Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 513 Over the mountains, over the plains, over the rushing Yellow River and Yangtze River

A certain son once said: "Every time comes with the same power, it is difficult to transport to the hero."

Carlos has a deeper understanding of this sentence.

That is like walking on thin ice like sitting on pins and needles.

Following the traces of the orcs, the scouts of the alliance easily found the camp of the orcs.

Assaulting the camp of the orcs, Carlos found the plan on the command table of the tribe.

After reading the plan of the orcs, the agents found evidence of the presence of demons based on clues.

Everything went so well, so smooth that there is a false illusion.

Carlos couldn't help but fall into [Who is it? This is an illusion! What are you hiding? 】The philosophical abyss.

But it's like sung in the song.

When setting foot on the world, the peak is always to be climbed, and the green shirt is stained with green blood.

Looking at the changes with a smile, it is a flaw, and it will fix the situation.

Even if it was a trap set by the orcs, Carlos was ready to break into it.

According to the description in the plan of the orcs, the orcs play more roles as construction workers and raw materials in the summoning ceremony...

A big orc man asked the orcs in the camp to capture more "sacrifices" in order to save more orcs' lives.

The summoning ceremony was carried out on the top of the mountains, the climbing road was winding and winding, and the demons "Tai-kun" personally patrolled the camp. The entire camp was easy to defend and difficult to attack. The plan gave a clear road map.

After careful study, Carlos felt that his IQ was insulted.

So after careful deployment, a small-scale annihilation battle was launched and an orc fortress with a size of two thousand people was wiped out in one fell swoop.

As a result, Carlos found that he was really insulted by the orcs' IQ.

The plan is actually true.

More than three thousand prisoners of various races were held in the orc fortress.

Ogres, arakkoa, tigers, humans... and the orcs themselves.

The torture and torture of the jailers had destroyed their minds, and the rescued Union soldiers either became demented or wailed and begged their comrades to kill themselves.

With full of anger, Carlos personally searched the fortress dungeon, and finally found the hidden demon.

This method of destroying personality and will is not the style of an orc. The thin fel energy and shadow aura on the captive stimulated the Holy Light in Carlos to react.

After finding the secret door hidden by magic, Carlos rushed in with an axe.

Carlos didn't have much experience in dealing with the demon of the Legion, and he was not sure whether the sword could effectively kill those monsters, or whether a heavy weapon such as the two-handed axe was a reliable weapon for the first sight.

Behind the secret gate is a meandering passage, and deep in the passage is a spacious underground cave.

However, in fact, Carlos underestimated his own strength, two succubus, five insect whisperers, an inquisitor, and three hell hounds.

The demons didn't want to help the orcs at all. The judge really tried to open a portal to escape, but Carlos smashed it through.

The huge gap in individual strength, and the special combat method of the Paladin, under Carlos's big axe, there is no one enemy.

The hard skin of the Hellhound was as crisp as thin paper in front of the axe blessed by the Holy Light. The charm of the succubus could not penetrate Carlos' barrier of will. When the insect whisperer saw Carlos kill him, his first reaction was to flee and judge. The officer wanted to clean up the humans in front of him while maintaining the reading of the teleport spell, so he played a big game.

When Alleria followed Carlos's guards and squeezed in, he saw Carlos pinching an ugly demon's neck and rubbing it on the ground.

"Mortal, do you know what you are facing!"

Click, Carlos directly used the pointed counterweight at the bottom of the axe handle to pierce the suspected joint of the judge's elbow, interrupting the demon's clamor.

"Devil, you are in big trouble."

Adjusting the position of the axe handle in his hand, Carlos directly removed the two arms of the demon.

"Stupid mortal, the great Burning Legion warrior will surely be reborn in the ashes. Your injury can't kill me."

"I've heard that the beholder is a broken mouth, but I didn't expect your judges to talk so much nonsense."

Carlos strangled the devil's neck, and the power of the holy light impacted the devil's body along the master's arm. When the inquisitor's fel shield expired, wailing sounded.

"Stop, I can give you everything you want, stop! Power, knowledge, power! What do you want? Stop!!!"

"I want your life."

After speaking, Carlos released his hand.

"Alleria, Khadgar, who of you has the means to confine your soul?"

The topic was too abrupt, and everyone present was stunned.

In the embarrassment of looking at me and seeing you, Alleria took off the earring on her left ear and handed it to Carlos.

"This was originally for..."

The far-fetched explanation caused others to look at Alleria with strange eyes, and Carlos found that he was stupid.

But now is not the time to care about these.

Putting Alleria's earrings on the demon's forehead, Carlos destroyed its form, and a streamer was swished into the gems in the earrings.

"Should we not torture them?"

Khadgar asked in an awkward and stern tone.

"Torture, these guys are enough."

Carlos pointed to the Worm Whisperer who flinched against the wall.

"You seem to know these guys well?"

Khadgar asked with some confusion.

"Your Excellency, you should read more books. The Barov family is one of the patrons."

Khadgar understood Carlos's vague explanation, and he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Because of Karazhan's achievements, Khadgar is now one of the members of the Dalaran Council of Six, and is naturally qualified to know the secrets of the Council of Tirisfal.

But the young archmage has not had time to read those books.

So it was passed by Carlos.

Order the guards to restrain the Worm Whisperer and rush to the empty cave, only Carlos, Turalyan, and Alleria are left.

"What do you want to do now?"

Alleria took the handed earrings, thought for a while, and handed them to Khadgar.

"Carlos, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have spoken to you like that before your hand, but something is wrong with you."

Khadgar explained.

"Yes, I know, I know I am a little impatient. But Khadgar, we are facing the Burning Legion."

Carlos let go of his axe and rubbed his face.

"Devils are also divided into different levels. Just now I finally killed the obviously high-level demon, and letting its soul come out of its body, it is likely to expose our plan, but if we don't kill it, we don't have better restraint methods. So..."

"So what?"

"So I still think the orcs' plan is a trap. Even if this raid is very successful and the results of the operation prove the authenticity of the plan, I still think it is a trap. I don't want to fight according to that plan."



After Alleria and Khadgar listened, they thought in silence.

"Kadgar, do you have a way to track this teleportation spell?"

Carlos asked suddenly.

"Huh? Let me try."

Khadgar was stunned for a moment, understood what Carlos meant, and simply tried it.

"It should be possible. The devil's technique is not clever. It is a very simple positioning-unicom-feedback template. It is not difficult to calculate with the trigonometric formula."

The schoolmaster Khadgar quickly completed the calculation of the spell model, demonstrating his superb accomplishments in space teleporting spells.

"I calculated the coordinates of the teleportation. Well, it's roughly the same as the location of the demon ceremonial site in the plan we seized, but it's slightly off."

"Can you open a stable portal?"

Carlos asked excitedly.

"No, there is no ground node. I can only send a few people with my strength. If you want to send an army, you can't do it."

Khadgar thought for a moment, then shook his head regretfully.

After all, he is not yet the three-cultivation master in the future, and Carlos can't blame anything.

So, after a circle, the question returned to the suspicious orc plan.

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