To be honest, Carlos was a little afraid to meet his mother.

It is not because of the barrier of time and distance that you become alienated, but because of simple embarrassment and dissatisfaction...

Because of his sister.

About four months ago, Carlos' mother Giannis gave birth to a daughter for his father Alex Barov.

As a newborn beyond his memory, Carlos was delighted with the birth of his younger sister. This little baby girl was his testimony of changing the world.

So Carlos likes this kid very much.

However, Bart, the child gradually evolved from howling when he saw Carlos to howling with his throat when he smelled Carlos. It only took three days.

The cold leaves fell on my face, my sister’s rebellion broke my heart, your cry is like a cone of ice piercing my heart, my brother is really hurt...

Power is the sweetest poison in the world. Although the two younger brothers Wilton and Alex are still innocent and romantic in front of them, the longing in their eyes has changed.

After Carlos became king, the extra duke name of the Barov family gave too much thought to the originally hopeless children, and the friendship of fighting wolves together in childhood was not worth the actual benefits.

The brotherhood between Wilton and Alex has indeed changed.

"So mother, don't you care about it?"

"Regardless of."


"This is the price of becoming a king."

Yes, this is the price of being alone.

Carlos suddenly discovered that while he was changing the world to protect his family, his family had also changed because of the change in the world.

My father has more white hair than black hair. My mother has adapted to the status of queen dowager more than herself. My sister is lost in the Uzumaki of family and career. Two younger brothers...

It seems that even if there is no world line of their own, Wilton and Alex are also models of killing each other...

Carlos was slightly discouraged for a moment, and then gave up the love of these children.

After all, I will get married in three days.

Goodbye, the youth that will die without indulgence.

Farewell, the presumptuous that died before it bloomed.

Comrade Carlos Barov, who is not afraid of the sky, said to Jia Liya that his love for you will never change, and our encounter is destined by the heavens.

In my heart, I cherish the memory of my youth that I haven't indulged.

Tile once commented in person that Carlos was guilty, but he watched the moon for half the night with Carlos.

Hey, man.

The pursuit of romance is not a woman’s patent. Carlos also fantasized about a true love, such as "The Red Dragon Queen Falling in Love with Me", "Tyrande's Banana", "The Biography of Princess Azeroth," and "Anomalies of Warcraft Carlos has also read these pillow books.

However, real life gave Carlos a resounding slap in the face.

My sincere love to TMD, my own three thousand maids, no one who looks amazing, and those who want to climb their own bed are all women with ulterior motives; peasant girls work hard all the year round, have rough skin and bad hair quality, they smell big, and there is no hunting at all. The basic conditions; the ladies are still pretty good, but the taste is not good, the perfume smells too unpleasant, the ladies are stupid and cute, can't talk about what they can do.

Let's talk about the so-called famous women.Jaina's pectoral muscles weren't as big as her own, and she was a stubborn guy who wanted money.

Alleria, a girl with a sweet voice, her brother died, she was insane, and she wanted to die.

Aegwynn Medina, the Faye among the Faye, and the tycoon among the gangsters, gave a stunned glance. Her strength at the time couldn't even break the mist of her body and couldn't comment on it.

As for Sylvanas, Alexstrasza, Ysera, Tyrande, Maiev and others, Carlos had never seen them.

Please, the real world of Azeroth Na Na Na Na Na~~~~~ It’s so big, it takes more than a month to walk the road from Guy Erdalon to Stratholme, not to mention crossing the endless sea to Cali How risky Muduo is.

I really want to say that the "famous woman" who has had a relationship with him is like a black widow, Farina.

Life is really empty.

Say a thousand words, say a thousand words, Carlos is still not ready to be a scumbag.

Even if it is a marriage involving political transactions, Galiya is innocent. Besides, the little girl has already begun to develop, and she can grow from a beautiful woman into a beautiful woman in a few years. She has nothing to complain about.

For women, she was called an emotional liar for a while, and she was a lover for the rest of her life.

Out of pre-marital depression, Carlos and all the forces went to see each other on the one hand, while enjoying the warmth of his family.

Until the arrival of Ravenholdt Manor.

