Astral Master, a legendary title, a brilliance that only belongs to Medivh.

It is true that if it is a simple evaluation of who is the strongest wizard ever in the world of Azeroth, Azshara, Queen of the Kaldorei during the [Light in the Light] period, and [Guardian] Aegwynn Medina are the only two candidates. By.

Today after Azshara fell into the deep sea, Aegwynn, before retiring as the guardian, is the strongest.

Even if Medivh inherited from his mother the ancient mana that had been passed down since the time of Alodi, the Guardian of the First Generation, and accepted the magic inheritance of the Council of Tirisfal for thousands of years, the last Guardian still had to admit it.

Your mother will always be your mother.

On the understanding and comprehension of magic, on the strength of combat power, Medivh is aggrieved. With such a mother with a crit and chopping, Medivh’s proud magical attainments are like that... Embarrassing, like a sand castle on the seashore.

Give birth to you once and resurrect you once, and Aegwynn has accomplished an unprecedented feat in the human world: your biological mother is your reborn parent.

However, with the rebirth of Medivh, an embarrassing thing appeared.

Medivh, the last guardian, will also become the weakest guardian ever.

To explain this problem, you must first tell a story to let everyone know what a guardian is.

After the human empire, Arathor and the high elves who had traveled across the ocean, concluded an alliance, the two sides jointly defeated the troll Amani Empire.

As part of the covenant, the high elves helped humans train one hundred magic apprentices.

Many years later, mankind has its own system of wizards.

When Dalaran, the capital of magic, was founded, the wizard encountered a serious problem --- the magic shock caused by frequent use of magic would make the space structure fragile, allowing the void demons to break through the barrier and enter Azeroth. world.

Therefore, the newborn Dalaran contacted his teacher, the high elf, when he was unable to solve the problem alone.

The high elves who have crossed the oceans have not forgotten the battle before Ten Thousand Years. The high elves who know the horror of the Burning Legion have responded to Dalaran's request.

Thus, the Tirisfal Council, an organization co-sponsored by humans and high elf mages, was founded.

The Tirisfal Council has only one duty-catch or obliterate all the invading demons, and maintain the stability of the world.

Ideals are full, reality is very skinny, not long after the formation of the Tirisfal Council, the wizards encountered a powerful and cunning enemy.

The dreadlord Kathanatiel.

Dreadlord is the universal transliteration of Nathrezim. It is exactly what the name suggests. Every Dreadlord is a master of manipulating people's hearts and creating fear.

Successive batches of crusade teams lost their tracks, arousing the high vigilance of the Tirisfal Council.

After paying a huge sacrifice and price, the Council of Tirisfal was still played in the palm of his hand by Cassana Tier.

The absolute disparity in strength caused Casanatier to play with the fragile hearts of the mages and draw strength from it.

Even relying on the Shadow Demon lurking in the gap of his mind, Cassanatyr found the secret headquarters of the Council of Tirisfal.

The powerful enemy arrived on the battlefield in 30 seconds, and the mages were helpless...

Thus, a bold idea was brought up.

If... I mean if we concentrate everyone's mana into one person, will... be able to defeat that demon.

At a moment of crisis when the building was about to fall, the archmages of the Tirisfal Council adopted this idea and put it into practice.

The mage who received the infusion, named Alodi, was half man and half elf.

Mana is to a mage like a commoner is to vitality.

Because of the immaturity of technology and the urgency of time, all the mages who participated in the perfusion operation died in extreme pain.

And this infusion is also pain for Alodi, not a gift.

More than half of the mana is spilled in the indoctrination link.

But even so, after gaining power, Alodi destroyed the body of the dreadlord Kazanatiel like a god descended to the world.

At this point, the guardian was born.

Generations of guardians have continuously improved the infusion ritual, and countless Tirisfal guards have relied on this ritual to give mana as an inheritance to the guardians before they die.

This is why the Guardian is so powerful.

Extraordinary knowledge and powerful magic power.

