Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 451-The Water of the Somme, My Tears

The orcs didn't play a slippery head. Before the official start of this battle, both sides of the war showed respect and prudence for their opponents.

It was still an intense and busy formation, and it was still the drums of war and thunder and flags waving.

The neat array of the alliance and the rough formation of the tribe formed a sharp contrast.

A leader of a well-known fruit party war zone once said: Even if it is 50,000 pigs, it can't be caught in three days and three nights.

What's more, on the battlefield at this moment, the Alliance and the Horde are neither pigs nor more than 50,000.

"What do humans want to do? Did those people in front offend their Grand Marshal and were sent to die?"

Orgrim’s words drew a burst of laughter, and the orc warlords couldn’t understand what the alliance’s formation was like, but the battlefield formation of both sides had not been set up yet. Just smile and laugh. It’s true that the opponent is stupid. The bones and scum that were eaten by tigers that looked like pigs were gone.

"Send twice as much manpower to stare at the human ambush."

Orgrim said contemptuous words, but he was very cautious in his heart.

On Carlos’s side, because of the terrain, there is no high slope, and it is impossible to climb up and see the distance. The arrangement of the formation depends on the coordination of the officer and the flag bearer. Did you use it?

Because it was an appointment in advance, the Alliance and the Horde had news in advance. Although the number of people in this battle was more than five times larger than the previous decisive battle between Lothar and Orgrim, the speed of arrangement was much faster.

A bad plan is better than no plan, and a bad decision is better than no decision.

Isn't that the truth?

Carlos stood on the high platform, looking from a distance, the black orc was truly shocked, surging like a tide of darkness devouring light. But looking around, the bright banner of the alliance gave everyone great courage.

The homeland is behind him, and his fellow robe is by his side, even if the sword fanning the sea of ​​fire, he walked by without blinking an eye.

Acting in accordance with the pre-planned plan, there are very few things the commander can intervene in a battle of this scale. It is nothing more than discovering where the enemy's formation is sordid, and letting the cavalry confront the past.

But in this battle, Carlos handed the trump card to Danas, and handed it to the 30,000 cavalry who might never show up again. All he could do was hold on.

That's it.

Under such established tactics, the alliance does not even need a supreme commander. All legions received a death order, they could retreat after a few hourglasses, and rush to the battlefield after a few hourglasses.

After several hours of cold wind blowing on the table, the temperature in the burning plain began to warm up, and when the warm comfort became fiery heat, the tribe moved.

With a heart-pounding charge, the orc warrior armed with a spear and a large axe launched a surprise attack amidst the sound of a desolate horn.

It is not a full charge, but a rush that is similar to small steps. After the orcs in front ran three or two steps, the orcs in the back began to follow, and the orcs in the first array line ran out more than 30 meters and then the second row. The cycle repeats, surging like a tide.

It's no wonder that all the leaders of the alliance who have seen the orc army will use the term Dark Tide to describe it. It is not that their language is empty, and there are only a few words over and over, but it is too vivid.

Like the stormy waves in the storm, the orcs are coming.

But this time, the Alliance was well prepared. Although it was impossible to gather the archers for projectile suppression because of the formation, the five rounds of arrow rain from the three legions in front still harvested the lives of the orcs, and the tide appeared. Floating foam.

Facing the charge, the archer had three rounds of throwing time, and the orc's assault suppressed the speed, and the archer threw five rounds. Perhaps; two rounds of arrow rain can take away hundreds of orcs' lives, but on this battlefield of 100,000 people, three to five hundred lives are not fortune-telling at all.

Whether humans or orcs.Orgrim has some doubts. Apart from the fact that humans have placed three legions at the front, it is strange that the other responses are typical attack formations, but why the orcs have launched an offensive and there is no movement on the Alliance side?

There is a conspiracy!

Orgrim firmly held the Doomhammer with his right hand and stared at the battlefield with wide eyes, trying to find out what the Alliance was hiding. The pain in his left chest was such a vivid reminder that the Horde was facing a terrible enemy. , Can not underestimate the enemy.

