Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 524: I, Kui Liangkui, Improper as God of War for Many Years

The roaring thunder, the roaring raging flames, the mountains collapsed and the waves rushed into the sky.

This is the power of the Demon God, this is the arrogance of Archimonde.

When I came, the fate of this world was doomed to destruction.

When I stare, mortals go crazy and fear, and death cannot help you escape.

Although behind all this was Ner'zhul's fuel, it was Kil'jaeden's conspiracy.

But the Dark Portal, the alliance camp, tens of thousands of pairs of eyeshadows looked at the chaotic clouds in the north, feeling the tremors of the earth, and panic spreading.

"Where is Carlos? Where is Chromie? What about the others? What happened?"

Turalyon poured out the holy light to try to save the warrior's life, but his riddled body was corrupted too thoroughly by the evil energy.

"The king said...the king said...said..."

"What did Carlos say?"

"Run, run away."

"Where is the Carlos? Answer me, how about the others?"

"Turalyon, calm down, calm down, he is dead."

After Khadgar finished speaking, he immediately realized that he had said something wrong.

"I mean this poor fellow in your hand, he is dead."

"There is one more, we must save him, we must know what happened!"

The two guys who suddenly appeared in the camp were both members who set off with Carlos, and then there was a vision of heaven and earth.

Something happened, but the league didn't know what happened.

This situation is very bad.

Those who were able to speak couldn't save them, and fell into a deep coma if they were better off.

Run away, run away, what terrible thing has happened, you want to run away.

Even if it is true, Carlos said this, do you want the accompanying personnel to flee, or do you want the Alliance to retreat through their pretext?

Insufficient intelligence, relying on brain to supplement, Turalyon is one of the first two big.

It's a pity that Carlos has no room to consider Turalyon's feelings, because at this moment, he understands what is embarrassing in capitalization.

In the sea of ​​stars, there is a semi-plane space away from the dust, sun, sand, waves, cacti, and an old hooligan.

Medivh was working hard on the blanket using the doggie style, without knowing that there were more spectators evading the ticket.


I say……


Will be killed...

Carlos's brain was in chaos at the moment.

A moment ago, he was in a bloody battle with Archimonde on Hacksaw Ridge, playing the trick of a superhero who always escaped from birth at the last second, and then suddenly crossed from the B-level film scene to the A-film scene in the next second.

My mind is a bit messy, and I'm not at home on a business trip quietly, who should I miss? Wait online, anxious.

"thank you."

Medivh spoke suddenly.

"You're welcome."

Carlos took the conversation casually.

"Even if it is an old man, being frightened at this time will create a psychological shadow."

While explaining, Medivh accelerated the sprint, and then in the long groan of "Uh~~~~~~~~~~", the astral mage lifted his pants and snapped his fingers. The style of painting changed, and Carlos had already Place yourself in the magnificent living room.

"Excuse me, what happened?"

At this time, Carlos has not awakened from the dizziness caused by the impact of the worldview, and his IQ is offline.

"Interesting, really interesting. It looks like you know who I am, but I have no impression of you. However, for the sake of your coming from Azeroth, I think you are a friend. Wine, let’s have a drink."

Medivh snapped his fingers again, and the magic tableware moved by itself, and the goblet filled with good wine flew to Carlos's hand.

Drinking wine, Carlos repeatedly pursued the memory of disconnection in the conscious world, and his true feelings were transmitted through the five senses.

This is not an illusion...

I am not dreaming, and I have no soul out of my body.

"Kromi!!!!!! My sweetheart~~~~~~~~"

In the mournful wailing, Carlos returned to his soul.

"Oh (one, two, three, four tones fade)."

Medivh suddenly showed a playful smile on his face.

"It seems that you are also a person with a story. So, can you introduce yourself, strange visitor."

"My last name is Ka, Ka Aotian's card..."

Carlos suddenly punched himself in the face, still confused.

"Honorable Guardian, I am Carlos Barov, the King of Alterac, the Grand Marshal of the Alliance, and a pious Paladin."

"Guardian, how many years have not heard this name... Do you know me? Hey, I also asked a silly question, Carlos Barov, the Barov family has always been a supporter of the Tirisfal Council It’s not strange that you have seen my portrait."

Medivh laughed mockingly, then took a sip, then put away his smile, and asked solemnly in a slow tone.

"Then, honorable guest, can you answer me a question truthfully?"

"Excuse me."

Carlos straightened his body.

"How is Azeroth now."


Carlos didn't know where to start, and didn't even understand what Medivh's question meant.

"Okay, let's change the question. Neltharion... is the king of the black dragon, okay?"

"He was pursued and killed by Ysera, Alexstrasza, and Malygos, and finally fell into the sea. He did not know his life or death, and his whereabouts were unknown."

"That's it."

When Medivh asked questions, his attention was always on Carlos's face, and there was a feeling that he didn't really care about the answer to the question.

"So honorable guest, would you like to tell your story for me, a bad old man?"

"I'm so stupid, really..."

Feeling sad, Carlos began to talk about his own experience.

"Hahahahahahahaha, the dragon hates Chromie, hahahahahahahahaha."

After listening to Carlos's account, Medivh laughed unscrupulously in a very happy mood.

Amidst the deafening laughter, Carlos discovered that he was so unsuspecting against a "stranger", it was almost a kind of intimacy on a psychologically suggestive level.

With cold sweat all over his back, Carlos was a little afraid.

This guy who looked like Medivh was so outrageous under the calm appearance.

"I think I know the reason."

"Uh, uh, huh?"

"Didn't you just say that Archimonde finally used a mental attack on you?"


"So, in the same way, Chromie also suffered from Archimonde's mental attack. And obviously, when you got rid of the evil thoughts, she was still struggling to fight."

"It seems... so."

Carlos recalled the performance of Chromie at that time, it seemed that the same thing.

"And why you are here with me, I probably also know the reason."

"Please enlighten me."

Carlos stood up respectfully and bowed.

"You are almost dead."

Medivh used intimidation as a starter.

"At that time, Chromie's will was fighting against Archimonde's evil thoughts. You asked her to help you use teleportation items. Archimonde should try to manipulate Chromie to teleport you to the Twisting Void and to it. You. Destroyed Archimonde's plan, but almost sent himself in front of it. Don't doubt, the Defiler definitely has such strength."

After hearing this, Carlos's back tingled.

"As far as Chromie's magical attainments are concerned, there is no spare capacity to help you calculate the coordinates during the conscious struggle. So she instinctively used the ready-made ones. I left them on her back then."

Carlos understood every word that Medivh said, but couldn't understand what the combination of these words meant.

"Simply put, you were trapped by her and saved by her."

"Then should I say thank you to her?"

Carlos's resentment was about to flow out like substance.

"That's not necessary. Let's be honest. The question now is how do you get back."

"Um, a star realm mage like your Excellency, is it not easy to send me back?"

Carlos had a bad feeling.

"It's so difficult."

Medivh shrugged regretfully.

"I have been excluded from the Great Enchantment of Azeroth."

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