Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 441 For that black lotus

What is a tactician?

The battlefield tactics are ever-changing, but no matter how they change, they are still inseparable.

In the final analysis, tactics are just four words---strengthening strengths and avoiding weaknesses.

If your infantry is well-trained, then you will show up bunkers all over the mountains, build artillery towers by the waters of the mountains, and use the infantry array to move forward.


Your cavalry is well operated, and the Great Plains warfare outskirts night raids and harassment, using mobility and impact to drag down the enemy's logistics and morale.


If your archers and gunmen are too aggressive, then repair the breast wall and dig trenches, and the earthwork industry will advance layer by layer to carry out the HIT-RUN-HIT tactics to the end.


Your family has a lot of talent points for engineering. Aquilegia, artillery and tanks are launched, it is a tortoise shell, and the caliber determines justice. If you are not convinced, you can also climb science and technology.


Adjust measures to local conditions, be flexible, and use your strengths to overcome the weaknesses of others. There is no enemy that cannot be defeated.

Therefore, in ancient warfare cases, the victory of the weak with the strong has occurred from time to time, and the victory of the weak with the strong is a lie, and those who say this are all liars.

Weak is weak, and strong is strong. If weak can win the strong, everyone has to exercise some kind of ghost. Just throw dice on the battlefield. Wouldn't it be beautiful to throw 20 to ruin the sky and destroy the earth.

Anduin Lothar also understands the truth explained in hundreds of chapters.

Unless there is a huge advantage, who wants to fight a big army battle.

Unless the ammunition runs out and there is no food, who is willing to drive a wave of desperation.

Unless there is no retreat, who wants to come to a fateful enemy, hypocritical.

But at this moment, Burning Plains, I, Anduin Lothar, 388, punch in...

Uther, who had high hopes, released all the pigeons. They said it was good for two days, two days, two days and two days, and the Alliance soldiers who burned their own fortresses, although the tribe they were chasing after the tribe, did not want to live, but this kind of wounding 10,000 and self-defeating 8,000 Things are really hard to do.

The lone army of the Alliance has also reached the point of exhaustion.

Lothar knew that Orgrim's life on the Horde was worse than his own. But so what?

Lothar knew that not only did the Horde run out of food for a day before the Alliance. But so what?

Lothar knew that not only was there no food on the tribe, but the water supply was very problematic. But so what?

Lothar knew that the number of wolf cavalry in the Horde was less than half that of the Alliance cavalry. But so what?

Lothar knew that the Horde was at the end of the battle, and if the Alliance continued to chase, an amazing victory would be within reach...

But so what! ! !

Can't hold on anymore.

If a real knight fight is like in the novel, and shouting a few holy lights gives me strength, I can fight for ten and a half days without sleep without eating or drinking, why do you need a quartermaster?

I really can't hold on anymore.

The orcs are already at the end of the battle, even if Lothar still has two days of food and grass, not to mention annihilating the orcs, leaving two-thirds without casualties.

But does Lothar have food for two days?

No, not even a meal.

The worst is the fodder for the war horse. The hungry war horse is already overwhelmed. The soy fodder in the grass Kabuto has been exhausted in repeated raids.

Victory is so easy to come by, but dreams are as visible as the sun in the sky.Lothar used his utmost strength to calm the waves in his heart and issued the decision to gather the staff.

The battle is enough for this purpose.

If Uther is not contacted as soon as possible, hunger and cold will take the lives of heroic Alliance soldiers.

This is not the fate that brave men should face.

I have a great advantage. In Ironforge, there are still 100,000 troops ready to go. There are enough 200,000 troops to consume half a year of food and grass, including bacon, sausages, beer, and quilts.

Going back is victory. I didn't lose in this battle.

Using all his strength to restrain the urge to fight the orcs, Lothar fulfilled the duties of a marshal.

The return of Alleria and Saidan Dathrohan brought good news that the death squad successfully completed the mission. Turalyon's excited face and his grunting belly formed a sharp contrast.

"Take it and eat."

Alleria handed her bag of dry food, and the supplies she had obtained in the abandoned camp of the Altar of the Storm were scarce, but it could suspend Turalyon's hunger.

"Take it and share it with everyone."

Turalyon responded to Alleria's kindness with a simple smile, but then passed the food to his adjutant.

"General, eat it, your physical strength is the most exhausted, we..."

"This is an order!"

Unknowingly, Turalyon had established his own prestige within the alliance. The adjutant was a bit tangled and moved, and finally did not say much, and left after saluting.

On the other side, Lothar was very dissatisfied and reprimanded after listening to the team's report.

