Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 395 Ouch! Yes, this one

"If this is the case, why don't you save Jia Liya!"

"Time is too late."

"You don't love her mother?"


"Then why don't you save her."

"Come here, send this girl to the water jail."

"Wait, wait, I haven't finished speaking yet!"

"Stupid girl, the adult's world is not a game for you to play house, Jia Liya's safety is more important than love in your eyes. I still want to drive colorful clouds from the sky to sweep the monsters and ghosts, can it be done? Only here is the wedding as scheduled. Hold it and proceed perfectly. Only those guys who kidnapped Jia Liya will be confused because of their doubts, and they will be exposed because of the chaos, and then I will be able to rescue Jia Liya safely."

"In other words, you actually sent people to save people instead of being indifferent?"

"Yes (are you stupid)."

"Then there is no problem, eight thousand gold coins, I will take this group."

"Guard, guard!"

"Seven thousand! Seven thousand I will..."


"Good, good, six thousand, what you say counts!"

Carlos finally realized the value of honesty.

From the beginning, Jaina's appeasement was mixed with lies. Regardless of benevolence or malice, a lie is a lie. As long as the listener has sufficient IQ, you can only use another lie to round out the previous lie. The direct result is exhaustion.

But knowing this, Carlos had to use lies as a weapon, because the harm caused by the truth is far more terrible than exhaustion.

This cruel and unreasonable world.

After persuading Jaina to take her to her mother, the time was too late.

So Carlos simply gave up some decentness.

Outside the long bridge connecting Guy Erdalon Lake by the lake, the crowds watched the excitement and formed a long wall of people.

But the sending off team was very embarrassed, because there was no Princess Jia Liya in the armed bulletproof off-road caravan.

"Your Majesty, this is not the same as what you said!"

When the person in charge saw Carlos show up, he hurried over to shake the pot in relief.

"I know, just drive the car in."

Carlos's helpless result was discounted, and he was on his back.

"It's not compliant."

"I'm the rules! Don't talk nonsense, you want to offend the king and your master at the same time? Find a maid in the traffic jam and pretend to be, Jia Liya is waiting in the castle."

Carlos finished speaking, knocked at the window pretentiously, moved his lips and said a few words in which language he didn't know. Then nodded and bowed gracefully and left.

"As expected of a guy who can be a king, his acting skills are really high."

The team commanded by the person in charge of sending off the relatives did what Carlos said, but couldn't help thinking violently. Princess Jia Liya was clearly in the castle. Why didn't you follow the routine? What happened? Is it inconvenient to move because of the injury of the leg or foot, or is it unable to move because of pregnancy?

No, it's only a few days?

Ah, there are so many answers, the puzzle is so hard to guess.

On the way back, Carlos saw five brave men among the crowd. Seeing them physically and mentally exhausted, Carlos had no choice but to believe that the so-called invisible Uzumaki was really difficult to deal with, and the warriors worked hard.

Only twenty minutes before the final ceremony, Alonthos Faor was unable to come due to physical reasons, but sent a bishop who looked older than himself to preside over the ceremony.

More than two thousand people surrounded the inner square of the castle, and the atmosphere was very warm. The long large dining table was well supplied with food and drink. Watchers were eating the host’s food while talking bad things about the host while waiting to see the host’s jokes. , What could be more pleasant than this.

Carlos drove vigorously all the way, bypassing the ubiquitous flow of people in the castle from the secret road, and entered his mother's magic laboratory.


Carlos' eyes lit up.

Originally, Jaina was two years younger than Gallia, and she was a head shorter. Galiya had just crossed the girl-to-girl line, and Jaina was just a scumbag.

But as expected, he complied with the old saying that people depend on clothing and Buddha depend on gold, and Jaina, who is dressed in a colorful shirt, actually gave people a bright visual impact.

Looking down, Carlos turned on the scan mode and instantly calmed down.

The empty chest is too taunting.

"Mother, how did you put this washboard on this suit, except... it fits well."

"Why do you know so much about women?"

Janis didn't give her son a good face. Jaina glared and protested silently. It seemed that the magical girl knew the "except" well.

"Don't use your magical powers, let alone refer to any way of using polymorphism. Illusory magic and polymorphism are fundamentally different. Little boy, stand in the middle of the magic circle and imagine that you are Galiya. It's simple, isn't it? ."


No longer paying attention to his son who was annoying looking at him, Janis said this to Jaina in a soft voice, explaining the precautions.

Then, Jaina obeyed the instructions and stood in the center of the magic circle. Under the effect of Janis' illusion magic, the appearance and shape of the magic girl changed wonderfully.

"Yes, really good. With this look, you can completely clean your face and eat. How come you owe so much money."

Carlos exclaimed kindly, and then stepped forward to face Jaina's forehead, which was a love smash.

"Sister! I am looking for you to play Galiya, not asking you to be a junior! Do you want me to fight a civil war with the Kingdom of Lordaeron tomorrow or what?"

Janis also brushed his face speechlessly, and then took a mirror for Jaina to see for herself.

"Sorry, sorry, it's the first time for me to get married or something. Thinking about it, I can't help but feel a little excitement, mistakes, mistakes, Aunt Giannis, start over, start over."

Jaina apologized, but she was a little proud. In the mirror, it was Jaina's self in her mind ten years later, her own graceful posture.

"There's more."

Carlos couldn't help but want to taunt.


Jaina didn't know why.

"Galiya's chest is only this big, what is your chest? Are you a two-year-old pumpkin? Aren't you afraid of breaking your clothes?"


"Carlos, get out, I'll give you a decent Galiya in ten minutes. Now, get out of here, don't make trouble here."

Giannis really didn't understand whether his son had lost his mind in a hurry, or he had come to taunt Jaina. It was just a mess, so he unceremoniously issued a eviction order.

Leaving his mother's place, Carlos paced aimlessly between the corridors.

At most less than ten minutes from the beginning of the ceremony, Carlos felt a sense of absurdity.

A feeling that cannot be clearly expressed in words.

If you have to use words to express it, it is that the world does not seem to be real, giving Carlos a sense of alienation as the soul is dragged out of the body.

This feeling is neither correct nor appropriate. It is indeed the closest description.


[Achievement Mall does not know how many anniversary specials and big bargains! ! ! 】

Special note: You know everything is empty when you die, but you don't want to give away your sorrow to your relatives and friends. Points are valuable only when they are used, and they are numbers when they are stored. On today’s big day, all achievement products are exempted from the pre-conditions for purchase, and the price increases only range from 50% to 500%.

System -kun's sudden news made Carlos laugh suddenly.

"Then care about achievement points, why do you want to give them to me. Since they are given to me, how to use them is my freedom."

Carlos felt better when he was interrupted by the system -kun.

Suppressing the urge to check the so-called special offers, Carlos is ready for the coming chaos.

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