Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 384 My Strongest Routine Is To Let You Walk The Way Home Again

The first league period.

What is the strongest combat power of mankind.

Report, Paladin.

Carlos Barov, sit down.

Torn the orcs with bare hands.

Singles out the trolls.

Charge, slay, Holy Shield, and Hearthstone are completed instantly.

Is the hero of the Paladin.


You said that Aegwynn Medina is still alive, and Medivh is not dead yet!

Don’t be presumptuous. The Guardian is the strongest unit in the history of Warcraft. No, it’s the strongest unit in the history of Azeroth. It is a god, a GOD, a representative of advanced productivity, and represents the foundation of the most human beings. Benefits, highlight the direction of progress of all mankind!

So wake up, how could these big guys care about the life and death of you.

So when Carlos Barov, who is famous for showing his muscles, started to use his brains, all the people with ulterior motives who came to the wedding from all over the world were waiting to see the jokes.

Conspiracy is called a conspiracy because it is not visible.

The main use of the gloom of human nature, supplemented by the dead ends of the human heart, combined with the inertia of thinking, and the inequity of dripping a few drops of information, a plate of conspiracy and tricks is simply delicious and indescribable.

However, although the materials of this conspiracy are simple, the requirements for the master of the cooker's heat are indeed extremely high.

Insufficient brewing makes it easy to get caught, being opened by someone on the table, or making wedding clothes for others.

Overthinking, easy to get confused, the organs are too clever, but the opponent is stupid, and then fell into the unknown territory with a dumb face, and was defeated by people with rich experience.

Therefore, a good conspiracy must be a moderately salty, refreshing and delicious cold dish. You can smell the aroma before you go to the table. Open the cover first. There is only a simple, crisp and neat side dish that allows the eater to say it willingly with tears in his eyes. [My TMD is a SB].

This is a conspiracy that can stand the test of time.

However, Carlos's enemies themselves are in a mess, and their internal disputes have not been cleared up yet, and they can show any coquettish operations.

"They dare not stand up and frankly confront King Terenas, let alone act on you in Guy Erdalon. So you can guess with your eyes closed. It is nothing more than bribery, corruption, assimilation, incitement, threats and intimidation. That set. Your wedding gave them a fair chance to connect together. This is our inherent disadvantage. But in your turf, their strength is at an absolute disadvantage. This is your greatest advantage. So they buy your opponents to make trouble. Yes, it's not terrible. The terrible thing is that I slap you in the face for your good performance. I think you know what I mean?"

A confident woman is always glorious. Carlos watched Miss Joanna's wonderful performance, clapping and applauding subconsciously.


Joanna frowned in dissatisfaction.

Applause, in a very private occasion, it doesn't mean praise, because this action is born with a condescending attitude, either it is perfunctory, good, and light, or it is a good hit. I am sorry and proud.

A group of people applauding is an exaggeration of the atmosphere, and a person's applause is either the villain's pretense or the protagonist attracting firepower to prepare for a comeback.

If neither is true, then the supporting actor's voice is hoarse before his death.

Carlos doesn't want to be a supporting role, but he doesn't use his mind to make untimely actions. If you ask him what to do, he is also desperate.

In despair, Carlos thought of pretending to be forced.

There is no problem that can't be solved by pretending to be forced. If there is one, install another one.

"That's good, but this analysis is meaningless."

[Secret Skill: To kill one, be the first to win. 】

"Oh? I don't know what your Majesty has."

Joanna put her arms around her chest and forcibly raised her career line by a notch.

"There is no need for so much evidence to prove anything. Since my father, the Grand Duke Alex Barov, sent an official letter stating that he could not come to his son's wedding, I already knew that someone was doing something."

[Secret Skill: Pull the banner to make tiger skin three, MyFatherSaid. 】

"Very novel angle, but...can't refute, it makes sense."

Joanna lit her lips with the tip of her index finger.

"So, I don't mind using the most malicious thoughts to doubt my opponent. They will plan an assassination at my wedding."

[Secret Skill: An alarmist talk, there are always people who want to harm me. 】

"I don't think so, Your Majesty Carlos, you are too sensitive. There is no doubt that those noble lords who want money want to cut meat from you, and there is no doubt that they want you to give in, but when it comes to killing in the public Members of the royal family, I'm afraid this is a bit alarmist."

