Carlos inadvertently changed the war in Azeroth.

过往几Ten Thousand Years,算上泰坦揍元素揍古神那几场约架,发生在艾泽拉斯星球上的战争,基本套路还是运营,暴兵,F2A那一套,说白了就是左键框Right click Rua~~~~~

The Titans and the Guardian Dragons play like this, because they look down on their opponents, and use their ability to explode. Why should they talk to the enemy.

As for the night elves and trolls, they were born by ability. We are more people, and we are better than you.

When it comes to the high elves and humans, even though they don't have the arrogance of the previous ones, the victory or defeat of the war is still determined by traditional factors such as combat power and morale.

The so-called tactics are nothing more than using various methods to find a wave of opportunities for Rua~~~~.

So in the human world, the soldier is the soldier, the farmer is the farmer, the soldier is responsible for cutting people, and the farmer is responsible for cutting trees.

Carlos broke this customary tradition during his strategy in the Dark Swamp.

For the first time, the soldiers of the Union received formal training in local work.

Every dwarf is a natural master of earthwork, digging to survive is their racial talent carved in their bones and on their souls. But the number of dwarves was not enough to keep up with the timetable of the Carlos war, so the human soldiers could only wield their hoes while holding their swords.

The range of the Dark Swamp is too big, even a hundred thousand hunks, when facing the vast dark swamp, they appear so small and weak.

Yes, it was originally used to describe the vastness of the starry sky and the sea to describe the dark swamp.

It's really big.

In two months, Carlos led the alliance forward by 50 kilometers, renovated and expanded the road more than 300 kilometers, and dug the front line to a place less than five kilometers outside of Stonenard.

The orcs' response did not exceed the alliance's expectations, a large number of troops were hoarding Stonenard, and the war situation was further escalated. But Orgrim's patience surpassed Carlos's expectations, and the orc's war wisdom exceeded human estimates.

In the face of the roar of human artillery fire and the unprecedented steel tank, the orcs made the most correct or weakest response.

Worse than.

The orc's drudgery took the initiative to loosen the soil, turning Stonenard's direction facing the Alliance position into a quagmire.

I can't get out, so don't even think about coming over.

Large swamp plants were burned down, and the remains of underground corruption for many years were turned out. On the front line of the confrontation between the Alliance and the tribe, the stench became the smell that dominates all life.

The soldiers complained endlessly, but the generals heaved a sigh of relief.

The plan is going well.

After more than a month of hard work, the dwarf pilots finally determined the azimuth coordinates of the Dark Portal. The engineering team has started construction work in another direction. According to the pre-plan assessment of the dwarf and dwarf engineering masters, in the absence of orcs interference Next, it only takes four months to open up a path to raid the Dark Portal.

This is good.

No general questioned Carlos's whimsy.

In four months, the league can afford to wait.

Because no one is confident that he will be able to defeat the orcs in the Dark Swamp, let alone give a deadline.

So when Carlos proposed such a war plan that looked like something, everyone thought it was pretty good.

Even Turalyon is the same.

Turalyon’s kerosene plan has been hoarding oil for more than a year, and there is no absolute confidence to burn Stonenard. Compared with this, Carlos’s plan looks much more reliable.

Then do it.

Give it a try, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle.

The soldiers at the bottom dig and dig, the higher-level officers shout and shout, and the senior generals do the calculations.

Carlos successfully turned a bloody war into a brick-and-mortar move.

In order to deal with the alliance's bloodless knife...shovel, the tribe can only follow the pace and join the dance shovel class.

But after losing a large area of ​​effective control, the scarcity of tribal orcs becomes even more deadly.

Humans can obtain countless firewood from the Elwynn Forest, river sand and stones from the mountains and valleys, and resources from the entire Eastern Kingdom.

On the other hand, orcs, there is nothing to do, even the right size of stone is difficult to get, let alone suitable firewood.

In this arms race developed by brain supplement deduction, Orgrim is the first and the two big ones.

Why doesn't the Alliance attack in the overall situation has become the most puzzled question for the tribal chief.

If he is the commander of the alliance, Stonenard is already a scorched earth.

When in doubt, find and solve the problem.

The orcs exchanged the sacrifices of countless scouts for important information.

Those shameless humans set up pocket arrays, ready to shame us.

This message gave Orgrim a bold idea.

Maybe I can stick to it.

The league feels that they have a great advantage. They want to trade the least casualties for the greatest victory. They obviously won when A goes up, and they want to round us up.

This can be done.

Day and night, the Alliance builds roads toward the Dark Portal by building roads and bridges across the mountains and rivers.

Day and night, the tribe continued to send hard labor to repair the tunnel through which the old shaman communicated with his life.

Under the banter of fate, the Alliance and the Horde chose the same method.

But in the eyes of Chromie, this farce war is even more tragic than all previous wars between orcs and humans.

Orgrim relied on the tunnel to continuously send the troops stationed at the Dark Portal to the front line, and Carlos was not far from the distance that he could cut through the mountains and deep into the swamp.

When both sides feel that the advantage is large enough.

Carlos will use a massive attack to cover up his raid on the Dark Portal.

And Orgrim will use far more troops than the alliance expected to carry out a Jedi counterattack.

Regardless of the outcome, this is a tragic fight.

Regardless of whether the Alliance takes the Dark Portal or not, Stonenard will become a meat grinder.

Withstood, the orcs broke off their way back, and had no choice but to tie their hands or flee into the wilderness.

Unable to withstand it, the orcs who broke through the blockade will turn Alvin, who has just begun to recover, into a piece of scorched earth again.

The two sides of the war who are bound by glory, mission, responsibility, or desire, have no consequences in their eyes, only enemies.

But from the standpoint of the bystander, Chromie only sighed in his heart.

In the final analysis, they are still fighting for the right to survive.

Infiltrating into the alliance as a technician, Chromie observed Carlos's actions from the closest distance, and doubted whether he wanted to mention that the orcs had foreshadowing.

Although the attitude of guarding the dragon is neutral, the dragon itself has a tendency.

The red dragon's eyes are empty, the green dragon prefers night elves, and Chromie has a soft spot for gnomes.

Once Carlos’s strategy is deviated, the worst result is that the Alliance has seized the Dark Portal, and the Horde rushes out of Stonenard all the way north. The roads built by humans to transport supplies will become the life passages for the orcs. The erosion will be immeasurable.

Those orcs who have been cut off can do anything to survive.

But the long-term professional ethics and professionalism made Kromi choose neutrality.

do nothing.

The observer must have the observer's standpoint.

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