Guy Erdalon is, after all, the base camp of the Barov family for more than a thousand years, and there are still so many secret roads and so on. Avoiding the eyes of various ghosts who knew where they came from, Carlos received visitors from Ravenholdt Manor in the study that once belonged to his father.

As the saying goes, those who owe money are uncles, such as Carlos. -Kun didn't see the hostess of the Morgan Consortium to collect debts until he got in.

As the saying goes, don’t offend people with armed debt collection capabilities, such as Ravenholdt Manor. Even the Alterac Knight King, who thinks he is the most powerful in the East, doesn't have to smile and entertain a few thieves who can't stand up to the table.

"The great lord of Alterac, the savior of Hillblad, the leader of Guy Eldalon, the pride of the alliance, the proud son of the shining light, the fearless top of the mountains, the everlasting Ravenholdt Manor My friend, your esteemed Carlos Barov. The uncrowned one greets you."

Gee, the secret visitor’s greetings reminded Carlos of two things.

The first one is the queen of the Andars, the Roinas and the ancestors, the Karish of the steppes, the liberator, the mother of dragons, the unburned, and the storm born Danilis. I didn't expect that someone might have so many titles one day.

The second thing is that at this point in time, the uncrowned has not yet disbanded.

Just as the alliance is marked by the joining of the night elves, it is actually divided into the first alliance belonging to human beings and the second alliance torn by everyone's round table.

The Assassin League actually has an obvious distinction, that is, the era when the Ravenholdt Manor was dominated, and the uncrowned organization that was later re-established.

By the way, the outbreak of natural disasters is the main reason for destroying the foundation of the organization of the uncrowned.

"I have no doubt about your identities, but I have no habit of calling people that guy or feeding."

Carlos sat upright and gave a sting, neither soft nor hard.

These stalkers are too big, and when they meet the king, they can't even untie the cape and cap. Really, Carlos can't kill anyone?

"Sorry, Your Majesty, it's not that we don't know the manners, but that the uncrowned person has no name. You call us hello, that person, even stupid, shit doesn't matter, just the code name."

There were four people from Ravenholdt Manor, no more, no less, just stuck in Carlos's psychological bottom line. However, Carlos had a fascinating intuition that the big man who had been talking was not the person in charge, but the small one who stood behind the big man and blocked a third of his body with him made Carlos care a little.

So the question is, can the mother ship suck the mother ship?

Ahem, is there really such a thing as heroes cherishing heroes?

"You, let me see your look."

Carlos directly stretched out his finger and commanded.

"His Majesty……"

"Shut up and execute the order."

Although the guests of Ravenholdt Manor are not Carlos's men, the king has the privilege of Tsundere.

The uncrowned also didn't want to offend Alterac's ruler because of these trivial matters.

So, untie the knot on his chest, and a big black-haired beauty stood in front of him, making Carlos dumbfounded.

One more point is fat, one point less is thin, one point higher is sharp, and one point shorter is mediocre.

Carlos can’t describe her appearance in words, just like you can’t see the face of a high elf. If you want to tell this woman about her beauty, you can’t tell what she looks like. If you look at her facial features, it’s very mediocre. The components, put together, are thrillingly harmonious. If you have to describe it, that is how human beauties should look like this.

"How do you see that I am the one in charge?"

The black-haired woman asked, and Carlos suddenly returned to his soul.

Oh my god, can't you be a beautiful woman quietly?

Carlos's floating heart fell to the ground.

A woman with a 100-point appearance has a voice of only ninety-nine points. This huge sense of gap makes Carlos indescribably uncomfortable.

Regarding the voice, Alleria's sound was indeed good.

"Intuition, the big man is neither humble nor overbearing, but he doesn't have that aura."

Beautiful women are always privileged, Carlos made an exception and explained.

"Very well, I'm very satisfied with your review. Let's get to know it again. I am Jorace Joanna Ravenholdt. You can call me Jojo for short."

The woman raised her chin proudly.

And at this moment Carlos's mind flashed through Kuru, Kul, and Kurest's echoes, alas, this woman is so beautiful with her chin up! ! !


Carlos stood up abruptly.

