Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 503: Now You Are the New King

The calm of the Dark Portal is unreasonable.

Carlos understands, Turalyon understands, every Union general who has no sarcoma in his head understands.

But the soldiers longed for peace, longed for rest, longed for no war ahead.

These veterans with their chests full of honor are still willing to give up their lives for the alliance, but the generals dare not really send them to die.

Therefore, on both sides of the Dark Portal, the alliance that has already mastered the situation chose tortoise shell defense.

Set up the parapet of the bunker to dig trenches and use the least force to defend.

The Tastingou mercenary group of trolls has penetrated into the Tanarian jungle to find a practical way forward for the Alliance.

After entrusting the task of defending the Dark Portal to Danas Trollbane and Khadgar, Carlos embarked on a return journey.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand.

After all, the rise of the orcs is too fast, the foundation is not strong, and the other races of Draenor are not good people, -kun no Gromsh. Hellscream is still smashing between Nagrand and the Goria Empire.

Kilrogg and his blood cave clan, as the snakes in the Tanarian jungle, gave up the defense of the Dark Portal on the side of Draenor. It seemed unreasonable, and even after thinking about it, it was not that difficult to understand.

I have done meritorious service for the tribe, I have shed blood for the orcs, big shaman, you can't do this to me!

It was nothing more than the silly between Kilrogg and Ner'zhul.

Draenor is an unfamiliar world to the Alliance. Relying only on the narration of the orcs captured by the sea and the sky, the Alliance army suddenly marches in. I am afraid that the loss of soldiers and generals is considered good, and the annihilation of the entire army may happen at any time.

So Carlos released the troll and kept the wizard.

In war, there is never a perfect preparation, but you have to be where you are and who is the enemy, right?

Preliminary investigation preparations are necessary.

Behind the old saying that the remaining courageously chasing the poor, there is also this one.

Fighting in the home of the orcs, the alliance is not easy.

Therefore, Carlos’s scheduled plan is to return to Lordaeron to participate in the Alliance’s Spoils-Sharing Conference, to conduct a proper operation, to reach a consensus with the interest alliance, to set the atmosphere first, to stir up public opinion, and then to carry out moral kidnapping and promotion. The war against Draenor.

If you want to add a deadline to this plan.

Then Carlos hopes it will be three months.

The replacement of troops, the adjustment of personnel, the preparation of materials, and the collection of intelligence.

Carlos didn't know how long the orcs had prepared for the invasion of Azeroth.

But the Alliance wants to counterattack Delano, and the current preparations are not enough.

Counterattack Draenor for revenge?

The slogan is nothing.

If it is unprofitable, what is the relationship between the life and death of the orcs and the human beings, and the rise and fall of the tribe will do the alliance bird matter.

Carlos has his own thoughts on Delano, but he will not put it above the entire human society.

There is a specialization in the art industry, even if Carlos has spells similar to the wizard's arcane vision, but staring at the Dark Portal for so long, he still looks dazed.

It's too illusory, it's not magic at all, the principle of the Dark Portal is unknown and the technology is unknown, except for the exclamation of Coooooooooooooooool, I don't know how this thing works at all.

When Medivh lay down, Carlos couldn't get the control orb of the Dark Portal from Ner'zhul.

Therefore, waiting for the mages to study the famous hall before proceeding with the knight king's Draenor adventure is obviously a mature and rational choice.

Yes, Carlos never considered the option of Kromi from the beginning.

For others, Chromie is a mysterious and powerful bronze dragon boss.

But Carlos stubbornly believes that these sisters are unreliable.

Let Khadgar handle it.

Carlos calculated it, and when he got out of Lordaeron's affairs, the preparatory work should be almost done.

Not to mention the incidents of pressing the Dark Portal, there are really many people returning with Carlos.

Including Turalyon, the homecoming regiment composed of a large number of senior generals kept talking and laughing along the way, and a large number of soldiers had to go back to their homes. These soldiers who have fought for the Alliance for several years should also breathe a sigh of relief.

Alleria stubbornly wanted to stay, but Carlos and Turalyon took turns to persuade her, and she figured it out. She was ready to return to Quel'Thalas to do work report, and by the way, she would fool some fans.

More than half of the generals at the top of the alliance left the front line and embarked on the road to return home.

At this time, even if it was Silvermoon City, even the great magister of the high elves, he did not dare to claim that his teleportation spells were 100% reliable. It was a joke that so many backbones of the alliance walked through the portal to return to Lordaeron.

Even if it is ninety-nine percent safe and reliable, there will be no people involved in an accident.

Counting the high cost, the large group of troops went all the way north along the passage when they came, and it was not spectacular.

After stopping for more than a month, finally arrived at Ironforge. Guy's Union army was treated with warmth by the Bronzebeard dwarves.

The residents of Ironforge, who had basically resumed production and life, warmly treated the heroes with barbecue and beer.

The banquet lasted a whole week.

Just when everyone was saying goodbye, a news came, breaking the festive atmosphere.

"The tribe is making a comeback."

The trolls of Tustingo are indeed more adapted to jungle warfare than humans, which is incomparable to even the rangers of the high elves.

To be honest, the exaggerated physical ability of the troll makes many snakes, ant venomous insects, which are fatal to humans and even high elves, become snacks in front of the trolls.

These moss trolls who have returned to civilized society are equipped with sophisticated armor, reliable weapons, and sufficient supplies.

Within a month, he had completed a one-hundred-mile terrain survey around the Dark Portal in Draenor, which was extremely efficient.

During the period, the trolls encountered orc scouts of the Blood Cave clan more than once, and both sides suffered casualties.

After Gottajin raided a small orc stronghold, he seized an important piece of information, did not dare to delay, and quickly reported it to Danath Trollbane.

Danas Trollbane immediately organized a capable reconnaissance force to cooperate with the troll to confirm.

Now, the intelligence supported by sufficient evidence has been confirmed.

The orcs did not give up on the Dark Portal.

Kilrogg and Ner'zhul did not abandon themselves.

Orcs, or tribes, have conquered several ogre clans in the past few months when the Alliance has been studying the Dark Portal, and formed an army of ogres as their main force. This army of ogres is moving towards the dark The door opens.


After learning this information, Magni was a little confused.

After all, in Orgrim's time, in the orc tribe that ravaged Azeroth, the ogres were just slaves, death squads, easy-to-use cranes and porters, and they were scarce in number.

However, the war has been going on for so many years, and the orcs who stayed in Draenor are not idle. The ogres who once used the orcs as slaves have been defeated by the tribe's counterattack.

"How many are there?"

Turalyon asked Carlos after reading the brief information carefully.

"I don't know more than you. But if the information is correct, the number will be... all over the mountains."

Carlos couldn't help squeezing the bridge of his nose.

"Everyone, we may not be able to go back for the time being."

Carlos sighed.

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