Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 396: Why Are You So Skilled

"Why did it become like this... For the first time, I have someone I like; for the first time I have a lifelong best friend. These two happy things are intertwined. And these two joys will bring me There are so many joys. I should have had this kind of dream-like happy time. But, why did it become like this..."

The white school girl Jaina looked at the distorted time space in front of her, and fell into deep confusion and contemplation.

The time goes back to nine minutes and thirty seconds ago.

With the unremitting efforts of Miss Jorazzy Joanna Ravenholdt, who was the incarnation of Onyxia, a farce about the marriage between Alterant and the royal family of Lordaeron disappeared.

It's not surprising to think about it.

Alliances reached because of interests will inevitably fall apart because of interests.

According to the plan of the conspirators, Carlos' wedding will start with comics from the very beginning, be penetrated by comics, and end with anger.

The plan is not complicated. Apart from financial and military power, the kings and dignitaries have nothing but majesty and dignity.

To put it bluntly, all the privileged classes are those who are capable of saving face. In the face of things that farmers and soldiers cannot do even if they pay the price of their lives, these noble lords' light-hearted phrase "give me face" is to solve the problem.

When Guy Erdalon and the Barov family competed in force, the conspirators hadn't gotten into the shit yet.

During the war, fighting Alterac for money and wealth was not without the financial resources, but the timing was not suitable. You can't use the people's dying life as an excuse to resist taxes and refuse to donate. You can raise money to fight a trade war unscrupulously over there. The hundreds of thousands of the alliance's army has not been disbanded, okay!

Therefore, the strategy of anti-Alterac forces is actually very simple-face is also a part of strength. If you lose the face of Carlos, you will naturally question your strength by the follower party.

It's really a cost-free strategy, without logic at all, but it works extremely well.

In terms of words, XXX can't even XXXX, it must be XXXXX.

For example, Carlos couldn't even hold his wedding, he must be X incompetent.

Or Terenas would not even be able to elect a son-in-law, it must be Alzheimer's.

Another example is G fat can't even count 3, STEAM must take jujube pills.

Zong Zong Zong Zong's discourses that have broken semantics without any logic at all have a unique magical power to deceive people's hearts.

Carlos desperately wanted the legendary protagonist's halo, but unfortunately the system didn't sell.

You know, the protagonist aura that integrates the aura of brain remnant, the aura of fortune, and the aura of blood lock in one, but the soul of darkness can be played as the top prop of Sengoku Wushuang!

Every time he thinks of this, Carlos will tear his nose and tears.

Take a look at the systems of other people's homes-kun and the traversers of other people's homes. What kind of young ransom and the big sister who fell in love at first sight are all novice gift packages given at birth; what kind of unparalleled civil servants and military generals can go back in bundles as long as they are courtesy and corporal. Take it, don’t mind if you are a little boy who hasn’t grown hair yet; what kind of tiger’s body is shocked by the neutral unit and bows to the head, the boys give up their lives for the main attack... wake up, those are members of the gay group Bar!

Carlos found out very hard that some of his subordinates were loyal, and there were also many diehards, but unfortunately they were all intellectually flawed and basically belonged to the part of foolish loyalty. And those who are capable have a lot of ideas. The stronger the abilities, the more difficult it is to understand, and they can only teach in their hometown, and they dare not give them real power. There are capable and loyal...There are hundreds of numbers in the Knights, but these spiritual sanitizers who have gathered because of their beliefs let them fight the orcs and fight the trolls one by one, let them participate in these conspiracy calculations, and immediately it is "I Refusal, this is not a holy light", "Carlos, you have changed", "Ai Xingren will not beat Ai Xingren".

So knowing that there was a problem with Joanna's coming, Carlos still had to pinch his nose.

Otherwise, no one is available at all.

So far, the effect is pretty good.

