Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 514 Final Invitation Letter

Faye is always a pro-son, parenthesis, in various senses.

Relying on the captured orc plan, the Union soldiers smashed two hidden rune stones in two ways, and the mysterious ceremonial field surrounded by clouds and mist finally revealed its true appearance.

Including Khadgar, a total of six archmages and magisters each used their ability to detect magic in actual combat to survey the scene of the summoning ceremony.

The result is not optimistic.

Just as Turalyon used his overwhelming strength to beat the ogre, the formed demon legion guarded the ritual site for the summoning ceremony, forming a huge crushing advantage over Carlos and others.

The winding mountain roads are completely unable to make Carlos deploy his forces. The demon guards, who are more powerful than the orcs, don’t know how much the flesh and blood of Lordaeron’s good men will be devoured. Even in terms of the number of spellcasters, humans and elves are at a desperate disadvantage. .

Strong attack can only kill itself.

"Perhaps, we can consider leaving, destroy the Dark Portal, and go home."

Khadgar accompanied Carlos to study the map for two days, and couldn't help but persuade him.

In Khadgar's eyes, Carlos has turned into a dead end.

When manpower is poor, there is no need to catch the already harvested victory for the so-called "perfect ending".

In terms of strategic objectives, the alliance was barely achieved.

The counterattack on Draenor is to completely crush the possibility of the orc tribe's comeback.

Although it has not been able to severely damage the orcs and destroy their basis of war, destroying the Dark Portal is also sufficient to achieve the goal.

Carlos didn't want to correct other people's thoughts one by one, because he was not the man standing at the top of the mage, and he didn't explain how he knew that the Dark Portal could be opened again even after it was closed.

But he did not pretend to be so pretentious that he would betray his relatives for the sake of "justice."

"Have you made a plan to close the Dark Portal?"

Carlos squeezed the bridge of his nose, closed his eyes and moistened his dry eyes, and finally put down the pencil in his hand trembling.

"The principle analysis has been completed, and the specific implementation should refer to the opinions of the Magister of Silvermoon City."

"Well, about how much time is left."

How much time is left, not how much time is left.

Khadgar couldn't help sighing, he was not reconciled.

"Fifteen days if it's fast, and a month if it's slow. The Dark Portal looks like a stone door, but it's hard to say. The power that connects the two worlds itself also protects the Dark Portal. Those who suggest you use explosives You’d better ignore the idiots who blow up the Dark Portal. You’d better ignore their nonsense. The magic problem should be solved by the mage, you know..."

"What is your solution?"

Carlos understood that Khadgar was caring about himself and tried to divert his attention from the map.


Mage is not a comforting profession, except for the first sentence, Khadgar is all nonsense.

"Arrange turbulence generators on both sides of the Dark Portal at the same time, using the magical turbulence effect to simultaneously squeeze the space-time channel from both ends, causing the channel to break and collapse from the inside."

"What about the harm?"

Although Carlos has a family history, the cutting-edge theory of magical turbulence is still at a level where he can understand and cannot understand. It is better than the outsider and incomparable to the insider.

Although it can usually effectively deter domestic court mages who cheat funds and Dalaran who feel good about themselves, they still dare not pretend to be experts if they are really implemented.

"Hazard? What hazard?"

Khadgar looked blank, not understanding what Carlos was talking about.


Carlos saw confusion, confusion, sincerity, and bewilderment on Khadgar's face, but he didn't see tension.

Play the egg! ! !

In history, the Dark Portal exploded, abruptly exploding two-thirds of the dark swamp into a cursed place, Khadgar and the big men of Silvermoon City did not consider the issue of damage radius.

Is it because Carlos wants to go so far, or is your mage high in martial arts?

After thinking about it with extreme fear, Carlos couldn't help sweating from behind and shuddered.

"We use physics...cough cough, I mean magical means to forcibly close the dark gate, will it explode?"

Carlos worded carefully.

"Will your door explode?"

Khadgar had a look on Watt's words.

Carlos almost suffocated his internal injury with a mouthful of old blood.

"I mean, the Dark Portal is a masterpiece of magic after all, and magic is full of danger... uh, uncertainty. If, I mean, what if the Dark Portal explodes because of my own problems. It has nothing to do with your mages. I absolutely trust your professionalism, I mean what if it blows up on its own?"

"Then blow it up, let's stay away."

Khadgar shrugged his shoulders relaxedly, put his hands together, and pressed his lips together to match his old face. A full-fledged old man chatting with a young man, with scissors hands and red makeup.

Carlos was speechless again, looking up at the sky.

Fortunately, I asked a lot, otherwise I am afraid that I will be ruined by my teammate Guy...

"In short, I trouble you to do a risk assessment. After all, it's about the comfort of tens of thousands of people. You can estimate the upper limit of the damage on the premise that the dark door will explode during the closing process."

"Well, what you said makes sense, I will go now. Carlos, don't think about it so much, you need to rest."

"Okay, I will pay attention."

Just when Carlos had made up his mind to wait for Turalyon's side to retreat and return to Azeroth, an unexpected villain came to the door.

"Didn't you go back?"

Carlos looked at Chromie who was lying on his bed reading a novel, and he deeply realized what it means to be annoying dragons.

"The old saying is good, the plan has not changed quickly. Me, Chromie, I'm back again."




Blink your eyes~~~


"Don't you want to say something and ask something?"

"In no mood."

"Young man, don't be resistant, it's bad for your health."

"Respecting the old and loving the young is the fine tradition of the Alliance. If you are interested in this room, I can let it go to you."

With that, Carlos turned around to leave.

"and many more!"

Carlos did not waver, his steps were as firm as his eyes.

"I went to the position of the Burning Legion."

Carlos stopped with his back to Chromie.

"You have helped me a lot by destroying the two hidden rune stones, allowing me to use some relatively safe means to sneak around."

Carlos just stood there without turning around or talking.

"But the problem is that there is a third stone of that kind, and the fog is still covering the scene of the summoning ceremony. I still can't really see some things."

"so what?"

Carlos still didn't turn around, but couldn't help but answer.

"Perhaps the situation is not as bad as we expected."

Chromie changed from a prone position to a sitting posture, and the creak of the bed board came into Carlos's ears, making him think about Chromie's weight.

"Speak straight."

"The summoning ceremony did not go smoothly. According to the results of my observations, the level of space rifts is not enough for a big guy like Archimonde to come over. Um... a figurative metaphor, the space of the ceremonial hall. The crack is about the length of Archimonde's knee."

"Don't overestimate my patience."

Although Carlos was very interested in the information provided by Chromie, he was not taken in. In essence, Chromie answered the question.

"Okay, okay, what an anxious young man."

Chromie crunched on the bed and seemed to stand up. Carlos suddenly remembered that she was wearing boots...

"The situation is that if the third hidden runestone is destroyed, I can thoroughly observe the truth hidden by the Burning Legion, which is of great significance to Azeroth."

Carlos went straight to the door without saying a word.

"Then I will help you find Naaru!"

Discovering that Carlos didn't have the blood of the young man, Chromie finally compromised.

Carlos stood still again.

"I know you want to contact the draenei, and I guess you want to see Naaru. I can help you. On your own, this will take at least a year and a half. But if I help, you two You can finish what you want within a month. How about, this deal is not bad. I can fly."

Carlos turned abruptly and pointed his hands at Chromie in a pistol-like manner.

"I turned around for you!"


Chromie looked dumbfounded.

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