standing at the highest point of the city, Prime Minister Brokenya was very disrespectful during the sacrifice process.

Maybe it's because this conspiracy is too naive.

Zul'aman's hero Zul'jin failed, and Zumashar's loyal loyalists sacrificed their lives for their gods when Carlos attacked the city.

Since he didn't die for the first time, the cruel words now are nothing but lies to deceive himself.

For the glory and freedom of Zumasha?

Could it be that the glory of Zumashar is the yellow and thin face of his people!

Could it be that the freedom of the Moss Troll is to choose between starvation and death!

Broken Tooth couldn't help laughing.

"Your Majesty, why didn't Her Majesty the Queen attend this festival?"

It started, and the restless guy started to attack.

What else can the high priest whose faith has collapsed do now besides alcoholism? Are there few festivals she is absent from? Now you start to care about your queen, what did you do earlier?

Oh, earlier, Gottajin hasn't come back. A little earlier, the human garrison has not completely withdrawn. A little earlier, you guys have not eaten enough and are still hungry.

Now that Gotajin is back, you feel that you have a backing, and you can attack me.

Troll, inferior race.

The broken tooth really felt a sense of grief and anger.

In the years when he was a thief in human society, it was not that he hadn't seen human records about the ancient troll empire. He knew no less about the history of the rise and fall of the troll empire than the priests.

In the Evil Teeth Village, my compatriots squeezed me out because I lost a tooth, and in Zumasha, you squeezed me out because I was not from the Evil Moss clan.

Can't you see how the Amani Empire went to extinction?

Don’t you understand that unity is strength?

Can you all give up the hatred and prejudice of the past in order to defeat me, can't you join me in fighting for the troll's tomorrow?



Hate is as pale as water to the extreme, and it hurts to the point where it hurts.

Fang Fang stood above the ethnic group, silently watching the performance below.

Stupid, thinking that my guard who was transferred away would be foolproof?

Thinking of getting the support of that stupid woman to look back at Wu You?

How stupid!

You guys think that the backer Goo Tajin is my ally!

After seeing the prosperity of the human world and witnessing the strength of the alliance, how could it be possible to go back to the past for your ignorant tradition!

In the crowd, Gou Tajin used his eyes to question Broken Teeth countless times, but couldn't get a response. In the end, he could only lower his head and watch the hoarse performance of the former troll nobles.

Change always requires bloodshed.

Forget it, when he first told Brofang about the conspiracy, he was doomed to the fate of some trolls, so why bother to be pretentious now.

So, under the evil taste of broken teeth, the opponents experienced a roller coaster of mood.

"Tastingo, kill the rebels."

The trolls who have experienced the baptism of orc wars are completely different from their compatriots in the mountains in terms of skills and tactics.

Unlike hunting fighting, fighting on the battlefield is a matter of one shot and one shot. The Tustingo troll mercenaries who went home to visit relatives broke out and took less than a minute to end this time, which was destined from the beginning. The failed coup.

"The wedding of the great King Carlos is just around the corner. Zumasha cannot help but offer his blessings. It is not convenient for me to leave, so go."


"The benevolent King Carlos has no prejudice against us, but humans do, so we must be patient where we should be patient. Don't show our bravery. Look stupid and honest. It's best to make human children bully the troll warriors. Bridge section, can you understand it."


"There is also a gift, we must pay attention to the method, do not try to please everyone, our backer is only King Carlos."

"Huh? Um~~ I did something wrong, I understand."

In the bloody sacrificial ground, Gou Tajin, who had a status higher than that of Broken Tooth, did not know where to go, defended Broken Tooth's authority with a gesture of absolute surrender, without the slightest dissatisfaction.

After Broken Tooth left the field, Tustingos naturally surrounded him.

"Gou Tajin, these are our people."

Without even looking at the stumps and broken arms all over the floor, Gou Tajin said lightly.

"Not anymore, Broken Tooth is our tribe, these are just the remnants of history."


"Think about the promise of King Carlos, look at your family's food, and then look at the scumbags. Zumasha's current life is us, us. We! We! We worked hard with our lives."

After listening to Gotajin's words, the Tastin Gou subconsciously looked at the "leaders" who were torn apart.

Luxurious sacrificial robes, exquisite decorations, and spices are very expensive even in human society.

"Broken Tooth is right. The league won. It won very beautifully. We are on the side of the winner this time, and we will also stand on the side of the winner. With the name "Jin"."

Gou Tajin said nonchalantly.

"But the high priest... I mean the queen..."

"The queen has her own primary concern, so we don't need to worry about it. With these idle thoughts, it is better to think about the expansion of the mercenary group. King Carlos allows us to expand the scale to two thousand people, and don't let the cancer get mixed in. "


Broken tooth returned to his home, replaced with a beautiful but impractical Chinese robe, revealing a capable bunt.

Opened the dark board and entered the tunnel, without much effort, the broken tooth bypassed the guards and came to the palace of the Zumashar troll queen.

The maids seemed to be unable to see the broken teeth, what should they do, and then they left the room with grandiose acting.

"Oh, you are still alive, it seems that those idiots have failed."

"You are just a fool."

"Whatever you want, I will support whoever gives me alcohol. If you don't let me drink, I will give you the list after changing hands."

The queen, whose faith had collapsed, did not realize how bad her words were.

"Why, is my puppet queen no longer useful? Before killing me, should I have a good drink?"

Broken Tooth walked to the Queen in silence, sat down, gently touched her lower abdomen, and then squeezed her chin viciously.

"Give the baby well, and then I won't care about you anymore, I won't care if you want to drink yourself to death."

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