"Stupid, narrow-minded, self-righteous! Carlos's judgment is not wrong, even wise! What is the use of dozens of you, how many orcs can be killed on the battlefield? Uther is blocked in Blackstone Mountain, all of us The reinforcements of ”were blocked outside the gate. You watched Carlos leading the twenty-odd people to open the tunnel of life for all of us, but Isshin came to me, an old thing? Stupid! Extremely stupid!!!"

Lothar didn't say anything during the reprimand, but listened to the marshal's roar silently.

And Lothar scolded for about three minutes, and his anger was relieved first.

"Thank you, thank you. Then, just come back, just come back... go and rest, there is still a bad battle to be fought."

After appeasing everyone, more work awaited Lothar.

Assess battle damage, reorganize the organizational system, allocate to support, and contact the troops.

So far, in the battlefield of the Burning Plains, the alliance can dispatch about 14,000 troops. This is still the number after Turalyon went to the altar of the storm and transferred the two thousand cavalry away.

Nature is fair in the issue of water sources. Water shortage not only plagues the tribe, but also plagues the Alliance.

Therefore, the nominal 14,000 people in Lothar’s hands only had about 4,000 cavalry attacking the orcs on the front line. The remaining 10,000 were divided into hundreds of teams and scattered around Lothar. They agreed to gather under the name of beacon. Find water and eat at other times.

There is no way, what is the difference between bringing soldiers together after the logistics system collapses and chronic suicide.

What Lothar needs to do now is to designate a feasible retreat plan, gather the soldiers on the front line back without a trace, and then clear the way home.

Therefore, before Turalyon could have a few words with Alleria, Lothar was assigned again.

"Perform one or two harassment operations, drag the tribe's footsteps, give them an illusion that we will never give up, and then use the night to come back."

Lothar simply pointed out what Turalyon needed to pay attention to, and then stuffed an exquisite metal pot into Turalyon's hand.

"Go early and return early."

The young Turalyon wanted to say something, but when he saw Lothar's dry and cracked lips, he couldn't say anything. In the end, he nodded solemnly and left with the dust all over his body.

There was no wind in the night of this day, and except for hunger, I slept fairly comfortably.

The next day, some troops who went out hunting returned to Lothar, bringing all kinds of weird prey, which seemed to be able to eat but not to eat.

Therefore, the potential of human beings is huge. As long as they are willing to hunt, they can always get food.

Just the ghost place of Burning Plain...

Lothar is not good at discouraging everyone's enthusiasm. It's better than nothing. The calories that a little food can add are far less than the consumption during hunting. But it can't be stopped, and it can't even be explained that the morale and spirit are over, and it's more terrifying than hunger.For a whole day, Lothar wisely retreated to the north without a trace for about twenty miles. Half of the food obtained from hunting was allocated to the messenger.

Without food, the strong soldiers of the alliance can still last for a week, but without water, two days in the ghost place of the Burning Plains will be finished.

So the mages became water making tools.

Looking at the eager faces, the noble Faye on weekdays can't say the words of rejection, but silently rests, silently casts the spell, then rests, and then casts the spell until he faints.

Although the situation is difficult, Lothar is very pleased. The soldiers still maintain high morale, which is not easy.

The situation in front of Lothar could not help but also had a hint of illusion. If Uther suddenly appeared and reinforcements arrived suddenly, it would be great. A great victory is at your fingertips. This year, the war between the alliance and the tribe will be ended. Soldiers We can still go home for Winter Veil...

While dealing with military affairs, Lothar stayed up all night with this little fantasy.

On the third day, bad news came.

"Marshal, it's not good, the tribe is eating people!"

Lothar recognized that the dusty clay figure in front of him was the guard next to Turalyon, and hurriedly poured out a small half cup from the so few water sacs and handed it to him.


The guard had a refreshed expression of smoking marijuana, put the water glass aside, pursed his lips, suddenly sank his face, and leaned to Lothar's ear.

"Marshal, the orcs are starting to eat human flesh, and the beasts are starting to eat humans! General Turalyon asked me to come back quickly and tell you that the situation has changed, so prepare early."

"Go down and rest, I understand."

Lothar patted the shoulder of the messenger, patted the gray of his hand, and looked down at the gray of the palm of his hand. It seemed that the black and white boundary was the battle line between the alliance and the tribe.

Lothar was lost in thought.

"Kilrogg is a betrayal! Have your blood cave clan forgotten what glory is?"

Orgrim's anger was about to break through the limits of reason.

"Warchief, the patriarch has never betrayed the tribe. The Gurubashi trolls fought against the tribe. The patriarch did not escape, but chose a more difficult battlefield."

The one-eyed orc responded neither humble nor arrogant.