"Ha ha ha ha, hum hum."

[Secret Skill: All-powerful magic skill, smile without saying a word. 】

"I don't know what I said to make you laugh."

Joanna walked up to Carlos. She stood a head higher than Carlos who was sitting, staring into Carlos' eyes with a sense of oppression.

Carlos stood up with a smile, and activated the last secret skill [I’m big-faced, let me talk about it first].

"War is war, and war changes the world. From the union of the Arathi tribes to the era of the Arathor Empire, to the present Alliance of Lordaeron, every change in the structure of human society, without exception, is from one or a few The war began. This war, the war with the orcs, we won, the alliance won, so those people naturally put themselves in the position of the winner. War, the winner-takes-all game, and the victory of the war Those people have become bolder."

Carlos walked around behind Joanna, waited quietly for a few seconds, and then continued talking when Joanna turned around.

"First connect in private, promise to make a wish, and then just create momentum, intimidate and lure. If these don't work, you will be a personal threat. After thousands of years of old routines, there are not many new things under the sun."

"So, how is your Majesty going to deal with those despicable thieves and shameless robbers?"

"Of course it depends on the strength of the partner, what do you think."

"Of course, for our friendship."



After haggling for a long time and sending Joanna away, Carlos smelled the aftertaste of his fingertips and felt that he was a little abnormal.

"Brother Bald, Joanna, did you find out something?"

"Brother Bald?"

After waiting for about ten seconds, Brother Bald appeared in front of Carlos.

"Boss, this woman is not simple, I don't dare to listen to you."

"You mean, she really might be the Grand Duke of Ravenholdt of this generation?"

"The Grand Duke is very mysterious. My level is not enough. I have never seen the Grand Duke himself and cannot answer your questions."

"Um... Find a way to verify it with Mr. Farrard, be tactful, move fast, and I want the result within a day."


Not to mention that Carlos had not fully believed these so-called Ravenholdt Manor visitors from the beginning, and even his two younger brothers did not believe it.

In just a few days, the two children had already introduced several "pilling talents" to their elder brothers in the same competition.

Even Elucia couldn't stand the favor of her girlfriends, and raised personnel issues several times.

Carlos is busy preparing for the marriage while adapting to the changes in the mode of getting along with his relatives, while also fighting foreign enemies on the secret front. On the contrary, the piles of national affairs seem to be less painful to deal with at a time.

By the way, I have to make Jia Liya happy.

At this particular point in time, even the mind of Carlos's Paladin level, cracks appeared.

In the responsibilities and blame, Carlos liked his little sister more and more, especially after a few days of familiarity, the little guy stopped crying when he saw that he was.

The smile of the baby is always warm, not to mention the tolerance of the mother beside it.

Under the burden of love and family, Carlos is anxious but not anxious, and has not lost his heart.

So Onyxia was a little upset.

A door seemed to separate the two worlds, as if time had stagnated, Ravenholdt’s uncrowned men stood aside like puppets who had lost their souls, and Onyxia leaned on the bed without an image. , And don't care if his big white legs show off the skirt.

[Your charm is not enough, please ask the master, no matter what the power is, the master will be responsive. 】

"Shut up, I don't need any charity."

[The owner is kind, fraternity, tolerance and generosity, as long as you pray, any wish can be satisfied. 】

"Can you shut up?"

[No problem, feel the master's whispers with your heart, and your life will usher in glory and splendor. 】

"My life I am in charge!"

The anxious Onyxia's eyes had changed back to the dragon pupil, and he threw the ancient horn magic book in his hand to the ground.

Onyxia, who had suddenly recovered, hurriedly reduced her aura. This is Guy Erdalon Lake Heart Fort, not Black Rock Mountain, and not her lair.

But the black dragon princess was too worried. Although the main body was ruthlessly thrown to the ground, the ancient horns still fulfilled its duties faithfully, covering the space in the room with an ominous aura.

"Put away your disgusting tentacles, do you want me to kill them?"

Onyxia got up from the bed, walked to the ancient horns, stepped on it, and repeatedly ravaged the poor book with the heel of her high heels.

[If this allows you to accept the gift of the master, then please continue. 】

"It's not a good thing for your master to make such a pervert magic book."

Onyxia's pride as a dragon helped her resist the temptation of the ancient gods to whisper.

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