Soon, with arrows and guns, the orc moved to a position roughly 150 meters away from the front line of the alliance. For the orc warrior, such a distance of sixty to seventy steps only takes three or five breaths to reach. It is the perfect charging distance.

Don't need Orgrim to bother with such small details, the orc warlords on the front are all battlefield veterans, and they can judge the timing by listening to the sound with their eyes closed.

Sure enough, the sound of the horn changed, from vigorous to agitated, and the orc rushed.

As the forefront of the entire front arrow formation of the Alliance, the Seventh Army bears the brunt of this pressure as the point of the exclamation point formation.

If the 7th Legion is overwhelmed by the orcs in the first place, then the orcs can concentrate all their forces to face the alliance's central army. On the contrary, the orcs must be divided into two parts to advance separately.

The romance of the battlefield is a matter for the novelist. For soldiers, the battlefield is a hell to feel fear and bring fear.

Carlos looked nervously at the 7th Legion, even more nervous than when he was fighting off the field. When watching the black tide hit the shield guards in the front, even though there was a distance of several kilometers, Carlos still felt his heartbeat. After a slow shot, it seemed as if the sound of a giant axe colliding with a large shield had reached here.


Carlos yelled!

The Seventh Legion withstood the first wave of shock. In order to gain space for attack, the subsequent orcs were mixed with people around them, pushed by latecomers, and rushed to both sides.

The Third Army and the Fourth Army began to meet the enemy.

Because of the attack angle of the orcs, the pressure on these two legions was much less than that of the seventh legion, and the first contact of the orcs did not even shake the formation of these two legions.

But soon, Carlos became nervous again, and the wings of the orc began to surround him.

The tribe’s wolf cavalry suffered heavy damage in the Battle of Hillblad Hills. The training time of the wolf knight is unknown to humans, but the training of the wolf can only take three to five years.

At this moment, Orgrim put the last three thousand and four hundred wolf cavalry in his hand into the battlefield. He had the same idea as Carlos. The wolf cavalry made a big circle and rushed in from the side and rear, trying to break Carlos and hide in the back. The reserve team of the three legions.

"His Majesty?!"

The orc's sudden wolf cavalry will stand on the high platform with Carlos, and the generals are startled in a cold sweat. What did the scout do? They should be sent to a military court!

"Don't worry about it, the three legions will not collapse for a while."

"But... if you don't go to the rescue, the three legions may not be able to be deployed, then..."

"It's a bargain, I don't believe that the orcs still have mobile power in their hands."

Carlos estimated the time in his mind, and dealt with it casually.

In less than twenty minutes, the seventh legion's front line had been thinned by half, but they were in front, turning the orcs' offensive into an inverted V shape.

"Blow the trumpet, go forward!"

After Carlos gave the order, the horns on the Alliance side also sounded. Unlike the tribe’s animal horn trombone, the metal horns on the Alliance side have a sharper tone and a high degree of recognition. Alliance forces began to advance.

As the alliance launched a counter-attack, the front line began to stretch, and Carlos was on a high platform, unable to see the battle in the distance.

The state of the battlefield relies more on the sound of horns and flags to provide feedback.

Therefore, Carlos sat down cross-legged in the surprised eyes of others.

"Tenten is pretty good today."

Others couldn't keep up with Carlos's thinking at all, and they couldn't keep up with the wind and sunshine, so it was cold.

"Your Majesty, you..."

"In this battle, everyone is a pawn, and there is no need for a chess player."


Still can't answer.

When Carlos sat for three to five minutes, the sound coming from his ear was a sudden change of the tribe's horn.

After fighting for a long time, the veterans of the Alliance are already familiar with the orders of the orcs.

"Order the Ninth Army to press forward."

I don't even bother to look at it. The orc's horn means a right-wing advance. Carlos has a map of the battlefield in his heart. You need to use your eyes to see which corps is in which position.

About half an hour later, the sound of fighting in the distance became a little bit quieter. Both the Alliance and the tribe entered a state of fighting, and there was no roar of watching the lively scenery.

The morale of the charge in the charge is a shout with a throat, the "ah~~~" in a real battle is a shout from the chest, loud, but not far away.