Orgrim understood that Kilrogg's choice was not wrong, Stranglethorn Vale, or Zurg Laboon, the troll city, was too close to the Dark Portal and too close to Elvin. And after the trolls of Zulg Laboon refused to recruit from the Horde, the two sides clashed several times. Right now, the entire tribe's supplies are dependent on the Irvine area, and even blood transfusions to the hometown of Draenor. If the Gurubashi trolls break out of Stranglethorn Vale and cut off the tribe's transportation supply line, it will be a big trouble.

So intellectually, Orgrim agrees with Kilrogg’s choice, and even for a different time or location, Orgrim will not hesitate to praise Kilrogg and blood with the most sincere words. Cave clan.

Just now...

A feeling of being betrayed filled Orgrim's heart.

"What I want is reinforcements, soldiers of your blood cave clan, not a messenger."

"It's because the patriarch can't come, so I came. Warchief, everyone in the camp knows about this. Five days before your order arrived, the patriarch has led the army to set off. Everyone is indifferent to the troll invasion, all People were watching and using you as an excuse. Only the patriarch stood up. Warchief, you, can't blame the patriarch."

The messenger of the blood cave clan was neither humble nor overbearing, and Orgrim fell into contemplation.

"Why don't you mobilize another support army from the camp, even if Kilrogg and your blood cave clan can't come, the tribe still has at least 80,000 soldiers in the Burning Plains."

Orgrim asked in a low tone.

"Only you are the warchief of the tribe."

The messenger knelt on one knee, dropped his head, and expressed surrender to Orgrim.

"The Blood Cave Clan is not a despicable swearer. I will stay by your side to prove the glory of the Blood Cave Orcs with a bloody battle."

Orgrim thought for a moment, then said: "Then prove it to me."

After speaking, he waved his hand to indicate that Kilrogg's messenger could leave.

When the messenger left, Orgrim immediately summoned his confidant and returned to the camp for the second time to rescue soldiers.

After continuing to deal with some things, one of his subordinates came to Orgrim with a pot of mysterious broth with no raw material.

The hungry Orgrim took a bit of surprise and asked, "Fresh meat?"The orcs dared not deceive the warchief and answered honestly: "It's human flesh."

"Um! Ah, oh..."

Orgrim thoughtfully, looked at the tub in his hand, and finally ate it without pretense.

The so-called fate is just the result of the pain after everyone has made a choice.

The league doesn't want to fight anymore.

The tribe didn't want to fight anymore.

The two families could not sit together and negotiate terms.

What to do then?

If you hurt the opponent first, if you are afraid, you can leave safely.

At least Anduin Lothar and Orgrim Doomhammer and their generals thought so.

The final result was that no one was able to retreat, and the dragged battle between the two sides was anxious for two more days.

The tribe has run out of ammunition and food.

Alliance, drink water and stuff your teeth.

Orcs, began to eat human corpses on a large scale.

Human beings are rather sad. The orc meat corrupted by the blood of the devil is very unpalatable, not to mention its weak toxicity, and it is a waste of teeth.

"No, it's no longer a competition of willpower anymore."

"We must concentrate our efforts to destroy this human army."

Anduin Lothar and Orgrim once again reached a consensus by coincidence.

So in the Burning Plains battlefield where there were few secrets to hide, the Alliance and the Horde began to quickly gather their forces.

A decisive battle seems inevitable.

In terms of strength, the alliance has 13,000 people, of which more than 3,000 cavalry, but the army is short of food, and its combat effectiveness may be compromised. There were 10,000 infantry left, and 4,000 were lightly wounded. There were about 5,000 heavy infantry in complete condition. They were the true core force of the Alliance.

On the other hand, there are less than eight hundred wolf cavalry. After the soldiers are gathered, the number of soldiers exceeds 20,000. However, excluding hard labor and serious injuries, the available combat population is about 15,000.

Judging from the comparison of paper data, the orcs are superior in strength, and in terms of combat effectiveness, the orcs have an absolute advantage.

The only problem is the source of food and water.

The tribe ran out of food one day earlier than the alliance. After two days of anxiety, the alliance's physical advantage has equalized or even slightly exceeded the tribe's individual combat power gap.

There are so many water sources in the Burning Plains, and the number of orcs has become a disadvantage. In terms of dehydration, the Horde is much more serious than the Alliance.

Let’s talk about weapons and equipment. Even if Orgrim brought them with elite orcs, they couldn’t compare to Lothar, who was backed by Ironforge and the entire Kingdom of Lordaeron. He burned down the war fortress and burned material supplies. Not an armor weapon. In this regard, the alliance dominates.

