"I can't answer your question. But I can give you some inspiration from another angle. Knowledge is power."

Facing the astral mage Medivh, he will be struck by lightning if he doesn't communicate and discuss.

So Carlos asked himself the most perplexing question at present-what is the nature of power.

It's not that he has read a few knight novels or the pretense of the Xiu Xian Liu Hu sect in his last life, Carlos has literally encountered a bottleneck and touched the glass ceiling.

What is the nature of power? Without solving this confusion, Alterac's knight king can only be a mortal king, a big ant on a chessboard.

Carlos felt that he was the fly in the legendary glass bottle, and his future was bright, but he could not find a way out.

Analyzing himself carefully, Carlos is very clear about the "power" in his hands.

For a long time, the tough body that has been unremittingly exercised, the superb martial arts that have been achieved through the struggle of life and death, the world outlook and the values ​​of life that have been formed over the past 50 years, and the power of the holy light.

Carlos worked so hard in this life that he stood at the pinnacle of human force before the age of thirty.

According to conscience, in this era, Carlos is already the first person in Lordaeron to single out. Even the former teacher Saidan Dathrohan has not been able to suppress the former students technically, with a younger and stronger body. Los is confident to behead Saidan Dathrohan within three moves.


Although Carlos thinks he is inferior to Uther in terms of the storage capacity of the Holy Light, Carlos is not aimed at anyone in terms of the use of the Holy Light. Everyone in the Silver Hand is spicy chicken.

At least when Carlos was considering discussing life with Naaru, none of the other First Generation Paladins had even been able to fully recreate Carlos' moves.

The gap is so great that Carlos can't even get inspiration from communicating with them.

The gap is too big, and such a powerful king Carlos is still breathless under the pressure of extraordinary creatures.

Take Chromie, in all fairness, Carlos knows that he is not the opponent of Chromie in his heyday.

Not to mention the few dragon kings, and even more feared Archimonde.

In the battle of the ceremonial hall, Carlos did not beat Archimonde as much as Carlos escaped from Archimonde.

To be clear, Archimonde is overwhelming Delano across a void, with a physical distance of tens of billions of light years in the middle, the time span of thousands of Ten Thousand Years, and the difference in several dimensions. .

To put it plainly, Archimonde beat Carlos along the network cable, and repaired the router that was always disconnected.

Extraordinary boss, terrible.

If he wants to be a rich man, Carlos can enjoy the rest of his life safely.

But to pursue something, Carlos must break through that shackle.

This is also a starting point for Carlos to go to Delano.

People who were bewildered by the image of the good old man of Velen would not notice. Standing in front of them was an old monster of several thousand years old, a former strongest warlock who had sealed his shadow power, and a true powerhouse.

And such a strong man has chosen the path of the holy light, which has been able to explain many problems.

However, if the mulberry and elm harvested by the East are lost, Vinylon is strong, Naaru is IMBA, and Medivh is not bad.

The Medivh in front of him was not the puppet who was stabbed to death in Azeroth.

The Astral Master in front of you is already the old hooligan who is rampant in the multiverse!

In human terms, Medivh has regained his strength and is more powerful than ever.

"Knowledge is power. You will not be unfamiliar with this sentence. The mage in Dalaran often talks about it. But I am not going to tell you some old-fashioned tunes, but to tell you the hidden meaning behind this sentence."

Medivh touched his mustache, paused for a moment, and then continued.

"Knowledge is power, but power is not knowledge itself. It is useless to study hard, and knowledge is also useless without the powerful strength of the user itself."

Medivh paused again, observing Carlos and giving him time to think.

"Without the Holy Light, is your Master's method of using the Holy Light useful?"


"Can you deny that your Master's use of light is knowledge?"

"can not."

"So there is nothing wrong with the path you chose! Naaru, Naaru is your way forward."


"But you are still wrong."


"What you need is not Naaru's knowledge, but Naaru itself."

Shocked, without a heavy hammer, Carlos understood what Medivh meant, and he had fallen into a misunderstanding of thinking before.

As the ultimate holy light creatures, Naaru is not strong in their perception of the holy light and their affinity for the holy light, but they are the holy light themselves.

Their existence is a reminder in itself, pointing out the way forward for other users of the Holy Light.


Carlos asked in a trembling tone.

"Yes, I am no longer a pure human, not a long-standing habit, so I maintain the appearance of a human."

The conversation between smart people and the elder's guidance to the back, Carlos fell into a long silence after getting a clear answer.

Carlos actually had a subconscious cognition of the answer for a long time, but he was unwilling to think deeply, and Medivh pierced this beautiful soap bubble.

That is the perception of "people".

Carlos is terrified of "non-human" deep down.

Don’t have too many Titan relics in Azeroth, the ancient blood of the Thunder Heart, and even the Origin Forge. It’s really not difficult to get "power".

But taking shortcuts and relying on foreign objects, am I still me?

Will it be my "power" or my "thinking" that will govern the will at that time?

However, after going around, Medivh pierced the question deliberately avoided by Carlos in a few words.

"It can be seen that you are a patriot and are fighting desperately for the future of Azeroth. So I don't mind giving you the greatest help within my ability."

Medivh picked up the wine glass and got up and left the main seat. He walked to the seat near Carlos and sat down. The probe continued in a low voice.

"This world is full of all kinds of dangers. Azeroth is facing endless threats. The Burning Legion will die. My heart will not die. The ancient gods will die but not stiff. The conspiracy continues. However, I have the intention to kill the enemy and the powerless Revolving Heaven, and I stay in Karazhan. A few clones are the limit I can do."

Carlos subconsciously clinked glasses with Medivh and had a drink.

"But the sky is not dead, I Azeroth, Elune sent you to me."

Carlos raised his head and stared at Medivh with his eyes on a magic stick.

Sorry, forgot, you are a magic stick.

"I have an idea, would you like to listen to it?"

Medivh whispered bewitched.

"Can you arrange a bed for me, I'm so tired."

Carlos smiled naively.

What's the difference between this TMD "have you heard of Amway?" I believe in your evil.

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