It is indeed a high-end assassin who is good at kidnapping and extorting and stabbing a knife behind to obtain the qualification of Ravenholdt Manor. Under the intentional or unintentional division of the guards (maintaining order), the noble lords who want to do things are either unwell or have their back waists. With the knives, all the early birds who had taken the reimbursement and the money for their lives stopped screaming one by one, and the wedding ceremony was proceeding calmly.

There are too many people watching the ceremony, but too little time for connection. Carlos very unreasonably held the dinner party in advance, and his opponents looked dumbfounded.

Guy Erdalon's castle is too big.

Unlike the walls + bunkers = castles built by other noble lords, Guy Darlon Castle is a real castle, and the city is a fortress.

That was the age when Thoradin’s Wall had not yet been completed, and it was the period when the Arathor Empire was first built. The remnants of the troll kingdom located in the north of Arathi Highlands have always been human confidants, so the rulers of Stromgarde made a decision. ————Build a military fortress in Guy Erdalon’s throat.

The rise of the Barov family also began with the construction of Guy Erdalon Fort.

This military fortress built with the power of the Arathor Empire for hundreds of years fell to a halt after the Covenant Letter from the Elves of Quel'Thalas, but even if it was not completely constructed according to the drawings, Guy Darlon Fort was still Azer A miracle in the history of human architecture in Lars, second only to the miracle of Thoradin's Wall.

Even if it is the palace of the Menethil family in Lordaeron, can you find an indoor hall that can accommodate two thousand people?

can not.

But Guy Darlon Fort can.

Because this military fortress, when it was most crowded, once housed 200,000 Arathor soldiers who were preparing to fight the Amani troll.

Although the territory dominated by the Seven Kingdoms of contemporary mankind is much larger than that of the Arathor Empire, without the authority of the emperor, mankind would no longer be able to build such a magnificent building as Guy Darlon Fort.

The guests invited into the banquet hall by Carlos couldn't help being suppressed by the heaviness of history, because here is the remnant of the Arathor Empire and the place of ancestors' glory.

In fact, even if it's Guy Darlon, there are rooms that can hold two thousand people, but there are really no rooms that can host two thousand guests.

The guests are to have dinner, the guests are to walk around to toast each other, the maids are to serve the dishes, and the guards are to be on guard. The space required for these is much larger than the space required to cram two thousand people in.

Therefore, without consulting the architect, Carlos demolished two walls and connected the three halls together.

Praise the magic, go to hell with the load-bearing wall or something.

Without choosing lighting magic, Carlos used four thousand thick candles and 274 tung oil torches as the lighting source for the so-called unification of style, rendering the banquet hall a wild majesty, and the guests present seemed to be Suddenly returning to the iron-blooded age of 800 years ago, regardless of men, women, children, young or old, they unconsciously stood up majestic and heroic.

"Today is a great day, the hero of the alliance, one of the defenders of the human world, the ruler of the Alterac kingdom, the eldest son of the Barov family, the heir of Guy Erdalon Fort... (resist the impulse to omit Three thousand words wedding reception)."

The bishop who replaced Alonthos Fawor to preside over the wedding, under the exaggeration of the atmosphere, refused to use the amplification magic, which was shouting.

"This is a couple of newlyweds who are favored by the gods. Now, let them get blessings from relatives and friends!"

When the bishop’s voice was hoarse and his speech was broken, the ceremony finally came to the last step. The guests stood up and picked up their wine glasses, waiting to be smashed... Do it first, and even if the ceremony is over, you can sit down and eat and drink as much as possible to make up for the loss of the money.

At this moment, the mutation happened suddenly.

The wizard who was a brave suddenly rushed up with a flash technique and knocked over the silver cup in Jaina's hand.


Although we have only known each other for less than an hour, I feel that you are very kind. In this most important day of life, why do you want to ruin my happiness?


what is this?

The role-playing game Jaina is too deeply involved in the play, IQ is -30.


The brave only had time to say this word before he was blown away by a huge force.

It's time to come, it's finally here.

(This is the amount from the day before yesterday)

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