After analyzing all kinds of data, the most astute analyst can only give a five-to-two answer on the battlefield.

It can't be delayed, and if it continues, the victory or defeat will be doomed by the sky.

No one wants to surrender their destiny to the sky, the orcs do not mean it, and the humans do not want to.

The horse is the best friend of the cavalry, but victory is the highest desire of the soldier.

More than a thousand weak military horses were slaughtered on the eve of the decisive battle, and the human soldiers ate a barbecue.

The number of cavalry in the alliance has been reduced to less than two thousand, and the physical strength has recovered somewhat.

The orcs also emptied all their savings, waiting for the final battle.

That night, there was no night attack, no harassment, and a peaceful night, but no one slept deeply.

The day was faintly bright, and the sound of the horns and drums continued uninterrupted.

Placing troops in formation is not something that can be accomplished by playing a game with Bonno pieces.

The alliance and the tribe were separated by a tacit distance of about five hundred meters, and the game of counting heads began.

Whoever counts first will attack first, and whoever has the advantage.

Lothar discharged the most classic phalanx of hundreds of human beings. The four-by-25-hundred-person phalanx consisted of two layers of bricks, and the entire battle line was about two kilometers long. The array line is not thick enough, but the victory is long enough, which can effectively reduce the flanking pressure caused by the advantage of the number of tribes. The cavalry was placed on the right wing, the classic left wing collapse tactics. It's just that this tactic means that the left wing of the alliance also has no shelter. Turalyon did not participate in the cavalry attack this time, but was placed on the most difficult left wing by Lothar, and Alleria and others were also placed. Lothar hopes that the heroes' superb personal martial arts can help the left wing persist in more Long time — as long as it is longer than the tribe. Saidan Dathohan and others were placed in the Chinese army. These great fighters will play their role as great fighters on the front line of the meat grinder slaughterhouse.

Orgrim's formation is not much different from that of the Alliance in general. This kind of decisive battle that knows the basics, and this kind of decisive battle that is forced to be frustrated, it is also difficult to play any tricks. Therefore, Orgrim's layout is also very simple and practical. With a thousand-man team as a unit, the orcs lined up a frontal formation, divided into three groups as a whole, and planned to simultaneously launch an offensive on the center, left and right wing of the alliance. Because of the superior number of people, Orgrim did not actually focus on the special arrangement of which side, but distributed the forces evenly. The central assault cluster delayed the pace of the Alliance's army, and the left-wing cluster was equipped with a large number of shields to deal with the impact of the Alliance cavalry. The soldiers on the right have the best physical strength and are responsible for defeating the left wing of the alliance. As for the wolf cavalry, Orgrim entangled and assigned it to the right-wing attack group. In such a battlefield of life and death, there is nothing wrong with everything, and Orgrim chose the safest solution.

The mobilization started at about five o'clock in the morning, and until about nine o'clock in the morning, the alliance and the tribe's two arrays basically had a rough appearance, but no one launched an attack first.

On the battlefield, the most common battles with a scale of a hundred people and a scale of a thousand people, even a battle with a scale of one hundred thousand people, are composed of countless small battles with a scale of one thousand people, one hundred people, and ten people. The situation where the real tens of thousands of brothers are standing side by side is really rare.

The Alliance’s array line is relatively short, only two kilometers. For the tribe’s three-way attack, the array line is stretched quite open, and the gap between the clusters is also larger, expelling a full four kilometers.

It is not a simple matter to line up an array over such a long length. Rehearsal in advance during the military parade requires a few weeks of busy schedule. What's more, on the battlefield, nervousness will affect the actions of officers and soldiers.

Until about eleven o'clock, the Alliance took the lead in completing the formation. As the commander's hand flag waved, the drums began to beat the drum, and the soldiers in the phalanx began to march forward step by step.

Although the tribe was slower, the crude orcs didn't care too much about the neatness of the array, they just panted and waited for the warchief's order.

The cavalry of the alliance did not follow the advancement of the array line. When the infantry phalanx began to advance, the cavalry slowly got out from under the belly of the horse, wearing armors, fixing the saddles, tightening the leather buckles, and drinking some water to moisturize their throats. It was not until the commander gave a signal that the cavalry climbed up on the saddle and began to form a team. A large part of the training content of the cavalry is the formation. The speed of the 2,000 cavalry team completely crushed the infantry phalanx. The wide terrain of the burning plain did not add other additional obstacles to the cavalry. In less than three minutes, the cavalry had already Completed the final preparations before departure.

When the Alliance pushed the array line to a distance of about two hundred meters from the tribe, the advancing drums stopped. The fine and dense drums were accompanied by the long and majestic neigh of the snails, telling all the Alliance soldiers that they were desperate.