Relying on these two, the Guardians defend the peace of Azeroth.

However, Medivh was cheated by his mother before he was born.

As the most powerful guardian, Aegwynn Magna has guarded the world for 800 years.

After eight hundred years of battle, Aegwynn’s face has never grown old, but his magic power has improved day by day.

This guardian was already strong enough to make the Council of Tirisfal suspicious and fearful.

Therefore, the Council of Tirisfal asked Aegwynn to pass on his power to the next guardian.

Aegwynn was dissatisfied, but not angry.

She was dissatisfied with the Tirisfal Council's behavior like crossing a river and demolishing a bridge, so she severely humiliated the candidates provided by the Tirisfal Council.

But the role of the guardian made her obey the decision of the Council of Tirisfal.

So Aegwynn found Nelas Ellen, the chief royal mage of Stormwind at the time.

After a planned hooker, Medivh was born.

Aegwynn returned to the Tirisfal Council with the newborn Medivh, completed the guardian's inheritance ceremony, and transferred half of his mana to Medivh.

Clang clang clang~~~~

A new generation of guardians was born.

Yes, Medivh only inherited half his fucking mana.

The Guardian is like a venture capital for Tirisfal for a while. They transfer power into the Guardian's body. Once the Guardian does not transfer the power to the candidate before death, then this power will be Lost.

Then, Medivh, who was controlled by Sargeras' soul fragment, was stabbed to death by his good buddy Lothar and the apprentice Khadgar.

Maternal love may be late, but never absent.

The selfish behavior at the time became the biggest capital for resurrecting the son.

Aegwynn resurrected his son in Karazhan’s tower at the expense of the part of Medivh’s mana that she had in private possession.

Medivh, who was reborn, finally obtained the dual freedom of soul and body, and he was finally able to perform his duties as a guardian.

However, the embarrassing thing is that Medivh at this moment has less than one-fifth of his mother's Aegwynn's peak power.

Without power, how can you slay demons and punish evil?

At this moment, Medivh is still the archmage that mortals need to look up to, but only he knows that he has lost the strength to face the Burning Legion.

Simply, Elune will close a window for you, and will replenish the Moon God's Arrow.

Being eroded by Sargeras' soul fragments is not a useless thing.

The guardian is a hero in the shadows, and his duty is to find and hunt every demon.

So the indispensable skills for every guardian are foretelling and teleportation.

This allows the Guardian to shuttle across Azeroth and even another plane.

But this alone is not enough to explain Medivh’s speciality.

Not every guardian is called an astral mage. While Sargeras' soul fragments corroded Medivh, it also gave him a glimpse of the mystery of the twisting void.

Traveling through the stars is as easy as instinct for Medivh.

For Medivh, the plane barrier is like an unlocked door.

Because of this special experience, the doors of all worlds have been opened for the resurrected Medivh.

Going to the stars to gain power to save the world has become a top priority for Medivh.

The foretelling ability of the guardian is like a red ticking alarm urging Medivh, and the world will be doomed if he does not act.

So Medivh must leave.

On the tower of Karazhan, Medivh breathed the air of his hometown for the last time.

There are countless Medivh in different world lines.

However, when the reborn Guardian steps into the stars, all the world lines will be closed, so far there will only be one Medivh in the multiverse.

Leaving several clones in Karazhan watching the development and evolution of Azeroth, Medivh began to cast spells and opened the door to the stars.

There is no need to bother about the Dark Portal. As long as Chromie does not interfere, the development of the world will have its own determinism.

With this in mind, Medivh felt something and found Chromie who was peeping on the top of the distant mountain.

The Astral Mage was angry and funny, a non-destructive arcane missile struck Chromie's forehead across the barrier of space, smashing the little dwarf to the ground.

When Chromie rubbed his forehead and stood up, there was still Medivh on the tower of Karazhan.

"So holding a grudge, you deserve to have no girlfriend."

Chromie left cursingly.

There was some emotion in my heart.

In this world, another legend is missing.

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