"Carlos, you are playing with fire. The hatred between us and the trolls can last thousands of years ago. Those green-skinned craps are not worthy of trust. Now you are stronger than them, and you have overwhelmed them with your strength until they have the power to resist. , I will stab you in the back, painful and fierce. Don’t forget, what is the purpose of this Guy Darlon castle was built first, starting from your grandpa’s grandpa’s grandpa, the Barov family stepped on trolls 'S body started."

As the lord of Hearthglen, Tirion Fording always has some privileges, so when Uther and the others are still busy preparing for war, Fording can enjoy the coolness of Guy Erdalon, a sacred place to escape the summer. .

Although due to the previous war with the orc tribe, this year’s Guy Erdalon Lake was no longer the hustle and bustle of the past, but the marriage of Carlos Barov and Galiya Menethil gave the noble lords enough excuses.

Let the disaster relief and production reconstruction after the war go to hell, the heroes of the alliance are getting married!

Let the people who only know that they want relief from tax reductions go to hell, the marriage of two powerful families, those who don't go are fake aristocrats!

Let the hot weather in July go to hell, Guy Erdalon, here I am!

A week before the scheduled wedding time, Carlos was caught off guard by the sudden wave of guests.

The real big shots are all busy to maintain their position of power. Originally, the wedding was a bit sudden. Less than one-third of Carlos's "friends" gave clear answers to the invitations sent. For example, most of the colleagues in the Knights of the Silver Hand have already traveled to the southern battlefield, and only Tirion Fording and Uther remained in Lordaeron. However, Uther, as the brightest medal on Terenas' chest, is still busy day and night with the reorganization of the troops.

So the arrival of Tirion Fording made Carlos very happy.

"Tirion, are you telling a joke or are you deliberately testing me? You really can't see the benefit of the schizophrenia, the split troll?"

Not far away, Guy Erdalon Lake was sparkling, and the breeze hit, making people feel comfortable not wanting to open their eyes. Carlos took out the town’s just fine wine from the bucket with ice cubes, and opened the cork. Old friends and myself are full.

"Awesome, it’s been a long time since I’ve enjoyed this kind of wine exclusively. Those gangsters are great at war, and the boss is also a first-rate ruthless noodles. Hearthglen sent me some condolences. I haven’t Seeing this shadow, it's gone."

Tirion Fording seemed to be complaining about the unkindness of the young paladins of the Silver Hand, but Carlos heard the show off like an old father.

"Drink more if you like. In fact, I haven't eaten or drank good things for a long time. The people only know that we won, but they don't know how lucky we were to win."

"I said Carlos, don't avoid the topic, and don't talk about politics in this obscure way. Are we not dead friends?"

Tirion said with some dissatisfaction, grabbing the bottle from Carlos and refilling himself.

"Tirion, we all know how terrible the cycle of hatred is, but the two evils are the lesser one. We all know the truth. Compared with the orcs, the trolls are as docile as the little rabbit you gave Taelan."

Carlos looked at the bottle in Tirion's hand, and chose to reopen a new bottle.

"I heard some wind, some bad news."

Tirion hesitated for a while, but decided to speak out.




"Gilneas has begun to liquidate the minority. The noble lords who supported Jean suffered heavy losses in the war. The silver pine forest was almost 30 years of pioneering achievements, and the war for more than a year was completely destroyed. They began to liquidate the nobles who did not contribute. ."

Listening to this, Carlos was silent for a moment, and finally just clinked a glass with Tirion.

"There is also an undercurrent in Lordaeron. Someone contacted me privately, asking Hearthglen to make a statement and asking me to stand on their side."

"What do they want to do?"

"The kingdom is a king. The benefits belong to everyone. What else is there? For these people, the war is over and it's time to enjoy the fruits of victory."

Tirion's bottle in his hand was almost bottomed in just a few words.

"So someone is going to use Zumasha's troll to attack me?"

Carlos understood what it meant for Tirion to make a big circle.

"If it's just a troll, it's okay to say that Stratholme's nobles will not attack you because of the troll, it is Hillbride. I don't know who broke the matter, it is the good thing that you broke those people. "

"Good thing, how can there be such a good thing, Hillbride's people paid such a painful price for the war, is it for these people to benefit?"

Carlos' low voice contained suppressed anger.

After so many years, Carlos has long understood that there is no eternal friendship but common interests.

Isn’t the tragedy of the Barov family in the other world in mind the same cause? Wasn't it sacrificed just to unite the majority? Is it just useless work if you work hard by yourself?

Tirion Fording didn't know Carlos's heart knot, but saw the energy overflowing around him converging into a low pressure, and even the noisy wind stopped frolicking.

"That's why I came here, and I also mean Archbishop Faor. You don't have to be too angry, those short-sighted guys won't make the climate after all. With the support of His Majesty Terenas and the support of Bishop Faor, they don't want to ruin your wedding. "

Tirion Fording said firmly.

Ah~~~~Huh? !

Carlos's mind was short-circuited.

"Those guys tried to attack your wedding, forcing you to support them, trying to get Alterac to withdraw from the Southern Expedition, so that they can attack in Gilneas, in Stromgarde, and Lordaeron at the same time, let our previous efforts Become a joke."

That's not it……

"The orcs are our great enemy, and the Horde is the confidant of the Alliance after all, and the southern expedition is imperative."

Lafayette, what we are talking about and thinking are not the same thing! ! !

Carlos wanted to hit someone for a moment.

"As long as you and Your Majesty Terenas remain unshakable, the turmoil in Gilneas will not affect Marshal Lothar on the side of Palatine Bay. I am relieved to see your attitude. Don't worry, Guy Eldalon is you after all. I’ll talk to other people, and your wedding will not be a problem.”

Tirion Fording suddenly felt his spirits, as if the Paladin who was worried about the country and the people was not him.

You have finished speaking, what else shall I say...

Until now, Carlos really understood what the idiot Tirion Fording wanted to do.

It is nothing more than Lordaeron’s anti-war forces rising up, wanting to do things at his own wedding, using political kidnapping to force Alterac and the Barov family to give up supporting the Southern Expedition.

One sentence and three lines can tell things clearly, you have been talking for so long, and I think Terenas has changed his mind.

Can I beat you up?

Carlos couldn't help taking a deep breath, calming his turbulent heart, and moving his gaze away from the bottle with difficulty - he was afraid that he could not help but smash the bottle on Tirion Fording's head. .

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."



The two melon men suddenly disappeared from the topic. They were drinking sullen wine on the shore of the beautiful Guy Erdalon Lake without knowing it. At the heart of Guy Erdalon Lake, discussions about their topics were in full swing.

"Jaina, do you think Lord Fording or His Royal Highness Carlos is better?"

"do not know."

"Jaina, how tall is your Royal Highness Carlos?"

"I don't know, anyway, the two of us must add up to be taller than him."

"Jaina, you said...if...that...if..."

"Galiya, you are so annoying!"

Jaina was lying on the bed without an image, her waist shining, she was depressed when she heard the three words Carlos, and Jia Liya didn't leave Carlos in three words, which made the magical girl very uncomfortable.

"Last question."

"You ask."

"I think His Royal Highness Carlos is the most handsome nobleman I have ever seen, but they said Guy Elsas is also very handsome. I have not met Guy Elsas, but you have met, you tell me about them, two of them Who is more handsome."

Jaina asked the sky silently, Can you chat with Jia Liya?

No, I can teach you!

(This chapter seems to be more watery, because I forcibly broke the chapter. The Black Dragon sister you want has 30 seconds to reach the battlefield.)

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