Originally, in accordance with the normal process, Lothar should advance his troops another fifty to eighty meters, throwing bows and arrows at least three rounds before discussing other things. It was just this distressing decisive battle. The Alliance did not have redundant bows and spears, nor did the Horde throw spears and axes. The scattered long-range projections required the infantry phalanx to get out of the way, and the input and output were not proportional, which completely increased the difficulty of command.

So Lothar and Orgrim abandoned this procedure by agreement.

The more and more rushing drum beats of the Alliance stimulated the senses of the soldiers, and the feeling brought by the adrenaline rush is heat and excitement. At Lothar's sign, the commander conveyed the semaphore three times, and finally raised the red flag in his hand and stopped moving.

The drum beat suddenly stopped, and all the Union soldiers felt a sense of disappointment from stepping on the stairs, followed by the excitement of the Charge.

Turalyon was stunned on the left wing, looking confused, charging? Shouldn't the right wing rush into the left wing and stand firm, waiting for the cavalry to break through? Why is the whole army charging?

But the banner is the direction and the horn is the command. Even if the trumpeter is nervously blowing the wrong one, he must execute the command.Turalyon's roar ignited the heat of the battlefield.

Is it a mistake?

Of course not, Lothar was riding on the horse, standing on a high slope, watching the formation of the distant tribe, thinking about it, and changing the plan.

It is impossible to fight a positional battle according to the conventional response. This is a big decisive battle without a reserve team. If you follow the process of waiting for the orcs to initiate a charge and the alliance relies on the formation of a defensive counterattack, it is very likely that something will go wrong — it will be taken away by a wave.

The lineup of the orcs is so wide that the four-kilometer array line cannot be filled by 20,000 orcs at all. To fill the four-kilometer array line, at least 50,000 orcs are needed.

Excluding the warchief of the tribe is a stupid option, so what does the tribe want to do?

There is only one truth. The tribe wants to make a roundabout gap, directly magnifying the shortcomings of the alliance's strength, and relying on the advantage of the length of the array line to double-team and annihilate the alliance.

Want to be beautiful, in this evenly matched battle, no one has a hidden back hand to use. You Orgrim will stretch the array line, which is good, but the gap between the array clusters is also a fatal flaw.

So after examining the battlefield, Lothar launched the command of the whole army to charge.

Seeing the cavalry units also start to accelerate, Lothar pulled out his sword and said to the guards: "Let's go, this battle no longer needs a commander, let the orcs see the power of Stormwind City!"

The members of the Brotherhood of the Iron Horse listened to Lothar’s plain words, and every muscular man shed tears with excitement. Strange.

"For the Alliance!"

"For Anduin Lothar!"

"Long live Stormwind!"

Although it was the Alliance who launched the charge first, Orgrim was not in a hurry. Human beings are far worse than those ogres in the Goria Empire. If the warriors of the Horde were fed and slept for three days before fighting, Orgrim believed that the orcs could turn the battlefield into a slaughterhouse with a single charge.

Hungry, sleepy, so what, how can human beings living in a comfortable and prosperous world like Azeroth understand the suffering that orcs endured in Draenor to survive.

Only such a harsh environment can give birth to such a great race of orcs.

So when the front line of the alliance moved about fifty meters, Orgrim signaled the trumpeter to blow back.

"WagggggggggggggggggggggggggggggH!!!"In the sound of the horns one after another, the blood of the orcs burned.

A big mixed exercise began.

The battlefield of the decisive battle is not the Colosseum or the arena. The vanguards of the Alliance and the Horde are not wine bags and rice bags. In fact, half an hour of fierce fighting, the first-line casualties are small and pitiful, only the unfortunate and the coward lost their lives. , With the protection of teammates, whether the warriors of the alliance or the tribe, only the frontal enemy needs to be dealt with, both sides are trying to break the opposing front, so as to pull the gap to kill.

In this way, there are human positions on the left and right, the axe is not round, the long sword can't be thrown away, the weapons that are smashed out are all shields, play a fuck!

The first wave of the cavalry of the alliance and the wolf cavalry of the orcs achieved good results. The left wing of the orcs was pierced by a small margin, and Turalyon's solid formation with all his strength could not stop the wolf knights from carrying their hearts to death. Zhi's charge.

But there is no if on the battlefield.

The number of wolves cavalry was badly wounded. After the wolf knight died in the battle, the wolves continued to bite with red eyes until they died.

