Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 454: There is an IQ Cup in the main text

Hello everyone, I am the IQ Cup that has been hidden for a long time. As the New Year's Day is approaching, I was blown up again.

First, explain why this IQ Cup is included in the text.

In addition to the number of scams, the biggest reason is that these words are written to the audience members who have always supported me.

There is a lot of nonsense, I don't want to say a word of lie.

After half a month, people have been there, but they have not released themselves.

Because when I finished coding the previous one, I was keenly aware of the time to finish the book.

Fan fiction is not a great long-length masterpiece, 1.2 million words, it can be finished.

Anyway, the end of the war that I have been writing about is not abrupt here. Spring and Autumn's brushwork has been taken. Many years later, Ka Aotian recalls his life, without insulting the scenery of the introduction, the whole book is finished, it is good!

Oops, the little angel in his heart was hung up and beaten by the big devil and couldn't resist the temptation.

But, but, the only thing left, the one that has been depreciating, has now fallen to 1.7 kilograms. There is something to say---Are you worthy of those book friends who read your books three times a day?

It seems...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...

Books opened at the end of 15 years, 18 years have passed since I was in a blink of an eye, and I have been stumbling for more than 2 years. Some have been abandoned and some have fallen into the pit. Aside from the fantasy collection and the number of cheating subscriptions, at least five thousand readers have been accompanying the author-kun .

I'm a bit sorry for them.

Doujin is not a person, and Doujinshu has no human rights. Doujin writers are not qualified to lick their faces and claim that they are the author.

This is reality.

But there are so many people who want to read and have always supported you. Isn't that why there are so many books TJ opened in the same period and I still insist on it?

Open a new book and write a popular point, maybe it will be popular, and the temptation is great.

Many book friends in the book friend group patted their chests and said that as long as the author -kun opens a new book, he must go after him, and ask me to break it.

But... slut is hypocritical, I'm a base.

The earliest promise I always remember, I want to write an unfinished book of Warcraft fans, I want to create a precedent in history.

No one who writes World of Warcraft is unfinished, why?

Because Blizzard TMD eats books more diligently than anyone else, it is difficult to finish the book, and it is even more difficult to not be unfinished.

But I'm not afraid, from college to work for so many years, World of Warcraft has accompanied my entire youth to mature growth.

Even in the days when he was a soldier, he took a rare break and talked about Tyrande’s bananas with his comrades in arms.

Tsk tut, evil fate.

So obviously it's a rare good opportunity, a good opportunity to finish the book, I hesitated.

Be realistic.

Writing books doesn't make money, or it's not making money as you imagined.

Choosing to write a fan was a trickery at the beginning, and the audience was WOWER, and he was a fan of Warcraft.

This decides to powder my iron powder and spray me wildly.

Some readers also doubt that the book is so different before and after? Change the author!

No, the incompetence is still the incompetence, can't become enlightened, can't go to the west, can't get the sutras.

But the author -kun gave up to please everyone.

Anything, once it changes from a hobby to a job, is a devastating blow.

Especially fan novels, there is no right to adapt and no other benefits.

Like a taxi driver, he hasn't done anything to get up every day, and he owes the website 4,000 characters full attendance, which is a terrible cry. In addition, the subscription income is so low, it is 50-50% before tax, and when you get it, you can buy a mobile phone or a red rice.

Where does the motivation come from.

The clever author has changed a new vest to open a second copy or sold an account to the studio for money.

But incompetent, don't do things that defeat your character.

So after struggling for so long, after more than half a month of hypocrisy, I came back from a trip out of town.

The incompetent king decided to finish the story according to the original outline.

Tough decisions.

A thankless decision.

But the author -kun wants to be worthy of the book friends who have always supported me, and worthy of his own conscience.

Here, I will give you an analysis of the author's mental journey from violent white to violent black.

Thirteen years ago, World of Warcraft was born. It not only brought online games from 2.5D to the era of true 3D, but also created the game standards, basic operation modes, and core gameplay of 3D online games. For the first time, the concept of "copy" was introduced. Introduced into the perception of Chinese players.

Open up the world, really open up the world.

Let's talk about the background of the game.

In order to maintain order, the Titans of the Pantheon of the Vigilant Police of the Universe cruised through the vast universe and planets.

Of course, there is their selfishness. The Titans headed by Aman Sur knows that they are naturally powerful, but they are not perfect, so while they forge order, they also establish observation stations on all planets where primitive life exists, leading to life. The evolution of the Titans, and hope to find the perfect evolutionary path of the Titans in this process.

Therefore, the dreadlords who are fanning the flames everywhere have become the key targets of the Titans.

And Sargeras, it is the club's number one double bonus red stick.

Throughout the period of great development, the Pantheon relied on the strength of millions of BG blasting forks to hang up and fight the demons in the Twisting Void.

