Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 452 Give Me Another Song Time

Carlos is playing with fire.

Seventy thousand human soldiers faced fifty thousand orcs, and the alliance was on the verge of collapse.

Fear is contagious. If every human soldier is not afraid of death, has a broken hand, bites his teeth, and even sprays blood on his face if his head is broken, then there is nothing scary about orcs.

But the reality is that beasts are stronger than humans, their fighting power is higher than humans, and even their will to fight is stronger than humans.

Before Gul'dan's betrayal caused a great collapse of the orcs' morality, the tribe began a vicious circle from failure to failure. Every time, the orc warriors must face the energetic human superior forces in the dilemma of lack of food and clothing.

If you can't beat it, you can't beat it.

The Horde can't beat the Alliance.

The same is true when humans can't beat orcs.

But on this battlefield where he tried his best, the orcs recovered the long-lost feeling, the hearty battle.

By the time the sun turned west, although the orcs had killed more than 10,000 people, the fearless warriors had at least killed more than 30,000 Union soldiers.

The classic battle loss ratio is one to three.

With nearly half of the casualties, the morale of the Human Alliance is already in jeopardy.

Turalyon’s reinforcements were still blocked on the road. On the frontal battlefield, the orcs were already surpassing humans in number.

The Knights of the Silver Hand are like the most dazzling light, and there is nowhere to be seen. Carlos fulfilled the oath that I will take the lead in the charge, and the king's swordsman pointed out that it must be the place of danger.

Orgrim felt his blood boil, and the wound was burning badly.

Okay, it's time to end this war.

With an order from the chief of the tribe, the final reserve team of the tribe began to attack.

On the high platform where Carlos had stayed before, the observer gritted his teeth, and when the orcs launched the final offensive, he was already crying.

Wait, wait!

The observer is just a guard of Carlos, in addition to loyalty, even bravery is somewhat lacking.

But the son of such an Alterac Wrangler ran off the platform and ran to the campfire not far away, his hands were already shaking.

Three packages of specially made smoke materials are placed by the campfire and covered with tarps.

Throwing these smoke materials into the fire, weird colored smoke rose into the sky, one pack, two packs, three packs, and three entangled and hovering plumes of smoke went straight into the sky like living things.

Orgrim was shocked, the Alliance still has a back player?

But one minute, two minutes, five minutes, the orc reserve team has arrived at the front line, ready to launch the final impact, the league still has not changed its moves.

I think too much, Orgrim sighed.

If we win, the human race has been struggling for a long time, and the only reinforcement is still blocked on the way to reinforcements.

At most half an hour, the alliance's big collapse is about to come.

Seeing the colorful plumes of smoke, Carlos understood that the last time was up.

Danas should have been activated. The question now is whether the alliance will collapse before Danas arrives.

Carlos did not dare to bet whether the orcs who lost the frontal battlefield containment would create the miracle of frontally defeating the cavalry. So you must hold on.

Just as Carlos couldn't see the scenery five hundred meters away even when riding a horse, it couldn't be done by an orc who was drawn by the battle.

As long as the battle on the frontal battlefield continues, the orcs will not be able to cope with the assault of the cavalry.

So how can we save this decadent battlefield!

A word flashed in Carlos' mind: Do you want to be a hero for a minute or a coward for a lifetime.

By their side, the Paladins once again cleared out the tribe a thousand-man team, and were taking a short rest.

The light is endless, but the physical strength of the paladin is limited.

Other Alliance soldiers only need to guard their positions, but the Knights of the Silver Hand are active throughout the battlefield.

When the horses were broken, they rode in two. The weapons were broken and grabbed from the orcs. Paladin Penultimate's martial arts and tough defenses showed heartily in this chaotic battlefield.

As long as those silver-white figures appear, they can always miraculously save the morale of the alliance on the verge of collapse.

But every Paladin is a human being, not a machine, let alone a god, and they are also tired and exhausted.

From entering the arena to the present, most of the day's fight, the Silver Hand Knights have eliminated at least three thousand-man teams of the tribe, and its own damage was less than 20%. This is an amazing record. A quarter to two-fifths of the league's heads were won by the Paladins.

High morale can make soldiers forget fatigue, but fatigue will not let anyone go.

Carlos looked at the young Paladins with sweat on their faces in a state of excitement, and he knew that this was already the limit.

The Paladin is not a Saint Seiya, and there is no small universe that can erupt. Carlos relies on the full state of the Holy Light to maintain combat effectiveness. Uther's unscientific light affinity and physique make him the Nanfu battery of the Paladin, Saidan Da. Sohan's superb fighting skills make his physical consumption less than others... and then? There is no more.

The Knights of the Silver Hand have tried their best.

Paladins, tired.

"You guys don't move around here, I'll go ahead and have a look."

Carlos ordered Uther.

"What do you want to do?"

Uther grabbed Carlos and asked anxiously.

"Obey orders, Knight Lieutenant Junior Grade Uther."

Carlos said solemnly.


Uther wanted to say something, but couldn't find a suitable vocabulary.

"I'm going to buy you some time, you must buy time for the Alliance, do something to let everyone know that the Knights of the Silver Hand are still fighting."

Carlos's expression was calm and his tone was sincere.

Uther had nothing to say.

As a result, Uther offered his blessings to King Ka.

As a result, all the Paladins who had spare energy offered their blessings to King Card.

After receiving the blessings of his comrades, Carlos, who was already full of holy light, could no longer suppress the surging holy light. Under the blessings of everyone, Carlos's crystal clear emerald-colored holy light was diluted, and pure white light. Come out through the body.

Silently mounted the horse, Carlos held a sword in his right hand and a flag in his left hand, rushing towards the army of orcs.

The Seventh Army, with 3,917 soldiers, insisted on fighting at the forefront of the alliance. At present, there are less than a hundred people capable of moving, and the highest rank is the sergeant.

Danas, leading the Alliance cavalry, turned into a hundred miles, and when the colored smoke column rose, there was still five miles away from the battlefield.

Orgrim, full of confidence, the glory of the Horde Breakthrough Alliance is in sight.

Turalyon led a broken squad and touched the tribe's back in the chaos, and Carlos was about to face the orcs on his own.

Victory and defeat, life or death, the difference is no more than the time of a song.

A hero, a sinner, and everything is about to come to a conclusion.

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