Even if the cavalry of the alliance is elite, the lack of physical strength of the horses is a fact that cannot be changed by personal will. A round of charge disrupted the left wing of the orcs, and half of the horses were unable to run anymore. The knights gave up the hand extended by their comrades and threw away their lances. Dismounted and drew out the sword, cutting a retreat channel for teammates who can fight again.

Classic tactics, classic layout, classic results.

The left wing of the Alliance and the Horde was also in chaos, and the stalemate of the Chinese army could not hold up the right-wing advance and the left-wing festering. The gap between the square formations became more and more stretched. By 1 pm, the most complete central formation collapsed, and the entire battlefield was again. There is also no difference between front and back. Both tribes and alliances face the same dilemma-enemies are everywhere.

In addition to the central infantry phalanx, there is a reluctant array at all. There are no military tactics elsewhere, and the fight between humans and orcs has become a competition of physical strength and martial arts.

In layman's terms, Anduin Lothar and Orgrim Doomhammer, the two commanders representing the most outstanding military strategists of the Alliance and the Horde, turned a decisive battle into a terrible battle.

A terrible battle with no commanding art at all.

Killing a human orc is far more difficult than imagined.

Whether it is Orgrim's troops or Lothar's alliance elite, they are all war-torn madmen.

fear? Cringe?

What does not exist, as long as there are comrades in arms around me, I will never be alone.

With a broken hand and one broken leg, he can chop people while lying down. There is nothing left and teeth.

Most Alliance soldiers with shields in their hands chose to give up their long swords, holding shields in both hands, and blocking deadly attacks for their teammates, even if the bones of their arms were chopped and shattered by the orc's great power.

The morale of the orcs is not inferior to that of the humans. Starting from Gul'dan's betrayal, the morale of the tribe has lost streak in a row.

Is it our fault?

Even in difficult situations, these orc warriors are still eager to fight, eager for glory, and will never retreat until the blood is drained.

It is just that two unruly armies have displayed a daunting momentum.

At least Nefarian, who was firmly seated on the throne in Blackstone Mountain, gave a heartfelt admiration.

"Good fight."

The battlefield, only the battlefield, can show the value of heroes.

Turalyon had no memory of beheading a few orc centurions. He was really a respectable and terrifying enemy. In order to cover Alleria, Turalyon used his breastplate to eat the orc with an axe. Although the quality of the light-forged battle armor was excellent, it was not split by the orc's axe, but the huge force still penetrated the musculoskeletal metal and injured the internal organs.

Turalyon's left hand could no longer be raised above his shoulders.

But so what, I still have a right hand, and I can still hold the long sword.

The orcs rushed too hard and had already penetrated the formation of the Alliance on the left wing.

But the enthusiasm of the battlefield is not the magic weapon to win. Turalyon who insisted on fighting inadvertently found that there were no enemies in front of him. In other words, Turalyon and the people around him held fast to the tribe's impact and were already on the far left of the battlefield.

This discovery made Turalyon a bitter smile, seizing the time to take a few breaths, looking at the wolf carcasses all over the floor, Turalyon cut off a small piece of wolf’s ribs, no matter what the smell, put it in his mouth. Chewed it twice before swallowing it all over.

What should I do?

Call the brothers to fight in the middle!

By about four o'clock in the afternoon, the sun's rays had begun to recede, and both humans and orcs were exhausted, and the warriors who were still fighting consistently formed battle groups of different sizes.

Rest, both the Alliance and the Horde need to rest. After a few more breaths, you can chop two more axes and stab a few more knives.

The result of the chaos is a huge consumption of physical strength, and blind battlefield fanaticism can also be expressed in another word: incompetent rage.The previous training has been forgotten by the soldiers. Their eyes are full of wars and battles, and their brains are full of hacks and slashes. As a result, after a few hours of fighting, they are exhausted into dead dogs.

The entire battlefield has entered a period of exhaustion. If at this time any side had a reserve team with a scale of 1,000 people, it might be able to sweep the battlefield.

Compared with the fatigue of the entire battlefield, the battle of the central phalanx was as fierce as ever.

Because the array was not disrupted from the beginning to the end, under the command of the generals and officers, the soldiers of the alliance have taken turns to rest four or five times. Even if the arms were sore and the legs were numb, the original lightweight armor seemed so heavy at the moment, the straps stuck in the flesh and sore and painful, the more than two thousand Union soldiers still maintained the most basic combat effectiveness.

Lothar is among them.

It can also be said that because of the existence of the central phalanx, the left-wing alliance has not been completely overwhelmed by the tribe.

At this moment, apart from the large and small fatigued battle groups, on the entire battlefield, only the right-wing offensive cluster of the Alliance persists in the offensive at the end of the crossbow, and the tenacious battle between the orcs and the human central infantry phalanx surrounded in all directions. Aspect.