"You are of this generation...Jojo?"


Carlos stopped his words abruptly in his throat. The heritage of Ravenholdt Manor was a very high-level secret, and he shouldn't have to say it by himself, and quickly changed the subject.

"What a nice name."

Stiff, very stiff.

"Thank you. Then you are so anxious to see me, what's the matter?"

Carlos sat back again.

"Of course it's about your debt."

Jorace Joanna Ravenholdt said unceremoniously.


This time it was Carlos's turn to be noncommittal.

"Our Ravenholdt Manor has invested in you, of course, because you can bring us rich returns. But now, we have received news that some people want to use your wedding to make trouble and disturb Hillblad’s land acquisition. Plan, so here we come."

Oh, "you" is what you can use, and "you" if you don't need it, it's really true.

"I have been prepared for this..."

"It's not enough. The Ravenholdt Manor's investment in this matter is not much less than that of the Barov family. Your Majesty Carlos, we care more about the progress of the matter than you."That's right, Carlos was speechless about the facts, so he couldn't get angry even if he was interrupted.

"So, I hope you will provide necessary help and sufficient support for me, for us, for our plan, and for everyone's cause."

"A question."

Carlos hated the feeling of being rhythmic, and forcibly changed the subject.


"How do you prove that you are Jorace Joanna Ravenholdt."

"Do you look down on women?"

"Of course not, I never dare to look down on women, especially beautiful women. But you don't dress like an old assassin."

Carlos’s words are very rude, but they hit the key point. All the old thieves have one thing in common in their dress, that is, simple but not simple. They can take out 20 or 30 flying pieces from ordinary clothes at any time. Knife, even a powerful crossbow in the crotch can do it.

The clothes of the woman in front of her were a little too gorgeous, not in line with the habits of assassins, especially she had a long skirt that mopped the floor.

Hearing Carlos's questioning, the woman who claimed to be Jorace Joanna Ravenholdt walked to Carlos's desk step by step, without making a sound during the whole process.

Then, Jorace Joanna Ravenholdt suddenly lifted his foot and stepped on the edge of the desk, and his weight leaned forward, revealing his snow-white instep and red high heels very oppressively.

"Don't compare me with those little thieves. I can't sneak assassinating in an evening dress and high heels by flying over the wall. Are you embarrassed to call yourself the Faceless?"

This is justified and convincing. Is your real name Evelyn?

Carlos decided not to wrestle with identity.

"Then, tell me about your plan."

"Just to my liking."

In the study, Carlos is preparing a trajectory to deal with the conspiracy, and Janis Barov's bedroom, next to the cradle of the newborn princess of the Barov family, are staring at each other with big watery eyes.

"Who would have thought that even a careful plan would not be able to beat your cry, and Azeroth's future will depend on you to save it."

A certain white-haired female dwarf got great satisfaction in height, and said with a sense of superiority, completely forgetting that her own body was a giant dragon.

Insert a short paragraph, afraid that it will be deleted by the pirated version in the back line. Readers, please forgive me.

Something happened today, which is quite embarrassing.

In the book friend group and the water friend happily complained about the current fantasy essay, the topic was changed several times, and it got involved in Taoism, and then had a disagreement with a water friend. Because the water friend quoted Baidu, I was also very helpless, so let's end the topic.

Then I went to the toilet.

When I come back, the water friend has withdrawn from the group, leaving a last word: I am very happy to meet you during this time, I made it difficult for the author, I am leaving, sorry.

Sorry to be a ghost!

You are a black fan, you take the opportunity to deliberately black me!

I have always emphasized not to argue about right or wrong with people online, to argue for winning or losing, because I can't punch you in the face along the network cable, so this is meaningless.

Shuiqun, just have a good chat, just shield people who don't deal with it, as for you.

I don't know if you are a paying viewer or a fan of online literature. I have to pit other genuine masters for about 0.2 cents to make a statement.

I'm not such a stingy person, I can't laugh or cry for what you did, and I'm desperate!

In addition, let the genuine master watch the jokes. In order to compensate you, there will be one update within 24 earth hours.

Those who hack me 72 hours a day, you guys are enough!

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