At the end of June, the war entered a state of anxiety.

The arrival of the rainy season brought the alliance's advancement into a stagflation state.

It's okay to call it mentally retarded.

The inventors of engineering equipment obviously underestimated the impact of rain on reliability, just like going to Gadgetzan to see snow, but only after arriving did they find that Gadgetzan had no snow.

After losing the support of artillery fire, the war returned to a familiar state, as if the local work industry did not exist before.

The channel opened by the alliance is not stable. In the face of the mighty power of nature, in the face of the tenacity of plants, human beings seem so small.

If left alone, those aquatic plants and parasitic vines can destroy the fruits of three months of labor of Union soldiers in one month.

This time, nature is on the side of the tribe orcs.

Another engineering team of the alliance has pierced through the mountains, and the troops with more than 20,000 people have begun to circle backwards, preparing to avoid the secret assembly of the orcs' eyeliner. After another month, the personnel and materials will be in place.

Turalyon’s hoarding of kerosene can work.

For the sake of concealment, the construction personnel gave up the mechanical construction and could only use the original method of knives, chopping and axes to clear the passages. Those preset oil drums became an important target to lead the army forward.

All the people involved were inspired by the beautiful rhetoric and joined the logging industry with a magnificent mood.

"Think about it, when the torch is lit, the thirty-kilometer-long burning zone, the straight path of flames, and the glorious passage to victory can be seen on the moon."

Capture the Dark Portal, the Alliance will obtain the winning match point in this killing game, and humans will wash away the humiliation imposed by the orcs.

Although there is no direct causal relationship between these two events, the whole alliance thinks so.

The high elves were burned to the door of the house by the orcs.

Mankind was wiped out of a country, and the forte of Lordaeron was pierced by orcs, killing and wounding millions of people.

The dwarf was stuck in Ironforge by the orcs and almost died.


Everyone has the fear of being dominated by the orcs, and this humiliation mark is imprinted on the body and memory of this generation and the next generation.

Hatred makes everyone unite.

Revenge, so many people in the alliance Isshin.

Under strong political propaganda, the entire Alliance Expeditionary Force believed that this would be the last battle.

The final battle for glory.

So even if it rains again and again, even if the road is difficult and difficult, the Alliance is not afraid.

The plan has been carried out to this point, and there is no room for any changes.

This kind of large-scale campaign plan involving more than 100,000 people does not tolerate any personal performance by the generals.

The troop that surprises the Dark Portal has already entered the mountains with supplies and supplies, and the alliance besieging Stonenard must give enough pressure to attract more, more, and more orcs to the front line.

Because the alliance does not have a second battle plan.

On the contrary, it was the orcs. On the tribe's side, Orgrim keenly discovered the advantage of the weather over the orcs, and went out to fight more and more actively.

After losing the interference of artillery fire, the orcs regained their psychological advantage.

The kind of grievance that was forced to bow my head was really enough.

The orcs do not lack experience in dealing with artillery. When siege of Ironforge, the dwarves’ artillery fire was no worse than the alliance in front of them, but after the defeat, the orcs lost almost 90% of their siege equipment, their catapults, and their bows and crossbows. Taiwan spear, the most important thing is to lose the warlock.

Therefore, Stonenard's orcs can only hide behind the bunker and accept unilateral bombardment from the Alliance.

However, now, the weather is on the side of the orcs, and the humid air extinguishes most of the artillery of the Alliance, and the orcs once again have the opportunity to fight humans in close combat.

Orgrim will not miss such an opportunity.

The active attack of the orcs is exactly in line with the strategic needs of the alliance.

So Stonenard became a flesh-and-blood mill, and the blood of the two warring parties even stained the swamp, but even the most greedy crocodile dared not approach the two who killed the red eye, and could only endure the thrill of blood.

This battlefield only belongs to the two war beasts of the Alliance and the Horde.

After a dispute, Carlos and Turalyon used a battle to decide who to surprise the Dark Portal.

Carlos believes that this plan was proposed by himself, and that he should bear the risk of failure.

Turalyon believes that Carlos is the supreme commander of the league and it is more appropriate to go on his own.

No one on both sides could convince anyone, and the other generals wanted to take this heavy burden and they were bothered together.

The end result is that in a emptied warehouse, in a competition where outsiders have no way of knowing the process, Carlos got the position.

The front-line warfare was tight. In the final combat meeting, only a little more than half of the senior generals were present. Carlos gave his last order as a marshal.

"After I set off, Turalyon took over the command of the Alliance army. If Turalyon died in battle, Uther would continue to command the battle. If Uther died, Danath would continue to command. If Dadar Nath also died in the battle, so the matter is probably irreversible, and the remaining generals must unconditionally obey the dispatch of Magni Bronzebeard, King of Ironforge."

After Carlos finished speaking, he nodded at Muradin Bronzebeard, and Muradin responded to Carlos' request.

For the soldiers under him, these frustrating words cannot be said. But everyone present was high-ranking generals, and Carlos didn't pay much attention to speech skills.

"This battle, success, we will completely cut off the threat of the orcs to us. Therefore, in order to succeed, we must first consider the consequences of failure. The extra words are nonsense. Before, the brothers are desperate. After that, I will also go. Good luck, Zhu-kun."

Pulling down the seal on his finger and handing it to Turalyon, Carlos turned and left. Everyone at the meeting saluted him.

In courage and responsibility, Carlos deserves the title of Union Marshal.

After Carlos left, Turalyon held the ring of the Marshal and didn't know what he was thinking. After several minutes of silence on the scene, he raised his head.

"For victory."

The inexplicable sentence touched everyone by accident.

All for victory.

Assigning the tasks as quickly as possible, as if being stimulated by Carlos, every general who had made clear the task, Nick departed, and there were fewer and fewer people at the meeting.

In the end, only Alleria and Muradin were left.

Muradin looked left and right, thinking that he had better leave.

However, in the face of such an opportunity, Turalyon did not have any mood to talk about love.

"Don't die."

"Of course."

Alleria Windrunner is not a tremor, but when Turalyon talked to herself for the first time without flattering, she felt for the first time that it was not a child, but a man.

Sure enough, the charm of a man lies not in his looks, but in the weight he bears on his shoulders.

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