Therefore, the encounter between Orgrim and Lothar on the battlefield was not a joke of fate at all, but was surrounded by soldiers around him, and was an inevitable choice for the battlefield situation.

The right-wing cluster of the tribe penetrated Turalyon's defense line, and the right-wing of the alliance also blasted a river of blood, but the two sides were actually similar. The number of orcs who penetrated the layers of resistance to reach the central infantry phalanx was not too large, and the right wing of the alliance was also blocked by the tribe's skirmishers, and there was no ability to return aid. In the center of the battlefield, the victory or defeat of the war was handed over to the last two formed units of the Alliance and the Horde.

The central infantry phalanx with the Iron Horse Brotherhood as the main force, and the Blackrock Orc Corps in Orgrim.

As the last two troops with command and organization, Lothar and Orgrim fought the best battle in this terrible battle.

The alliance's large circular square confronts the tribe's hundred people's raid, rendering the final battle before sunset exciting and exciting.

The fast-paced offensive and defensive transitions have seized the gap in the opponent's scheduling. Lothar and Orgrim have shown superb commanding talents in this kind of battle at the level of a thousand players.

In the end, Orgrim showed his "hidden arrow wounding" side, pretending to abandon Lothar's central infantry phalanx, intending to turn to annihilate other alliance skirmishers, forcing Lothar to change his recruits and pursue them, and then fight again. Back to the carbine, finally broke the final formation of the alliance.

But the only thing Orgrim missed was that the soldiers around Lothar were all fierce men about the size of orcs. Even if they lose the protection of the formation, all of them are still singled out.

Orgrim can't remember how many times the Doomhammer wielded today.

The artifact will not be damaged by the collision of ordinary soldiers, but the orcs will be exhausted by the continuous fighting.

Surrounded by the protection of clan soldiers and sword saints, plus Orgrim, who is in his prime of life, has a combat power of several million, allowing the tribe's warchief to stop and observe for a while in the chaotic battlefield.

Soon, although the armor was simple and simple, Lothar, holding the sword, attracted Orgrim's attention.

Do you think you can't find you if you hide in the crowd? useless. You are such a man who pulls the wind, no matter where you are, it is like a firefly in the dark, so bright, so outstanding. Your melancholy eyes, sighing beard, Mediterranean hairstyle, magical swordsmanship, and of course the great royal sword, all attracted me deeply. The hunger from blood tells me that the man is worth fighting.

Orgrim quickly approached Lothar, using his strength to tell the Alliance why he became the warchief of the Horde.

Block, hang the handle, pull the forehand and the backhand, and an alliance falls.

With empty hands, he kicked his chin, picked up weapons, and another alliance fell.

Orgrim, who was at the peak of his life, used his own bravery to interpret the strength and fear of the orcs.

Lothar soon discovered Orgrim.

The iconic lacquered black armor and the unique Doomhammer also sold Orgrim deeply.

The Grand Marshal of the Alliance!

The warchief of the tribe!

Lothar, who has been trapped in tactics for a long time, decided to remind everyone of the terrible lions in Stormwind, and let everyone understand that his name, Anduin Lothar, was the first man of mankind!

Pushing away the shield guard in front of him, Lothar rushed to Orgrim without fear.

Although he was nearly ten centimeters shorter than Orgrim, Lothar's rich combat experience and outstanding martial arts made him not let down in the first collision of weapons.

Even if Orgrim had the upper hand in strength, Lothar's more reasonable force posture and body posture gave him a small advantage.

Orgrim took three steps back, and Lothar stabilized his figure with one step as proof.

Fighting on the battlefield, not forgiving, Lothar took the lead, holding the sword in both hands was a jump. Orgrim, whose footing was not stable, had to raise his arms to parry. The shocking Orgrim passed from Doomhammer nearly let go of the artifact and leaned back.

But not how ruthless people lead the tribe. The warchief insisted on taking Lothar's sword with his shoulder armor, raising his hand to catch Lothar's decapitation with a hammer handle, and his side was a fierce side kick with a standard posture. Lothar's lower abdomen.

It is a pity that Orgrim just wanted to take advantage of the victory and pursuit, and the shield guard that Lothar had pushed aside before had already flashed in front of him, blocking the front of the Union Marshal.

Doomhammer shattered the shield with the emblem of the Alliance with an aura of destruction. The shield guard with twisted arms still didn't want to give in. Orgrim respected him as a man and prepared to take his life. Lothar, who stood up again, didn’t use it. Then the handy posture blocked this attack that would kill the shield guard.The four eyes met and Orgrim was full of fighting spirit. Out of respect for the warrior, he took a step back and waited until Lothar bypassed the fallen shield guard and the battle began again.

