Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 442 Comrades, I'm Coming Late

The war between the Black Dragon Legion and the Fire Elemental Legion is far more fierce than ordinary people imagined.

In this conflict between dragon and fire, as the agents of both parties, the Blackrock Orcs and the Black Iron Dwarves did their best to please their respective overlords.

The tacit understanding and good-looking.

Not a good bird...

As a fighting nation with all the people, Red Black hand pitted the big brother Orgrim fiercely, closing the gap in the clan's male to female ratio, thinking about how it is possible to smash the black iron dwarves with the great cause of creating people.

Thaurissan did not let go of such a god-given opportunity, and used the battle with the orcs to eliminate dissidents and consolidate the kingship. Anyway, whether it was the black iron dwarf or the black rock orc who died, he proved his loyalty to the Balrog King.

One word, steady.

Heishi Mountain has one road, two doors, and who is more ruthless than closing the door.

After suffering Uther, Carlos could not wait to become a bomber.

Carlos, who has been accustomed to the Connor-style infiltration, has been studying Snake for a long time, and brought a bunch of accomplices who have produced moths. They are climbing by hand, digging holes and digging holes. Outflanking, swindling and deceiving, finally passed through the long black stone mountain corridor that had never been felt in the past, contacted Uther and the ambush arranged by Lothar, and finally opened the closed door of the black stone mountain.

All the way past, the imaginary front and back flanking did not appear, the orcs and dwarves tacitly turned a blind eye to this human army, just watching from a distance.

Unexpectedly, but reasonable.

Starry night and night, more than forty hours of sleeplessness, hurry up and rush to the ruins of the burned fortress, there is heavy silence as far as you can see.

The league won and lost.

Carlos and Uther arrived a whole day late.

The orcs were crushed and the humans beheaded countless, but the seriously injured General Marshal Anduin Lothar had closed his eyes forever.

A day ago.

Turalyon, as if being run over his forehead by the wheel of fortune, picked up the broken Great Royal Sword on the battlefield, and carried the battle to the end with a movable alliance.

The command of the tribal chieftain was very slow in the chaotic battlefield. The good thing that the orcs fled without a word of "retreat" happened. More orcs did not hear the chieftain's order to retreat until they died in the battle. Unfortunately, with the defeat of the Chinese Army, the orcs' defeat in this battle has been irreversible.

Scattered battles continued until the latter half of the night. Until the next day, the Alliance reluctantly gathered personnel. The world was rescuing the wounded, and there was no time to deal with the corpses of the fallen colleagues, not to mention the orc tribe.

After a long coma, Lothar woke up in the afternoon, looking at countless pairs of excited eyes around, the generals gritted his teeth and held back the feeling of heartbreak, until the severely dehydrated body was sweaty again.

With the support of others, Lothar sat up reluctantly, and then a mouthful of black blood could not restrain the gushing out.

The internal organs were all broken, and if it weren't for the paladins including Turalyon who were constantly instilling light on Lothar to delay the injury, the generals might have passed away in a coma.

Without the joy of victory, the filthy and smoke-covered soldiers surrounded Lothar, sobbing from time to time, and the uncontrollable pain rendered the sky high in the sun the color of dusk.

Liren always after dusk.

After inquiring about the situation on the battlefield and paying attention to the post-war placement, Lothar let out a long sigh of relief when he learned that the mysterious army was really a reinforcement of the Alliance.

Turalyon held the broken Great Royal Sword in both hands and wanted to hand it back to Lothar, but the General Marshal smiled and shook his head and refused.

Lothar's sobriety didn't last long, and huge pain kept tormenting his will.

Lothar understood that there was not much time left for him.

"Tell Terenas, unite. Tell Magni, the dwarves don't be anxious. Tell Dalaran that the threat never goes away. Tell..."

Lothar's energy was gradually exhausted along with these low voices.

"Tell, tell, tell Varian, don't cry, be, be, be, be, cough...become a man, a man who stands upright, a hero, a hero like you. Children, you, all of you People, everyone, are, heroes, mine, proud, cough cough cough cough..."

Lothar finished this with difficulty, and what came out of her mouth was no longer black dirty blood, but pink blood...

This meant that Lothar's lungs couldn't hold on anymore.

Lothar thought he was yelling loudly, but he didn't make any sound except for the movement of his lips. Turalyon knelt down beside Lothar when he saw it, listened carefully, and then shouted out with his greatest strength: "For the alliance! "

Lothar smiled and closed his eyes amidst the crying roars one after another.

After listening to the story, Uther wept bitterly, and his huge sense of self-blame broke the Lightbringer's inner defense. He knelt to the ground in pain, hammering his chest, crying.

Carlos was also uncomfortable, his chest blocked in panic, a little lost.

Anduin Lothar is dead, or dead.

I thought about it, I can accept it, but I don't want to accept it.

He was a real elder, a role model, living a legend, and even dying so gloriously.

Is everything I do useful?



"I said you guys are enough!"

Carlos shouted loudly so that everyone's eyes focused on him.

"Is it time for you to cry?"

"Did the marshal come to the battlefield to make you cry like a two-hundred-jin fool?"

"Look here, look here, who is not the general who leads the battle, who is not the veteran with scars!"

Carlos took a deep breath, calming his agitated mood. There was no draft of this passionate speech, and Carlos didn't know what he wanted to say, but he didn't spit out some words.

"The tribe is not destroyed, what qualifications do you have to cry!"

This sentence was very out of place, but Carlos still said it.

But something came out of Carlos's own eyes.

This made the people who had originally glared at them somewhat speechless.

Only on the front of Carlos.

"Where were you when we were dying on the battlefield where there was no food and no water to drink! What qualifications do you have to say these shit! The marshal is dead! Marshal Lothar is dead!"

Behind Carlos, the furious warrior rushed up, grabbed his shoulder, and turned a king over.

Then the soldier regretted it, and Carlos's distorted expression proved that he was not a cold-blooded bastard.

After the anger that quickly cooled down, there was a mountain of military orders and a disparity in status, and the soldier was frightened.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I'm sorry, I, I, I..."

"It doesn't matter, I understand, I know, I understand, I forgive you."

Carlos patted him on the shoulder, which is considered to have revealed the incident.

"Comrades, I am late. It was my fault that I failed to fight alongside you, and did not protect the Marshal. But what is the Marshal's legacy, tell me loudly!"

"For the alliance."

"Long live the league!"

"Kill the tribe!"

Noble or base, Carlos has no idea.

But he knew that besides grief and anger, he had power in his heart.

Carlos wants to become the new generals marshal of the league.

For the alliance!

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