After sitting in the armor for so long, Carlos's thigh became a little numb, so he put his hands on the ground and stood up.

Orcs are still amazing!

How long has it been since the league's front line has been visible to the naked eye a bit thinner, and the damage may have exceeded 30%.

But Carlos can't move yet. In the distance, although it is not real, the black and foggy is the reserve team of the orcs.

If the orcs don't press on with all their strength, Carlos won't make any moves at all.

After a long wait of about an hour, two legions have raised the yellow flag, which is a signal flag for more than half of the casualties.

"The Seventh Army is going to be unable to hold it. Although they did not raise the flag, it can be seen that their casualties have already been over half of them."

An Alterac general looked at Carlos worriedly and said.


Carlos just snorted in response.

Orcs’ individual combat effectiveness is indeed generally stronger than that of humans. Even if it is no longer the gap between the three humans in the early days of the war and the anti-killing of one orc, there is still no problem with an orc fighting two humans. The rhythm of the battle gradually changed towards the collapse of the alliance, Carlos sighed.

How can such an orc and such a tribe live peacefully with the Kingdom of Lordaeron? Those guys should really come to the front to take a look.

"Order, all the reserve teams will be put on the battlefield as planned."

Carlos took out his pocket watch and checked the time. It was an hour and a half before the scheduled time for the reserve team to enter the field.

Twenty thousand ambush soldiers are more than three kilometers away from the battlefield, and even if they see wolf smoke, it takes 20 minutes to half an hour to rush to the battlefield.

"Everyone, go back to the team. Now, we are all soldiers, and the Alliance no longer needs to give orders."

What does Carlos mean when other people are stunned by what?

When Carlos jumped off the high platform in a chic hurdle posture, ready to lead the battle, other talents reacted, the King of Cards is ready to go to the battlefield!

"His Majesty!"

The eager call cannot shake Carlos's novelty.

The Knights of the Silver Hand were placed in the last camp. Although many high-ranking Paladins including Uther and Saidan Dathrohan were suppressed, the members were still very dissatisfied. The knights were actually arranged to watch the play in the rear!

But with the arrival of Carlos, all dissatisfaction turned into a strong will to fight.

Because when Carlos came over, he easily pulled a bright red blood flag.

Fight to the end!

"Heroes, the Alliance needs you."

The Knights of the Silver Hand, with a full play in their early 2,000's, was presented to the orcs for the first time with a full-strike lineup.

In the distance, Orgrim watched with satisfaction the performance of the orc warriors on the battlefield. When the red and black smoke rose from the alliance position, the tribal chief knew that the scale of victory had already tilted to the orcs infinitely.

"Entrust you with 10,000 warriors and block the human reinforcements. Until dark, no human reinforcements will be allowed to rush to the battlefield."

Orgrim solemnly said to his high-ranking warlord that the Blackstone clan had suffered numerous casualties along the way. This was already the last cronies around Orgrim who could entrust his life.

"If you don't win, you'd better die!"

The high-ranking warlord had no nonsense and turned around and left.

Turalyon waited anxiously, and finally waited until Carlos lit the wolf smoke and immediately blew the horn.

"Alleria, the command and dispatch is left to you, I'll go first."

Turalyon solemnly handed the flag symbolizing command to Alleria Windrunner. He had no doubt that the Ranger Lord had sufficient command ability.

"Are you in such a hurry to die? More anxious than me."

For the first time, Alleria revealed her true heart in front of Turalyon.

"It's too bloated. Twenty thousand people are scattered like this for the sake of concealment. It is impossible to effectively support it. Moreover, it is so far ahead of the agreed time that I can't hold on it."

Turalyon picked up the plane and took Alleria's hand, and the Master shook it.

"give it to you."

After speaking, Turalyon rode away.

This time, Turalyon, a good boy, also failed.

Turalyon distributed a large amount of gray linen to his men, and at least two thousand people secretly left the preset location, taking advantage of the darkness, using the camouflage net to lurk closer to the battlefield.

With Turalyon's arrival, this awe-inspiring army joined the battlefield at a speed far exceeding the Horde's expectations.

Life is always full of surprises and surprises, and it is equally fair to humans and orcs.

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