Anyone who can fight can call himself a fighter.

As long as you have courage in your heart, anyone can be a brave man.

But when the samurai meets, there is a difference between high and low.

Fighting on the battlefield first talks about life and death and then talks about glory. There is no such thing as a general vs. a small soldier watching a show. Regardless of the alliance or the tribe, as long as you seize the opportunity, there is no black hand. But Orgrim and Lothar were significantly higher than the surrounding soldiers in both martial arts and tactics. Whether a human soldier or an orc warrior, those who intervene in the chief and the marshal will lack arms or legs, but will die.

Soon, the battle between Orgrim and Lothar became a black hole on the battlefield. While the guards blocked the enemy, they tried to intervene in the battle.

Outside the battle circle, the corpses were piled up into an irregular circle.

The sky is getting dark and the visibility is gradually decreasing. This big battle has been fought from dawn to dusk.

According to previous war experience, it is time for the two sides to retreat in a tacit understanding and fight again tomorrow.

But the commander who was able to issue this order was fighting ecstasy at this moment.

Forty-two-year-old Anduin Lothar and twenty-four-year-old Orgrim Doomhammer, the Grand Marshal of the Alliance and the Warchief of the Horde, two men who also stood at the top of strategy and power, used warhammers. Clash with the sword to produce the strongest sound in the world.

However, time is a good medicine to heal pain, and it is also a poison to murder a strong man.

The fact that Lothar didn't want to admit it and couldn't erase it was that he was old, and if he had children, then the children of the children could call him grandfather.

The fiery fighting spirit could not erase the exhaustion of the body, and the hard work after the demise of the Stormwind Kingdom was also depleting Lothar's physical functions. He was no longer the Stormwind Lion that could continue to fight for eight hundred miles a day and night.

Orgrim's strength was also exhausting, but Lothar knew that before the orc in front of him was tired, he must be exhausted.

Can't continue.

Lothar suddenly woke up from the enthusiasm of the duel, and remembered his identity as the commander of the alliance.

So Lothar decided to take risks, deliberately selling a flaw in exchange for injury, and ended Orgrim's life.

Do whatever it takes, Lothar tempts Orgrim to fight for strength, and this behavior is exactly what Orgrim meant. When the strength was maximized, Lothar suddenly unloaded his strength, the Great Royal Sword took off his hand and turned the direction, and the blade plunged into the ground. Orgrim staggered and stabilized his figure with a backhand that hit Lothar's waist with a hammer. Lothar drew his sword backhand and stabbed it into the gap in the painted blackboard under Orgrim's armpit.

Injury for life, the trick of battlefield veterans, Orgrim is no exception.

But Orgrim didn't expect Lothar to change his way like this.

If it is a normal warhammer, Lothar should have succeeded, but Doomhammer is not a normal warhammer. The Doomhammer blessed by the elemental spirit of Draenor contains the destructive power of the fire element. This hammer is really smashing. Now, Lothar is probably not trading injury for life, but life for life.

Die under the hands of this man, don't be aggrieved!

Orgrim didn't have the slightest intention of stopping to save his life, and smashed at Lothar with all his strength.

And Lothar was ready to eat a hammer with the soft flesh of his waist, aimed at Orgrim's armpit, ready to pierce the heart.

Lothar had a pain in his waist, a mouthful of old blood was spit out, and his arm was deformed, but the tip of the sword still pierced the gap in the Orgrim lacquered blackboard.

It's done!

Lothar was overjoyed when an accident happened.

In the continuous collision with Doomhammer, the Great Royal Sword was already scarred, and the collision with the lacquered black armor was like the last straw that crushed the camel.

Although Lothar inserted the tip of the sword into Orgrim's armpit for more than ten centimeters, the depth was not enough to kill an orc who was more than two meters tall.

The rupture of the Great Royal Sword caused Lothar to lose his balance and fell to the ground. Orgrim was stabbed by the broken blade, heartbroken, and howled in pain, pulling out the broken blade, blood was flowing under his armpit.

In the direction of Heishi Mountain, a large number of torches lined up in a zigzag pattern to light up the distance.

Hundreds of meters away, Turalyon looked at Lothar's fallen figure, anxious, and eagerly shouted, "Reinforcements are coming!"

Orgrim covered his wound, heard the cheers of the Alliance, and looked at the flames in the distance, his face as gray as death.

Whether it was Alliance reinforcements or Reid Blackhand came to pick up the bargain, they all lost.


The warchief of the tribe unwillingly gave the order.

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