The history of human exposure to the Holy Light on Azeroth is much longer than Carlos once thought.

Before the Arathor Empire was established, mankind was still in the age of primitive settlements. Someone had already encountered angels with geometric shapes exuding endless light in their dreams.

The pastor is the first to use the light of common sense, but they are just porters of the light, using the characteristics of the light itself to wipe away the pain and relieve anxiety for the patients.

The appearance of the Paladin is the first time that common sense has truly understood the power of the Holy Light and the first time common sense has studied the nature of the Holy Light.

Holy light is the most primitive and purest power in the universe.

Regardless of whether it is the Wings of Light or the Holy Shield, whether it is Evil Slash or Light Impact, Carlos has suddenly awakened after using it again and again and thinking about it night and night.

It is not the arcane energy used by the mage, changing into a flowery trick, the holy light is the holy light, neither great nor humble.

Whether you see it or not, the Holy Light is there.

Whether you feel it or not, the light is there.

Whether you understand it or not, the Holy Light is there.

If the conflict at the root of the universe is a duel between order and chaos, then the light and shadow are the most primitive manifestations of this conflict. What skills do you need in front of such a majestic shore that is so magnificent that you can't see its full picture and its origins?

It's right to be positive!

This is the essence of [Holy Light Filling].

When Carlos released the excessive amount of Holy Light that continued to be in his body, the huge amount of Holy Light's power caused qualitative changes from quantitative change. Instead of disappearing into the space, it became more and more dense with Carlos as the center.

In other words, like frozen over-frozen water, this amount of holy light itself has been like a core, beginning to absorb the free order force.

Flimsy illusion, unquenchable madness.

At the center of the holy light storm circle with a diameter of more than three hundred meters, Carlos raised his arm, and the great sword pointed at the direction of the orc.

In my field, no one can surpass my speed!

There are reckless orcs stepping into the realm of the Holy Light, and they have not yet understood what is happening, they are already in a different place, and the rich Holy Light does not distinguish between the human orcs, and heals all the wounds.

The end result is greater pain.

This circle raging through the storm of holy light has become a forbidden zone of life, where the most merciful Shinigami stops, and the orcs are not allowed to pass.

Such a dazzling light and shadow effect attracted the attention of all the surrounding creatures.

There are constantly orcs stimulated by bloodthirsty impulses stepping into Carlos's domain, but no one can take the second step. In the storm of holy light, Carlos seems to ignore the distance of space, and his body is round and centered, cutting in all directions.

For a while, the orc army in this direction was blocked by Carlos alone.

But the orcs are not stupid, or the idiot has long been buried by Draenor's bad life.

Soon, under the rant of the commander, the orcs changed their course and tried to bypass Carlos.

I didn't hold on for even three minutes, I really didn't have the life of Bumpman...

Arriving in the shape of Naaru as a human being, Carlos's will is being assimilated by the Holy Light.

Although it has not reached the limit of collapse of will, the orcs have changed their tricks, and insisting on it has little effect.

As a result, Carlos loosened his restraints, and a huge storm rolled up the burning plain and accumulated hundreds of years of volcanic dust, covering the sky and the sun.

In the distance, Orgrim, who was observing the battlefield, watched everything but didn't care.

Carlos may be very strong, even better than himself, Orgrim is never a blindly arrogant person, he doesn't doubt it.

But as long as it does not break through the limits of human beings, on such a battlefield, the individual's strength is not enough to make up for the overall disadvantages.

The warchief of the tribe took the horn and blew the final sorrow in person.

The meaning of this melody is not to keep alive.

In the afterglow of the evening, the warchief of the tribe asked many orc warriors to fight to the end even at night, until one party was killed and injured.

While Carlos rolled up the dust in the sky, Turalyon took the opportunity to launch a surprise attack on the tribe's back formation.

The empty back formation of the tribe could not stop Turalyon, who had decided to kill. Orgrim stood on the high hill and noticed the human force about 800 meters away.

"Kill them all."

After giving orders to his own guards, the most elite fighters of the Blackstone clan left their warchief for the first time and walked in the direction of Turalyon.

In the dust of the sky, Carlos could not feel a trace of fatigue in his body, he seemed to be flying briskly, but his spirit was indescribably exhausted.

It cannot be said to be exhausted, but a kind of peace similar to a meditation state.

Sure enough, there is no costless power in the world.

Taking a difficult step forward, Carlos, who was out of the full state of the light, couldn't control his strength for a while, and he staggered and fell on one knee.

The storm of Holy Light came and went quickly, and the large sandstones lost the bondage of the wind, and slammed under the metal armor like room, bringing a whistling sound. The dust in the sky may fly or fall, and the afterglow of the setting sun once again floods the sky and the earth.

What is that guy doing?

Orgrim didn't understand that the human being made such a big battle just to blow a gust of wind?

Inexplicable humans...

But Carlos, who fell on his knees, felt the shaking of the earth, but smiled with satisfaction.

It's done!

Orgrim, whose sight was obscured by the smoke and dust, didn't notice it for the first time, it was too late.

It was only a few minutes later that Carlos restrained the orc army that did not defeat the alliance in the first time.

The iron cavalry of the alliance has arrived.

With the rush of thirty thousand horses, the ground began to vibrate rhythmically, and the beating of sand and rubble seemed to be singing.

Da Da Da, Da Da Da, Da Da Da, on the back of the first horse to rush out of the dust, is the Alliance knight holding the banner high.

"For the Alliance!"

There was a huge cheer. Although the infantry in the hard fight didn't know what happened, how exciting the battle cry was!

"For victory!"

Carlos struggled to stand up. There was no friendly army or any enemy within 100 meters beside him. There was only a circle of undead corpses around him. He dragged the remains of several orcs and piled them up. Standing on it, Alliance Blue The torrent of color had begun to cut the flanks of the tribe, and the orcs who were fighting in front had no idea what was going on behind them.

It shouldn't be!

But leave it to him!

Carlos's surging passion dilutes the calm of the light.

Grip the hilt tightly, Carlos rushed forward, the final battle, he wants to enjoy victory!

On the hill where Orgrim is located, although the number of orcs is far more than Turalyon’s hands, the hidden archmage Khadgar has played a huge total use. In front of the power of magic, the orcs cannot resist. Under the protection of his teammates, the Archmage was fearless.

At a distance of eight hundred meters, Turalyon was smashed all the way, and Orgrim had to face up to this beheading team that looked like a death squad. When the warchief of the tribe discovered the anomaly on the battlefield, it was too late.

In just a few minutes, the Alliance gained glorious honor from the edge of collapse. Orgrim saw the endless cavalry of the Alliance, and Turalyon's life-killing blade was behind it.

All of this is an absurd play made by a third-rate screenwriter...

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