Can't kill the devil that twists the void in the material world? Infinite imprisonment in direct stillness.

Frequently, demons commit suicide and escape back into the Twisting Void? Go, Great Expedition, go to the kiln in Twisting Void!

Yes, the Pantheon of that period was so mad. The Twisted Void of that period was more tragic than the endless abyss in DND. It was the big kiln where the Titans came and left.

The Pantheon at that time guarded the lights of civilization in the universe and represented the most harmonious order.

Then, BGM remembered.

How invincible is~~~ how~~ lonely!

How invincible is~~~How~~Empty!

Sargeras hit the world invincible all the way, so he began to think about life.

Who am I, I am the best Titan Sargeras in the Pantheon!

Where am I, where I need me!

What am I going to do, fuck it's twisted void!

The last question, how do you do it?


Sa always thought about it, and felt that this question might need to be answered by the Dreadlord.

Then, President Sa went to torture to extract a confession.

Just as Huang Xudong couldn't call StarCraft II as soon as he spoke, President Sa was also caught in the chat stream of Dreadlord.

The mental process in the middle is not clear to everyone, but Sa always came to the conclusion that only chaos is the only truth in the universe, and the order that Titans previously forced is meaningless.

Here, familiar old players and old readers are not difficult to see the shadow of Dungeons and Dragons.

The ultimate proposition of order and chaos.

So, President Sa rebelled from the Pantheon, threw into the embrace of the Twisting Void, and obtained the recognition of Void Will.

Hanging hanging hanging hanging, the original combat effectiveness of President Sa is directly super god.

You see, President Sa, who was originally an invincible hand in the universe, has gained the power of Void Will and has the strength to break stars with one hand.

Even if the real body descends, Azeroth can be destroyed by the aura, and mortals don't even have the qualifications to look directly at him.

As a result, the Pantheon began an endless battle with the Burning Legion after saving no results.

In terms of overall strength, the Pantheon has exploded the Burning Legion, countless years of open bases, and the speed of the Titans' violent soldiers can cry the so-called endless number of Burning Legions. Whose TMD wins by number?

But Sargeras alone is the whole army.

I didn't see the former deputy, now the top thug in the Pantheon, Comrade Aggrama Adi didn't even have the courage to face Sargeras, he could only beat the Burning Legion silently.

Magnificent, really magnificent.

Endless battles, endless blood.

However, as Blizzard has grown, de-DND has become more and more obvious, and it has reached a point where I cannot have it because you have it.

The Pantheon Titans, the guardians of the entire cosmic order, have become like life court-like characters that are pinched up in Marvel. The millions of BG blasting and charging forks of the Titans are stunned by the Burning Legion that once pressed on the ground and rubbed.

The Pantheon bosses were locked up by Sargeras, the second and fifth son, to the Destroyer SM.

LOW burst, okay!

This is not COOOOOOOOOOOL at all!

Does this count as political correctness in the gaming industry?

Blizzard is not just exhausting its talents, it is creating its own big IP!

To put it bluntly, World of Warcraft cannot have the shadow of other games, and Blizzard wants a creative monopoly!

But Blizzard did not do well.

The new chronicle is even more shit.

Let me introduce you to Blizzard’s official novel.

For each new version, Blizzard will commission a writer to create the main storyline, and then solicit essays online. I think it’s good. This is good, so it’s included in the library.

Understand, this is the official, and the douren is also the official. The official is a Datongren except for spending money.

Yes, this is very Blizzard, honestly, don't listen in reverse.

In this, I have to mention "Sunshine", a very important novel about fandom becoming official, and it is also the leader of this essay series. It completes the plot of Aqiang and Sylvanas, and it is full. For the entire blood elven race, all works that want to write blood elves cannot bypass it.

Once we mentioned WOW, to our friend Amway, talking about love and family, talking about blood and glory, along the way in Stormwind, following Marshal Windsor, watching the salutes of the guards.

A living legend.

We are the dust under your feet.

On the way, how strong and fierce, how many people gave up their lives to fight the dragon people, just to save the life of the generals.

TMD I cried for an NPC!

From the beginning of receiving the task, to the downcast man pretending to be stupid in the Dark Iron Dwarf Prison, to the final addition of the General Marshal, the hero who calmly faced death for justice and responsibility.

This is World of Warcraft.

now what?

Come back and play, I will help you furry, 950 a week.

The task has also become where to kill how many monsters to get how many items.

From the dark world of liver and liver to the world of pretending to fight face.

WoW has lost his original taste.

Don't say that World of Warcraft has not changed, we are old.

Not fun is not fun, this is not Warcraft at all!

So, lords of the audience, don't discuss the plot with me.

I will end this book in my own way, giving the World of Warcraft in my memory a less regrettable ending.

Resume the update tomorrow.

It is estimated that there are one million words left.

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